With a celestial heritage and radiant presence, the Aasimar are one of the most intriguing and beloved races in Dungeons and Dragons.
These heavenly beings are known for their divine gifts, fierce determination, and unique names that reflect their celestial nature. As a result, choosing the perfect name for your Aasimar character can be both exciting and challenging.
In this article, we have compiled a list of the best 250 D&D Aasimar names, each with their own unique meaning and backstory.
Whether you are a seasoned player or new to the game, our list is sure to inspire and help you find the perfect name for your Aasimar character.
So without further ado, let’s dive into the celestial world of the Aasimar and discover the best names that this divine race has to offer!
Male DnD Aasimar Names
- Lucian – meaning “light”
- Gabriel – meaning “God is my strength”
- Raphael – meaning “God has healed”
- Michael – meaning “who is like God”
- Uriel – meaning “God is my light”
- Cassiel – meaning “speed of God”
- Azrael – meaning “helper of God”
- Zadkiel – meaning “righteousness of God”
- Anael – meaning “grace of God”
- Jophiel – meaning “beauty of God”
- Metatron – meaning “one who serves behind the throne”
- Raziel – meaning “secret of God”
- Sachiel – meaning “covering of God”
- Barachiel – meaning “blessing of God”
- Jeremiel – meaning “mercy of God”
- Sandalphon – meaning “brother”
- Haniel – meaning “grace of God”
- Raziel – meaning “secrets of God”
- Ariel – meaning “lion of God”
- Gadiel – meaning “God is my fortune”
- Cassiel – meaning “speed of God”
- Dumah – meaning “silence”
- Israfel – meaning “angel of music”
- Nathanael – meaning “gift of God”
- Hamaliel – meaning “wrath of God”
Female DnD Aasimar Names
- Seraphina – meaning “fiery ones”
- Aurora – meaning “dawn”
- Celestia – meaning “heavenly”
- Angelica – meaning “angelic”
- Gabriella – meaning “God is my strength”
- Michaeline – meaning “who is like God”
- Urielle – meaning “God is my light”
- Zadkielle – meaning “righteousness of God”
- Anaelle – meaning “grace of God”
- Jophielle – meaning “beauty of God”
- Metatronia – meaning “one who serves behind the throne”
- Razielia – meaning “secret of God”
- Sachiele – meaning “covering of God”
- Barachielle – meaning “blessing of God”
- Jeremielle – meaning “mercy of God”
- Sandalphone – meaning “brother”
- Hanielle – meaning “grace of God”
- Rachiel – meaning “ewe of God”
- Arielia – meaning “lion of God”
- Gadielle – meaning “God is my fortune”
- Cassielle – meaning “speed of God”
- Dumahia – meaning “silence”
- Israfelia – meaning “angel of music”
- Nathanaielle – meaning “gift of God”
- Hamalielle – meaning “wrath of God”
DnD Aasimar Names That Reference Their Celestial Ancestry
- Celestius – meaning “of the heavens”
- Radiantus – meaning “radiant or shining one”
- Luminara – meaning “light of the heavens”
- Angelus – meaning “angelic”
- Seraphus – meaning “fiery one of the heavens”
- Divineus – meaning “divine or godlike”
- Heavena – meaning “heavenly one”
- Aurius – meaning “of the dawn or gold”
- Illuminara – meaning “illuminated one”
- Zephyrus – meaning “of the west wind”
- Nirvana – meaning “heavenly abode”
- Astraeus – meaning “of the stars”
- Haloa – meaning “halo or aura of the heavens”
- Sylphid – meaning “air spirit”
- Aurelia – meaning “golden one”
- Elysius – meaning “of the Elysian fields”
- Arcanus – meaning “of magic or secrets”
- Virtua – meaning “virtuous or righteous one”
- Lumina – meaning “bright or shining one”
- Theophany – meaning “manifestation of God”
- Divinia – meaning “divine or godlike one”
- Elara – meaning “shining one”
- Aetherius – meaning “of the ether or heavens”
- Angelique – meaning “angelic”
- Astra – meaning “star-like or of the stars”
DnD Aasimar Names That Reference Their Angelic Appearance
- Aurelian – meaning “golden one”
- Angelica – meaning “angelic”
- Seraphiel – meaning “fiery angel”
- Radiance – meaning “radiant or shining one”
- Celestia – meaning “heavenly”
- Heavenly – meaning “of or from heaven”
- Euphoria – meaning “feeling of happiness or bliss”
- Divine – meaning “godlike or of the divine”
- Halo – meaning “a ring of light or aura”
- Cherub – meaning “a type of angel”
- Gloriana – meaning “glorious one”
- Ethereal – meaning “of the heavens or spiritual realm”
- Angelus – meaning “angelic”
- Luminary – meaning “a source of light or inspiration”
- Radiant – meaning “shining brightly”
- Aurielle – meaning “golden light”
- Grace – meaning “elegance or divine favor”
- Angelique – meaning “angelic”
- Glimmer – meaning “a faint or wavering light”
- Celeste – meaning “heavenly”
- Luminous – meaning “shining or bright”
- Serene – meaning “calm or peaceful”
- Divineus – meaning “divine or godlike”
- Elegance – meaning “graceful or refined beauty”
- Aurora – meaning “dawn or light”
DnD Aasimars Names That Reference Their Celestial And Mortal Nature
- Celesto – meaning “of both worlds”
- Dualis – meaning “dual or double natured”
- Divinum – meaning “of both divine and mortal origin”
- Angelus Mortalis – meaning “angel and mortal”
- Nephilim – meaning “offspring of angels and mortals”
- Mysticus – meaning “mystical or otherworldly”
- Celestius Mortalis – meaning “heavenly and mortal”
- Chosen – meaning “selected or picked for a divine purpose”
- Harmonia – meaning “harmony or balance”
- Radiantum Mortalis – meaning “radiant and mortal”
- Heavenly Mortal – meaning “of both heaven and earth”
- Aurae Mortalis – meaning “aura and mortal”
- Lightbearer – meaning “one who carries the light of both worlds”
- Dualnature – meaning “of dual or double nature”
- Celestialborn – meaning “born of celestial and mortal ancestry”
- Equilibrium – meaning “balance or equality”
- Celestia Dualis – meaning “of both celestial and mortal worlds”
- Half-Heaven – meaning “half angelic and half mortal”
- Divinicus – meaning “of divine and mortal origin”
- The Chosen One – meaning “selected for a divine purpose”
- Mortalum – meaning “mortal and divine”
- Guardian – meaning “protector or defender of both worlds”
- Harmonium – meaning “harmony and balance”
- Celestialis – meaning “of the celestial and the mortal”
- Half-Angel – meaning “half-celestial and half-mortal”
DnD Aasimar Names That Reference Their Alignment To Good
- Radiantus Sanctus – meaning “holy and radiant”
- Sanctus – meaning “holy or sacred”
- Divineus Bonum – meaning “good and divine”
- Aurelius – meaning “golden one”
- Virtue – meaning “moral excellence or righteousness”
- Angelique Bona – meaning “good and angelic”
- Celestia Bona – meaning “good and heavenly”
- Lightbringer – meaning “one who brings light and goodness”
- The Pure One – meaning “untainted by evil or impurity”
- Sacredus – meaning “sacred or holy”
- The Righteous One – meaning “upright and morally just”
- Angelica Purus – meaning “pure and angelic”
- Celestia Purus – meaning “pure and heavenly”
- Goodheart – meaning “kind and generous”
- The Benevolent One – meaning “well-meaning and kind-hearted”
- Divineus Sanctus – meaning “holy and divine”
- Celestialis Bonum – meaning “good and celestial”
- Radiance Bonum – meaning “good and radiant”
- Seraphique – meaning “angelic and divine”
- The Merciful One – meaning “compassionate and forgiving”
- Angelica Sanctus – meaning “holy and angelic”
- Celestia Sanctus – meaning “holy and heavenly”
- The Good One – meaning “morally sound and just”
- Guardian of the Light – meaning “protector of goodness and righteousness”
- The Virtuous One – meaning “possessing moral excellence and righteousness”
DnD Aasimar Names That Reference Their Radiant Skin
- Lumina Pura – meaning “pure light”
- Aurelia Radiance – meaning “golden radiance”
- Gloriosa – meaning “radiant or glorious”
- Radiantia – meaning “radiant or shining one”
- Angelus Luminare – meaning “angelic light”
- Celestia Luminare – meaning “heavenly light”
- Aurora Pura – meaning “pure dawn”
- Shimmering – meaning “sparkling or gleaming”
- Radiantum – meaning “radiant or shining one”
- Celestialis Fulgor – meaning “celestial radiance”
- Incandescence – meaning “bright and glowing”
- Lucentia – meaning “clear and bright”
- Celestia Lux – meaning “heavenly light”
- Haloa Pura – meaning “pure halo or aura”
- Angelica Fulgor – meaning “angelic radiance”
- Elysium Luminare – meaning “light of the Elysian fields”
- Aurius Lux – meaning “golden light”
- Glittering – meaning “shining or sparkling”
- Radiance Aeterna – meaning “eternal radiance”
- Celestial Blaze – meaning “radiant fire of the heavens”
- Aurae Lux – meaning “light of the aura or halo”
- Glowing – meaning “illuminated or shining”
- Celestia Flamma – meaning “heavenly flame”
- Lightfoot – meaning “one who walks with light”
- Incandescentia – meaning “radiant and glowing”
DnD Aasimar Names That Reference Their Destiny
- Celestia Fatale – meaning “heavenly fate”
- Destiny – meaning “a predetermined course of events”
- Radiantum Fortuna – meaning “radiant destiny”
- Angelica Fortis – meaning “strong destiny”
- Celestia Fortuna – meaning “heavenly destiny”
- The Chosen One – meaning “selected for a divine purpose”
- Elysium Fortis – meaning “strong destiny of the Elysian fields”
- The Divine Purpose – meaning “a mission assigned by the divine”
- Radiance Fatale – meaning “fateful radiance”
- Angelus Fortis – meaning “strong and angelic destiny”
- Celestial Destiny – meaning “destiny of the heavens”
- The Guided One – meaning “led by divine guidance”
- Aurelia Fatale – meaning “golden fate”
- Celestialis Fortis – meaning “strong and celestial destiny”
- The Fated One – meaning “bound by destiny”
- Euphoria Fortis – meaning “strong feeling of happiness and destiny”
- Radiantia Fortuna – meaning “radiant and fortunate destiny”
- Angelica Destina – meaning “angelic destiny”
- Celestia Destina – meaning “heavenly destiny”
- The Anointed One – meaning “chosen and consecrated by divine authority”
- The Purposeful One – meaning “driven by a sense of divine purpose”
- The Visionary – meaning “one with a prophetic vision of destiny”
- Celestia Fidele – meaning “faithful destiny”
- Radiantum Fidele – meaning “faithful and radiant destiny”
- Angelus Fidele – meaning “faithful and angelic destiny”
DnD Aasimar Names That Reference Their Rarity
- Unicus – meaning “unique or one of a kind”
- Celestia Rara – meaning “rare or unusual heavenly being”
- Angelica Inusitatus – meaning “rare or uncommon angelic being”
- Radiance Inusitata – meaning “rare or unusual radiant being”
- Solitaria – meaning “solitary or rare”
- Celestialis Singulus – meaning “singular or rare celestial being”
- Angelus Rarissimus – meaning “most rare or uncommon angelic being”
- Esoterica – meaning “mysterious or rare”
- The One and Only – meaning “unique or singular”
- Celestial Rarity – meaning “rare being from the heavens”
- Incomparabilis – meaning “incomparable or unmatched”
- Radiance Incomparabilis – meaning “incomparable or unmatched radiant being”
- Angelica Singularis – meaning “singular or rare angelic being”
- Celestia Eximia – meaning “exceptional or rare heavenly being”
- Exceptionalis – meaning “exceptional or rare”
- Radiance Exceptionalis – meaning “exceptional or rare radiant being”
- Angelus Unicum – meaning “unique or one-of-a-kind angelic being”
- Celestia Unicum – meaning “unique or one-of-a-kind heavenly being”
- Exclusivus – meaning “exclusive or rare”
- Angelica Exclusivus – meaning “exclusively rare angelic being”
- Radiantum Singularis – meaning “singular or rare radiant being”
- Celestia Singularis – meaning “singular or rare heavenly being”
- Arcanum – meaning “arcane or mysterious”
- Angelica Arcanum – meaning “mysterious or rare angelic being”
- Celestia Arcana – meaning “mysterious or rare heavenly being”
Funny DnD Aasimar Names
- Glitterati – meaning “one who loves sparkles and glam”
- Angelica Pickles – referencing the character from the Rugrats cartoon
- Halolujah – a pun on the word “Hallelujah”
- Radiant Rudolph – referencing the reindeer from the classic Christmas story
- Celestia Stardust – a whimsical name referencing the night sky
- The Divine Prankster – meaning “one who plays tricks with divine humor”
- Angelus Wingnut – referencing a silly or eccentric person
- Euphoria Sparkle – a name that invokes happiness and glitter
- Celestius Maximus – meaning “heavenly and great”
- Radiance Raygun – referencing sci-fi culture
- Angelica Sweetheart – a playful and endearing name
- Celestial Flapjack – a humorous take on a heavenly food item
- Haloriffic – a fun and catchy name
- Radiant Rebel – meaning “one who goes against the norm with light and energy”
- Angelus Airhead – referencing someone who is not very smart or absent-minded
- Celestia Sunshine – a bright and cheerful name
- The Divine Clown – meaning “one who brings laughter and joy with divine humor”
- Angelica Cupcake – a playful and sweet name
- Radiant Rascal – meaning “one who misbehaves with light and energy”
- Celestius Chucklehead – a silly and lighthearted name
- Halosaurus – a fun play on the word “dinosaur”
- Angelus Adorkable – referencing someone who is quirky and endearing
- Celestial Popcorn – a name that invokes a sense of fun and excitement
- Radiance Rambler – meaning “one who wanders and explores with light and energy”
- Angelica Bubblegum – a playful and sweet name
Characteristics Of DnD Aasimars And What Makes Them Unique
- Celestial Ancestry – Aasimar are descended from celestial beings, which gives them a natural connection to the divine. This ancestry grants them certain magical abilities, including resistance to radiant damage and the ability to cast light spells.
- Angelic Appearance – Aasimar are often strikingly beautiful, with radiant skin, hair, and eyes that glow with an inner light. Some also have feathered wings or other angelic features.
- Dual Nature – Aasimar have a dual nature, with both celestial and mortal aspects. This can cause inner conflict as they struggle to balance their divine heritage with their mortal desires and flaws.
- Purposeful Destiny – Aasimar often have a sense of purpose or destiny, as they are believed to have been chosen by their celestial ancestors for a specific task or mission.
- Divine Guidance – Aasimar may receive guidance and inspiration from their celestial ancestors, which can manifest as visions, dreams, or prophetic messages.
- Rare and Revered – Aasimar are relatively rare in most D&D settings, and are often revered or feared by those who know of their celestial heritage.
- Good Alignment – Aasimar are typically associated with good-aligned deities or causes, and are often motivated by a desire to help others and do good in the world. However, there are also evil-aligned Aasimar who use their divine powers for their own selfish purposes.