Best 250 Bosmer Names (With Meaning)

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The Bosmer, known for their nimble agility, love for nature, and hunting prowess, are a fascinating and enigmatic race within the world of Elder Scrolls.

With their unique culture and history, it is no surprise that their names are equally intriguing and varied. In this article, we have curated the best 250 Bosmer names, each with its own meaning and significance.

From names that reference their shapeshifting abilities, to names that speak to their love for archery, hunting, and the natural world, this list is sure to inspire and fascinate fans of the Bosmer race.

So whether you’re a dedicated Elder Scrolls player, or just looking for a unique and meaningful name for your next RPG character, this list of Bosmer names is sure to satisfy your curiosity and imagination.

Male Bosmer Names

  1. Aelwyn – means “fair brow” in Bosmeri
  2. Athelran – means “woodland king” in Bosmeri
  3. Brythar – means “swift hunter” in Bosmeri
  4. Caius – means “rejoice” in Imperial
  5. Calanon – means “swift hawk” in Bosmeri
  6. Eryndor – means “woodland wanderer” in Bosmeri
  7. Faelion – means “green leaf” in Bosmeri
  8. Finten – means “swift runner” in Bosmeri
  9. Galion – means “little one” in Bosmeri
  10. Halindor – means “hunter of the sky” in Bosmeri
  11. Haldoril – means “lover of the forest” in Bosmeri
  12. Imiril – means “protector of the trees” in Bosmeri
  13. Keldor – means “swift river” in Bosmeri
  14. Kyrinthalion – means “swift arrow” in Bosmeri
  15. Larethor – means “guardian of the woods” in Bosmeri
  16. Lithnilian – means “seeker of the green” in Bosmeri
  17. Myrilandel – means “song of the forest” in Bosmeri
  18. Nacor – means “dancing wind” in Bosmeri
  19. Nelethor – means “protector of the green” in Bosmeri
  20. Ondolemar – means “keeper of the forest” in Bosmeri
  21. Quarien – means “the one who hides” in Bosmeri
  22. Relindor – means “protector of the woodlands” in Bosmeri
  23. Thilron – means “swift runner” in Bosmeri
  24. Urdalor – means “protector of the trees” in Bosmeri
  25. Valtieri – means “bringer of peace” in Imperial

Female Bosmer Names

  1. Aerineth – means “graceful leaf” in Bosmeri
  2. Arwynne – means “noble maiden” in Bosmeri
  3. Beraneth – means “she who protects” in Bosmeri
  4. Cendriane – means “daughter of the forest” in Bosmeri
  5. Elwyndia – means “enchanting beauty” in Bosmeri
  6. Eridiel – means “daughter of the woods” in Bosmeri
  7. Faelivrin – means “green star” in Bosmeri
  8. Galadrielle – means “maiden of the trees” in Bosmeri
  9. Halindria – means “sky hunter” in Bosmeri
  10. Ilmare – means “water lily” in Bosmeri
  11. Kethwyn – means “swift arrow” in Bosmeri
  12. Lirinwen – means “maiden of the sea” in Bosmeri
  13. Lyraeneth – means “song of the woods” in Bosmeri
  14. Maeniel – means “fair spirit” in Bosmeri
  15. Nalithien – means “woodland flower” in Bosmeri
  16. Ondolirwen – means “keeper of the woodlands” in Bosmeri
  17. Quelendriel – means “the one who sings” in Bosmeri
  18. Rhiannon – means “maiden” in Welsh
  19. Silinde – means “daughter of the forest” in Bosmeri
  20. Tathariel – means “queen of the forest” in Bosmeri
  21. Thalara – means “wild one” in Bosmeri
  22. Undriel – means “protector of the trees” in Bosmeri
  23. Vindoril – means “defender of the green” in Bosmeri
  24. Yliria – means “daughter of the sun” in Bosmeri
  25. Zephyria – means “daughter of the wind” in Bosmeri

Bosmer Names That Reference Their Size

  1. Anderil – means “little one” in Bosmeri
  2. Belvyn – means “small and fair” in Bosmeri
  3. Caelen – means “little warrior” in Bosmeri
  4. Calithil – means “small and swift” in Bosmeri
  5. Drelaur – means “little dragon” in Bosmeri
  6. Eilwynn – means “small and fair” in Bosmeri
  7. Felwyn – means “small and lucky” in Bosmeri
  8. Galadriel – means “little lady” in Sindarin (Elvish)
  9. Haldiriel – means “little hunter” in Bosmeri
  10. Ildryn – means “small flame” in Bosmeri
  11. Jaldor – means “little river” in Bosmeri
  12. Kelril – means “little river” in Bosmeri
  13. Lirien – means “little sea” in Bosmeri
  14. Melriel – means “little friend” in Bosmeri
  15. Nelwyn – means “little flower” in Bosmeri
  16. Ondolin – means “little wanderer” in Bosmeri
  17. Pellior – means “little one” in Bosmeri
  18. Quendolyn – means “little singer” in Bosmeri
  19. Relvyn – means “little leaf” in Bosmeri
  20. Seldor – means “little tree” in Bosmeri
  21. Talindor – means “little prince” in Bosmeri
  22. Undolyn – means “little defender” in Bosmeri
  23. Veldor – means “little protector” in Bosmeri
  24. Welwyn – means “little warrior” in Bosmeri
  25. Yllwyn – means “little sun” in Bosmeri

Bosmer Names That Reference Their Archery

  1. Andriel – means “swift arrow” in Bosmeri
  2. Arathriel – means “bow of the forest” in Bosmeri
  3. Calethil – means “swift bow” in Bosmeri
  4. Deldryn – means “deadly aim” in Bosmeri
  5. Elrondor – means “star archer” in Bosmeri
  6. Faenor – means “flame arrow” in Sindarin (Elvish)
  7. Galathil – means “swift and deadly” in Bosmeri
  8. Haldril – means “hunter’s bow” in Bosmeri
  9. Iriel – means “bow of gold” in Bosmeri
  10. Jorildor – means “sharpshooter” in Bosmeri
  11. Kethlin – means “arrow of the sky” in Bosmeri
  12. Lirael – means “arrow of the sea” in Bosmeri
  13. Meluin – means “swift arrow” in Bosmeri
  14. Nelwen – means “arrow of the flower” in Bosmeri
  15. Ondolineth – means “bow of the wanderer” in Bosmeri
  16. Pelliel – means “arrow of the little one” in Bosmeri
  17. Quendriel – means “bow of the singer” in Bosmeri
  18. Ralathiel – means “lethal bow” in Bosmeri
  19. Seldoril – means “bow of the tree” in Bosmeri
  20. Tathalith – means “queen’s bow” in Bosmeri
  21. Undoriel – means “bow of the defender” in Bosmeri
  22. Veldrion – means “arrow of the protector” in Bosmeri
  23. Welridan – means “bow of the warrior” in Bosmeri
  24. Xildor – means “silent bow” in Bosmeri
  25. Ylithen – means “arrow of the sun” in Bosmeri

Bosmer Names That Reference Their Stealth Abilities

  1. Aelir – means “silent hunter” in Bosmeri
  2. Aethalyn – means “shadow dancer” in Bosmeri
  3. Beldorin – means “silent blade” in Bosmeri
  4. Caleniel – means “leaf of shadow” in Bosmeri
  5. Drelithil – means “shadow dragon” in Bosmeri
  6. Eilrin – means “silent warrior” in Bosmeri
  7. Felrin – means “stealthy friend” in Bosmeri
  8. Galadriel – means “mistress of stealth” in Sindarin (Elvish)
  9. Halathil – means “shadow hunter” in Bosmeri
  10. Ildrel – means “shadow flame” in Bosmeri
  11. Jaldorin – means “shadow river” in Bosmeri
  12. Kelvyn – means “silent river” in Bosmeri
  13. Lirieneth – means “shadow of the sea” in Bosmeri
  14. Melriel – means “stealthy friend” in Bosmeri
  15. Nelthil – means “shadow flower” in Bosmeri
  16. Ondorin – means “silent wanderer” in Bosmeri
  17. Pellineth – means “shadow of the little one” in Bosmeri
  18. Quendrith – means “stealthy singer” in Bosmeri
  19. Ralathir – means “shadow of death” in Bosmeri
  20. Selril – means “silent tree” in Bosmeri
  21. Talathel – means “shadow prince” in Bosmeri
  22. Undril – means “silent defender” in Bosmeri
  23. Veldrith – means “stealthy protector” in Bosmeri
  24. Welathil – means “shadow of the warrior” in Bosmeri
  25. Ylirin – means “silent sun” in Bosmeri

Bosmer Names That Reference Their Adaptability

  1. Aelril – means “swift adaptor” in Bosmeri
  2. Athalor – means “adaptable king” in Bosmeri
  3. Brythel – means “adaptable hunter” in Bosmeri
  4. Caelor – means “adaptable warrior” in Bosmeri
  5. Caladwen – means “adaptable lady” in Bosmeri
  6. Drelrin – means “adaptable dragon” in Bosmeri
  7. Eilrond – means “adaptable star” in Bosmeri
  8. Felorin – means “adaptable friend” in Bosmeri
  9. Halindrel – means “adaptable hunter” in Bosmeri
  10. Ildorin – means “adaptable flame” in Bosmeri
  11. Jaldoril – means “adaptable river” in Bosmeri
  12. Keldril – means “adaptable river” in Bosmeri
  13. Liriel – means “adaptable sea” in Bosmeri
  14. Melrion – means “adaptable friend” in Bosmeri
  15. Naloril – means “adaptable flower” in Bosmeri
  16. Ondoril – means “adaptable wanderer” in Bosmeri
  17. Pellirin – means “adaptable little one” in Bosmeri
  18. Quendrel – means “adaptable singer” in Bosmeri
  19. Ralorin – means “adaptable death” in Bosmeri
  20. Selwynn – means “adaptable tree” in Bosmeri
  21. Talrin – means “adaptable prince” in Bosmeri
  22. Undorin – means “adaptable defender” in Bosmeri
  23. Veldril – means “adaptable protector” in Bosmeri
  24. Welrion – means “adaptable warrior” in Bosmeri
  25. Ylirion – means “adaptable sun” in Bosmeri

Bosmer Names That Reference Their Agility

  1. Aelthir – means “swift dancer” in Bosmeri
  2. Arathor – means “swift warrior” in Bosmeri
  3. Brythil – means “agile hunter” in Bosmeri
  4. Caelin – means “agile warrior” in Bosmeri
  5. Calanthe – means “swift flower” in Greek
  6. Drelwyn – means “nimble dragon” in Bosmeri
  7. Eilthiriel – means “swift star” in Bosmeri
  8. Felthir – means “agile friend” in Bosmeri
  9. Halindoril – means “agile hunter” in Bosmeri
  10. Ildryneth – means “nimble flame” in Bosmeri
  11. Jaldoriel – means “swift river” in Bosmeri
  12. Keldoril – means “nimble river” in Bosmeri
  13. Lirathor – means “nimble sea” in Bosmeri
  14. Melthiriel – means “nimble friend” in Bosmeri
  15. Nelwynn – means “agile flower” in Bosmeri
  16. Ondoriel – means “nimble wanderer” in Bosmeri
  17. Pellithir – means “agile little one” in Bosmeri
  18. Quendrion – means “nimble singer” in Bosmeri
  19. Ralathoril – means “nimble death” in Bosmeri
  20. Seldryn – means “nimble tree” in Bosmeri
  21. Talathir – means “agile prince” in Bosmeri
  22. Undoriel – means “nimble defender” in Bosmeri
  23. Veldoriel – means “nimble protector” in Bosmeri
  24. Welathor – means “agile warrior” in Bosmeri
  25. Ylirathor – means “nimble sun” in Bosmeri

Bosmer Names That Reference Their Love Of Nature

  1. Aerindel – means “lover of the forest” in Bosmeri
  2. Arinthea – means “blessed by nature” in Bosmeri
  3. Beranath – means “guardian of nature” in Bosmeri
  4. Cendril – means “daughter of nature” in Bosmeri
  5. Elwyneth – means “beloved of nature” in Bosmeri
  6. Eridala – means “born of nature” in Bosmeri
  7. Faelivra – means “child of the green” in Bosmeri
  8. Galadria – means “maiden of the forest” in Sindarin (Elvish)
  9. Halindrela – means “hunter of nature” in Bosmeri
  10. Ilmaren – means “beloved of the sea” in Bosmeri
  11. Kethwyl – means “swift of nature” in Bosmeri
  12. Lirindel – means “song of nature” in Bosmeri
  13. Maeniel – means “fair of nature” in Bosmeri
  14. Nalithel – means “flower of nature” in Bosmeri
  15. Ondolin – means “wanderer of nature” in Bosmeri
  16. Quelendria – means “song of nature” in Bosmeri
  17. Rhiannon – means “great queen” in Welsh, associated with nature and the earth
  18. Silindria – means “daughter of the forest” in Bosmeri
  19. Tatharil – means “queen of nature” in Bosmeri
  20. Thalawen – means “wild of nature” in Bosmeri
  21. Undriel – means “protector of nature” in Bosmeri
  22. Vindoril – means “defender of nature” in Bosmeri
  23. Yliria – means “daughter of the sun” in Bosmeri
  24. Zephyril – means “child of the wind” in Bosmeri
  25. Eolindel – means “follower of nature” in Bosmeri

Bosmer Names That Reference Their Shapshifting Abilities

  1. Aerona – means “she who transforms” in Welsh
  2. Arlathen – means “wolf’s child” in Bosmeri
  3. Beronath – means “beast guardian” in Bosmeri
  4. Cendriel – means “shapeshifting daughter” in Bosmeri
  5. Elthiriel – means “shapeshifting star” in Bosmeri
  6. Eridriel – means “shapeshifting dragon” in Bosmeri
  7. Faelin – means “shapeshifting friend” in Bosmeri
  8. Galathen – means “forest wolf” in Bosmeri
  9. Halindrelath – means “shapeshifting hunter” in Bosmeri
  10. Ilmara – means “sea serpent” in Bosmeri
  11. Kethwylath – means “shapeshifting swift” in Bosmeri
  12. Lirindra – means “shapeshifting song” in Bosmeri
  13. Maenathen – means “shapeshifting maiden” in Bosmeri
  14. Nalithen – means “shapeshifting flower” in Bosmeri
  15. Quelendril – means “shapeshifting singer” in Bosmeri
  16. Ralathen – means “shapeshifting death” in Bosmeri
  17. Silinath – means “shapeshifting forest daughter” in Bosmeri
  18. Tathalath – means “shapeshifting queen” in Bosmeri
  19. Thalawenath – means “wild shapeshifter” in Bosmeri
  20. Undrithen – means “shapeshifting defender” in Bosmeri
  21. Vindathen – means “shapeshifting defender” in Bosmeri
  22. Welrathen – means “shapeshifting warrior” in Bosmeri
  23. Ylithen – means “shapeshifting sun” in Bosmeri
  24. Zephyrathen – means “shapeshifting wind” in Bosmeri
  25. Eolindra – means “shapeshifting follower” in Bosmeri

Bosmer Names That Reference Their Hunting Skills

  1. Aelthar – means “elk hunter” in Bosmeri
  2. Arathen – means “forest hunter” in Bosmeri
  3. Baranwen – means “bear hunter” in Bosmeri
  4. Caelinthea – means “hunter of the wood” in Bosmeri
  5. Drelthar – means “dragon hunter” in Bosmeri
  6. Eilthar – means “deer hunter” in Bosmeri
  7. Felthiriel – means “friend of the hunter” in Bosmeri
  8. Halindorin – means “hunter of the wild” in Bosmeri
  9. Ilmarenthe – means “hunter of the sea” in Bosmeri
  10. Jaldor – means “hunter of the river” in Bosmeri
  11. Keldorin – means “river hunter” in Bosmeri
  12. Lirathen – means “hunter of the sea” in Bosmeri
  13. Melthar – means “hunter of the friend” in Bosmeri
  14. Nelthar – means “hunter of the flower” in Bosmeri
  15. Ondorin – means “wandering hunter” in Bosmeri
  16. Pellithar – means “little hunter” in Bosmeri
  17. Quendrith – means “hunter of the singer” in Bosmeri
  18. Ralathen – means “hunter of death” in Bosmeri
  19. Selthar – means “tree hunter” in Bosmeri
  20. Talathar – means “prince of the hunt” in Bosmeri
  21. Undoril – means “defender of the hunt” in Bosmeri
  22. Veldorin – means “protector of the hunt” in Bosmeri
  23. Welathar – means “warrior of the hunt” in Bosmeri
  24. Ylirath – means “hunter of the sun” in Bosmeri
  25. Zephyrthar – means “hunter of the wind” in Bosmeri

Characteristics Of Bosmers And What Makes them Unique

  • Size – Bosmers are smaller in stature than other elves and are generally shorter than most humans.
  • Archery – Bosmers are renowned for their exceptional archery skills and are often regarded as the best archers in all of Tamriel.
  • Stealth – Bosmers are highly skilled in the art of stealth and are experts at moving quietly and unseen through the wilderness.
  • Adaptability – Bosmers are highly adaptable and can easily adjust to different environments, which is a valuable trait for survival in the wild.
  • Agility – Bosmers are incredibly agile and nimble, making them ideal for hunting and navigating through challenging terrain.
  • Cannibalism – Bosmers have a unique cultural practice of consuming their fallen enemies, which is considered taboo in most other societies.
  • Green Pact – Bosmers have a strict code of ethics called the Green Pact, which forbids them from harming the plants of their homeland.
  • Communal living – Bosmers often live in large, extended families and value close-knit relationships with their kin.
  • Love of nature: Bosmers have a deep respect and love for nature, and they often incorporate it into their art, music, and cultural traditions.
  • Shapeshifting – Bosmers have the ability to shapeshift into animals, which they use for hunting and as a form of camouflage.