Best 250 DnD Blue Dragon Names (With Meanings)

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Behold, ye knights and dragon-slayers, for here lies the ultimate compendium of names for the grandest and most awe-inspiring creatures in all the realms – the blue dragons of Dungeons and Dragons!

This is not your run-of-the-mill list of names, for we have scoured the vast expanse of fantasy lore and mythology to bring you the best and most unique names for these majestic beasts.

With a grand total of 250 names, this list is not for the faint of heart, but for those who seek to truly immerse themselves in the world of D&D and its many wonders.

Each name is carefully curated with a meaning that reflects the qualities and traits of the mighty blue dragons, from their lightning-fast speed to their electrifying breath weapon.

So sit back, grab your quill and ink, and prepare to enter a realm of fantasy and adventure unlike any other. This is the ultimate list of the Best 250 D&D Blue Dragon Names (With Meanings)!

Male DnD Blue Dragon Names

  1. Zephyrus – From Greek mythology, Zephyrus was the god of the west wind.
  2. Boltarion – A combination of the words “bolt” and “ion”, reflecting the dragon’s lightning-based powers.
  3. Sirocco – A warm, dry wind that blows from the Sahara Desert to the Mediterranean Sea.
  4. Thunderclaw – A fierce dragon known for its powerful claws and thunderous roar.
  5. Aurelius – A Latin name meaning “golden”, reflecting the dragon’s yellow-gold scales.
  6. Cyclonus – From the word “cyclone”, reflecting the dragon’s ability to manipulate wind currents.
  7. Nimravus – Latin for “leopard”, reflecting the dragon’s sleek and agile movements.
  8. Voltaris – A combination of the words “volt” and “Tartarus”, the deepest part of the underworld in Greek mythology.
  9. Stormscale – A dragon covered in tough scales that can withstand even the fiercest storms.
  10. Fulminar – From the Latin word “fulmen”, meaning lightning or thunderbolt.
  11. Galewing – A dragon with wings that can generate powerful gusts of wind.
  12. Azzurro – Italian for “blue”, reflecting the dragon’s primary color.
  13. Thundertail – A dragon with a powerful tail that can cause thunderous crashes when it strikes.
  14. Zephyrion – A combination of the words “Zephyr” and “ion”, reflecting the dragon’s wind and lightning powers.
  15. Azureus – A variation of the word “azure”, meaning bright blue.
  16. Tempestclaw – A fierce dragon with sharp claws and the power to summon powerful storms.
  17. Sapphireus – A combination of the words “sapphire” and “us”, reflecting the dragon’s gem-like blue scales.
  18. Nimbus – A type of cloud associated with thunderstorms, reflecting the dragon’s weather-based powers.
  19. Joltarion – A combination of the words “jolt” and “ion”, reflecting the dragon’s shocking abilities.
  20. Thunderwing – A dragon with wings that can generate powerful thunderclaps.
  21. Aerius – From the word “aerial”, meaning of or relating to the air or atmosphere.
  22. Stormfury – A dragon known for its ability to unleash powerful storms and fury upon its enemies.
  23. Voltwing – A dragon with wings that crackle with electrical energy.
  24. Typhoonius – A dragon with the power to summon massive typhoons and hurricanes.
  25. Cerulean – A shade of blue often associated with clear, blue skies and calm waters.

Female DnD Blue Dragon Names

  1. Sapphire – A gemstone often associated with the color blue.
  2. Azure – A shade of blue often associated with the sky and the sea.
  3. Skye – A name that means “sky”, reflecting the dragon’s ability to fly.
  4. Lapis – A semi-precious stone often used in jewelry, with shades of blue.
  5. Celeste – A name that means “heavenly”, reflecting the dragon’s ethereal nature.
  6. Indigo – A deep shade of blue often associated with royalty and luxury.
  7. Beryl – A gemstone that can be blue in color.
  8. Lazuli – A deep blue stone often used in ancient Egyptian and Mesopotamian jewelry.
  9. Cyan – A light blue-green color often associated with water and nature.
  10. Cobalt – A metallic blue element often used in the production of ceramics and glass.
  11. Aqua – A light blue-green color often associated with water and the ocean.
  12. Aurora – A name that means “dawn”, reflecting the dragon’s ability to create beautiful and colorful skies.
  13. Turquoise – A blue-green mineral often used in jewelry and artwork.
  14. Sapphira – A variation of the name “Sapphire”.
  15. Azura – A variation of the name “Azure”.
  16. Teal – A blue-green color often associated with calmness and tranquility.
  17. Aquamarine – A blue-green gemstone often associated with the ocean and maritime lore.
  18. Marine – A name that means “of the sea”, reflecting the dragon’s aquatic nature.
  19. Navy – A dark shade of blue often associated with the military and authority.
  20. Periwinkle – A light blue-purple color often associated with spring and flowers.
  21. Skyler – A name that means “sky”, reflecting the dragon’s aerial abilities.
  22. Cerulean – A name that means “sky blue”, reflecting the dragon’s primary color.
  23. Iris – A flower with shades of blue, often associated with royalty and power.
  24. Misty – A name that means “foggy”, reflecting the dragon’s ability to create mist and fog.
  25. Nimbus – A type of cloud often associated with thunderstorms and lightning, reflecting the dragon’s weather-based powers.

DnD Blue Dragon Names That Reference Their Electrifying Powers

  1. Sparkstrike – A dragon whose lightning strikes like a spark.
  2. Thunderbolt – A dragon whose lightning attacks are as powerful as a bolt of thunder.
  3. Electroclaw – A dragon whose claws are charged with electrical energy.
  4. Shockwave – A dragon whose attacks create powerful shockwaves.
  5. Lightningwing – A dragon whose wings crackle with electrical energy.
  6. Thundercrack – A dragon whose attacks create deafening thunderclaps.
  7. Zapwing – A dragon whose wings generate powerful electrical zaps.
  8. Voltbite – A dragon whose bites are charged with electrical energy.
  9. Thunderstrike – A dragon whose attacks strike with the force of thunder.
  10. Electrotail – A dragon whose tail is charged with electrical energy.
  11. Stormscale – A dragon whose scales are as tough as a storm.
  12. Joltclaw – A dragon whose claws are capable of jolting their prey with electricity.
  13. Thunderfang – A dragon whose fangs are charged with electrical energy.
  14. Lightningbolt – A dragon whose attacks strike like a bolt of lightning.
  15. Thunderwing – A dragon whose wings generate powerful thunderclaps.
  16. Zapstrike – A dragon whose attacks create powerful electrical zaps.
  17. Electrocharge – A dragon whose entire body is charged with electrical energy.
  18. Thunderstorm – A dragon whose attacks can summon powerful thunderstorms.
  19. Electriclash – A dragon whose attacks are accompanied by electric arcs and flashes.
  20. Lightningclaw – A dragon whose claws are capable of delivering lightning-fast strikes.
  21. Shockclaw – A dragon whose claws are capable of delivering powerful shocks.
  22. Voltclaw – A dragon whose claws are charged with electrical energy.
  23. Thunderboltus – A variation of the name “Thunderbolt”.
  24. Electricwings – A dragon whose wings generate electrical currents.
  25. Zaptail – A dragon whose tail is capable of delivering powerful electrical zaps.

DnD Blue Dragon Names That Reference Their Blue Scales

  1. Blueblade – A dragon whose blue scales are as sharp as a blade.
  2. Cobaltclaw – A dragon whose claws are as hard as cobalt and as blue as its scales.
  3. Sapphirestorm – A dragon whose blue scales reflect the colors of a sapphire in a stormy sky.
  4. Indigoscale – A dragon whose scales are a deep shade of blue known as indigo.
  5. Skyblue – A dragon whose scales are the color of a clear blue sky.
  6. Ceruleanfang – A dragon whose fangs are as blue as the cerulean sea.
  7. Turquoiseclaw – A dragon whose claws are as blue and green as a piece of turquoise.
  8. Azurewing – A dragon whose wings are a bright shade of blue known as azure.
  9. Lapislash – A dragon whose attacks leave behind lapis lazuli-colored scars.
  10. Aquaclaw – A dragon whose claws are the color of a refreshing aqua blue.
  11. Navythorn – A dragon whose thorny spikes are the deep blue color of a navy uniform.
  12. Periwinklescale – A dragon whose scales are a delicate shade of blue-purple known as periwinkle.
  13. Berylwing – A dragon whose wings are the color of a precious blue beryl gemstone.
  14. Tealscale – A dragon whose scales are a calming shade of blue-green known as teal.
  15. Cyanfang – A dragon whose fangs are the bright blue-green color of cyan.
  16. Marineclaw – A dragon whose claws are the color of the deep blue ocean.
  17. Navytail – A dragon whose tail is as dark and blue as a navy warship.
  18. Sapphireclaw – A dragon whose claws are the same color as a sparkling sapphire.
  19. Lazuliscale – A dragon whose scales are the same rich blue color as lapis lazuli.
  20. Celestewing – A dragon whose wings are the color of the celestial heavens.
  21. Irisclaw – A dragon whose claws shimmer with the colors of a rainbow iris.
  22. Mistyscale – A dragon whose scales are as misty and ethereal as a cloudy sky.
  23. Turquoisewing – A dragon whose wings are the color of a beautiful turquoise gemstone.
  24. Skyblade – A dragon whose blue scales are as sharp and deadly as a sword.
  25. Azurespike – A dragon whose spikes are the same shade of blue as a clear azure sky.

DnD Blue Dragon Names That Reference Their Hatred For Bronze Dragons

  1. Bronzehunter – A dragon whose sole purpose is to hunt and destroy bronze dragons.
  2. Bronzebane – A dragon whose attacks are specifically designed to take down bronze dragons.
  3. Bronzekiller – A dragon whose hatred for bronze dragons drives it to seek out and eliminate them.
  4. Bronzepredator – A dragon who preys on bronze dragons and sees them as nothing more than food.
  5. Bronzescourge – A dragon whose very existence is a threat to bronze dragons everywhere.
  6. Bronzereaper – A dragon whose deadly attacks can harvest the lives of bronze dragons with ease.
  7. Bronzevexer – A dragon who takes pleasure in tormenting and teasing bronze dragons.
  8. Bronzeblight – A dragon whose very presence causes sickness and decay in bronze dragons.
  9. Bronzecrusher – A dragon whose strength and power can crush even the mightiest bronze dragons.
  10. Bronzehater – A dragon whose hatred for bronze dragons runs deep and unyielding.
  11. Bronzepunisher – A dragon whose mission is to punish and eliminate bronze dragons who cross its path.
  12. Bronzeslayer – A dragon who has dedicated its life to the slaughter of bronze dragons.
  13. Bronzewrecker – A dragon whose attacks can break and destroy even the strongest bronze dragons.
  14. Bronzeannihilator – A dragon whose power is so great, it can annihilate entire groups of bronze dragons.
  15. Bronzedestroyer – A dragon whose very existence threatens the survival of all bronze dragons.
  16. Bronzehavoc – A dragon whose actions and attacks bring chaos and destruction to bronze dragons.
  17. Bronzemurderer – A dragon whose sole purpose in life is to murder and eliminate bronze dragons.
  18. Bronzepunisher – A dragon who takes pleasure in punishing and torturing bronze dragons.
  19. Bronzeruiner – A dragon whose hatred for bronze dragons can ruin and destroy their lives.
  20. Bronzeshatterer – A dragon whose attacks can shatter and break even the strongest bronze dragons.
  21. Bronzetormentor – A dragon who enjoys tormenting and plaguing bronze dragons with pain and suffering.
  22. Bronzevandal – A dragon whose attacks can cause widespread damage and destruction to bronze dragons and their homes.
  23. Bronzewaster – A dragon whose attacks can waste and desolate entire populations of bronze dragons.
  24. Bronzexenophobe – A dragon who fears and hates anything and anyone different, including bronze dragons.
  25. Bronzezapper – A dragon whose electrical attacks can zap and paralyze bronze dragons with ease.

DnD Blue Dragon Names That Reference Their Intelligence

  1. Draco Magister – A blue dragon known for its exceptional intelligence and wisdom.
  2. Aurelia Rex – A blue dragon with unparalleled knowledge and intelligence, named after the Latin word for gold.
  3. Cerulean Archmage – A blue dragon who has mastered the art of magic and sorcery, named after its blue scales.
  4. Lapis Grandmaster – A blue dragon with vast knowledge and wisdom, named after the precious blue gemstone.
  5. Sapphire Professor – A blue dragon who has dedicated its life to the pursuit of knowledge and understanding, named after the precious blue gemstone.
  6. Nimravus Savant – A blue dragon with an exceptional ability to learn and understand, named after the Latin word for leopard.
  7. Azzurro Magus – A blue dragon with a profound knowledge of magic and arcane lore, named after the Italian word for blue.
  8. Indigo Scholar – A blue dragon with a deep understanding of the world and its mysteries, named after the deep blue color.
  9. Beryl Oracle – A blue dragon with a gift for prophecy and foresight, named after the precious blue-green gemstone.
  10. Cyan Mastermind – A blue dragon with a brilliant intellect and a cunning mind, named after the blue-green color.
  11. Azure Sage – A blue dragon who possesses great wisdom and knowledge, named after the bright blue color.
  12. Turquoise Genius – A blue dragon with an incredible intellect and natural curiosity, named after the blue-green mineral.
  13. Periwinkle Mentor – A blue dragon who takes on young dragons as apprentices and teaches them valuable skills, named after the light blue-purple color.
  14. Sapphira Prodigy – A blue dragon with an exceptional talent and natural ability, named after the precious blue gemstone.
  15. Skye Visionary – A blue dragon with a unique perspective and creative ideas, named after the sky.
  16. Cobalt Polymath – A blue dragon with a broad range of knowledge and expertise in many fields, named after the metallic blue element.
  17. Aurora Philosopher – A blue dragon with a deep understanding of the nature of reality and the universe, named after the beautiful phenomenon of the aurora borealis.
  18. Teal Thinker – A blue dragon who is always pondering and contemplating the world and its mysteries, named after the calming blue-green color.
  19. Celeste Analyst – A blue dragon who excels at analyzing and understanding complex information, named after the sky-blue color.
  20. Iris Visionary – A blue dragon with a unique and creative vision for the future, named after the rainbow iris.
  21. Misty Scholar – A blue dragon with a deep understanding of the nature of mist and fog, named after the mysterious weather phenomenon.
  22. Nimbus Savant – A blue dragon who has a profound knowledge of clouds and weather patterns, named after the type of cloud.
  23. Lazuli Mastermind – A blue dragon with a brilliant intellect and a strategic mind, named after the precious blue stone.
  24. Stormscale Strategist – A blue dragon who is highly skilled at developing and executing complex battle strategies, named after its storm-resistant scales.
  25. Voltaris Intellectual – A blue dragon who is highly intelligent and curious, named after the combination of “volt” and “Tartarus”, the deepest part of the underworld in Greek mythology.

DnD Blue Dragon Names That Reference Their Ability To Absorb Electrical Energy

  1. Shocktaker – A dragon who can absorb and take in electrical energy with ease.
  2. Currentconduit – A dragon whose body can conduct and absorb electrical currents.
  3. Zapabsorber – A dragon who can absorb and neutralize electrical attacks.
  4. Thunderdrain – A dragon who can drain and absorb electrical energy from its surroundings.
  5. Voltabsorber – A dragon who can absorb and store large amounts of electrical energy.
  6. Lightningdrinker – A dragon who can drink in and absorb lightning strikes.
  7. Electricityconnoisseur – A dragon with a refined palate for different types of electrical energy.
  8. Chargeabsorber – A dragon who can absorb and store electrical charges.
  9. Joltdrinker – A dragon who can absorb and consume electrical jolts.
  10. Stormabsorber – A dragon who can absorb and control electrical storms.
  11. Thunderboltconduit – A dragon whose body is a conduit for powerful thunderbolts.
  12. Electroabsorber – A dragon who can absorb and channel electrical energy.
  13. Shockconnoisseur – A dragon with a discerning taste for different types of electrical shocks.
  14. Lightningabsorber – A dragon who can absorb and neutralize lightning strikes.
  15. Thunderabsorber – A dragon who can absorb and redirect powerful thunderclaps.
  16. Zapdrinker – A dragon who can drink in and absorb electrical zaps.
  17. Electroconduit – A dragon whose body is a conduit for electrical currents.
  18. Chargeconnoisseur – A dragon who appreciates and understands the nuances of different electrical charges.
  19. Electricitydrinker – A dragon who can drink in and absorb different forms of electrical energy.
  20. Thunderboltabsorber – A dragon who can absorb and control powerful thunderbolts.
  21. Lightningconnoisseur – A dragon who has a refined taste for different types of lightning.
  22. Stormdrinker – A dragon who can absorb and control powerful electrical storms.
  23. Joltconduit – A dragon whose body is a conduit for electrical jolts.
  24. Voltconnoisseur – A dragon who appreciates and understands the nuances of different electrical voltages.
  25. Electricityabsorber – A dragon who can absorb and store large amounts of electrical energy.

DnD Blue Dragon Names That Reference Their Great Speeds in The Air

  1. Skyracer – A dragon who is renowned for its incredible speed in the air.
  2. Windrider – A dragon who can ride the winds and move at great speeds.
  3. Cloudstreaker – A dragon who moves so fast, it leaves a streak in the clouds.
  4. Thunderboltflyer – A dragon who can move as fast as a thunderbolt through the sky.
  5. Lightningdash – A dragon who can move at lightning-fast speeds through the air.
  6. Airsprinter – A dragon who can sprint through the air faster than any other creature.
  7. Galegust – A dragon who can ride the gusts of wind to move at incredible speeds.
  8. Aerowing – A dragon who can soar through the air with unmatched speed and grace.
  9. Skyblaze – A dragon who can move so fast, it leaves a trail of fire in the sky.
  10. Breezeflyer – A dragon who can move with incredible speed and agility, even in strong winds.
  11. Windsurfer – A dragon who can surf the winds and move at incredible speeds through the air.
  12. Skywhirl – A dragon who can move so fast, it creates a swirling vortex of air around it.
  13. Hurricaneflight – A dragon who can fly through the sky like a hurricane, moving at incredible speeds.
  14. Jetstreamflyer – A dragon who can move at the speed of a jet stream, soaring through the air effortlessly.
  15. Aerodart – A dragon who can move through the air like a dart, moving at incredible speeds.
  16. Skyblitz – A dragon who can move so fast, it creates a blinding flash of light in the sky.
  17. Windblurrer – A dragon who moves so fast, it blurs the surrounding air into a vortex.
  18. Sonicsoar – A dragon who can move through the air at supersonic speeds.
  19. Airblast – A dragon who can move so fast, it creates a blast of air that can knock others off balance.
  20. Skyshooter – A dragon who can shoot through the sky like an arrow, moving at incredible speeds.
  21. Stormdash – A dragon who can move through the stormy skies at incredible speeds, dodging lightning strikes.
  22. Skybolt – A dragon who can move at the speed of a bolt of lightning through the sky.
  23. Skyblades – A dragon who can cut through the air with incredible speed and precision, like a blade.
  24. Aeroaccelerator – A dragon who can accelerate through the air to move at incredible speeds.
  25. Airzipper – A dragon who can zip through the air at incredible speeds, leaving a trail of wind in its wake.

DnD Blue Dragon Names That Reference Their Breath That Unleashes A Powerful Blast Of Lightning

  1. Thunderbreath – A dragon whose breath unleashes a powerful blast of thunder and lightning.
  2. Zapblast – A dragon whose breath releases a devastating blast of lightning.
  3. Lightningbolt – A dragon whose breath can summon and unleash a powerful bolt of lightning.
  4. Thunderstrike – A dragon whose breath can strike down enemies with a powerful blast of thunder and lightning.
  5. Sparkshock – A dragon whose breath releases a shower of sparks that explode into a powerful shockwave.
  6. Stormburst – A dragon whose breath can release a powerful burst of storm energy.
  7. Thunderflash – A dragon whose breath releases a blinding flash of lightning.
  8. Electroblast – A dragon whose breath unleashes a powerful blast of electrical energy.
  9. Boltbreath – A dragon whose breath can summon and unleash a powerful bolt of lightning.
  10. Lightningburst – A dragon whose breath can release a sudden burst of lightning.
  11. Thunderclap – A dragon whose breath can create a deafening clap of thunder.
  12. Shockwave – A dragon whose breath releases a powerful shockwave of electrical energy.
  13. Stormshock – A dragon whose breath can unleash a powerful electrical storm.
  14. Thunderstorm – A dragon whose breath can create a powerful thunderstorm.
  15. Sparkstrike – A dragon whose breath releases a shower of sparks that can strike down enemies.
  16. Stormbolt – A dragon whose breath can summon and unleash a powerful bolt of storm energy.
  17. Thunderblast – A dragon whose breath releases a powerful blast of thunder and lightning.
  18. Electrobolt – A dragon whose breath can summon and unleash a powerful bolt of electricity.
  19. Lightningflash – A dragon whose breath releases a blinding flash of lightning.
  20. Thunderwave – A dragon whose breath can create a powerful wave of thunder and lightning.
  21. Stormspark – A dragon whose breath can unleash a shower of electrical sparks.
  22. Thunderstrike – A dragon whose breath can strike down enemies with a powerful blast of thunder and lightning.
  23. Shockblast – A dragon whose breath releases a devastating blast of electrical energy.
  24. Lightningstorm – A dragon whose breath can summon and control a powerful electrical storm.
  25. Thunderbolt – A dragon whose breath can summon and unleash a powerful bolt of thunder and lightning.

Funny DnD Blue Dragon Names

  1. Smurfzilla – A blue dragon with a mischievous sense of humor.
  2. Sonic the Hedge-Dragon – A blue dragon with a love for speed and adventure.
  3. Barney the Blue – A blue dragon with a friendly demeanor and a love for singing.
  4. Bluenicorn – A blue dragon with a magical horn and a whimsical nature.
  5. Draco McFluffykins – A blue dragon with an unexpectedly cute and fluffy appearance.
  6. Bluebeary – A blue dragon with a love for honey and a cuddly disposition.
  7. Mr. Bluesky – A blue dragon with a sunny outlook and a love for clear skies.
  8. Zappy McZapface – A blue dragon with an electrifying personality.
  9. The Blue Blur – A blue dragon with lightning-fast reflexes and an irreverent attitude.
  10. Saphira the Sassy – A blue dragon with a quick wit and a sharp tongue.
  11. Azure Avenger – A blue dragon who fancies itself a hero and protector of the skies.
  12. Bluesy Suzie – A blue dragon with a love for blues music and a sultry voice.
  13. Blueberry Breath – A blue dragon whose breath weapon smells like fresh blueberries.
  14. Icy Hot – A blue dragon who can breathe both ice and fire, but prefers the cool blue flames.
  15. The Blue Bomber – A blue dragon who loves to blow things up with lightning and thunder.
  16. Smurfette the Scary – A blue dragon who uses her cute appearance to deceive and frighten her enemies.
  17. Electric Eelbert – A blue dragon who loves to swim in the ocean and shock unsuspecting creatures.
  18. The Blueberry Bandit – A blue dragon who has a penchant for stealing berries and other tasty treats.
  19. Lord Blueberry – A blue dragon who rules over a kingdom of berry-loving creatures.
  20. Captain Thunderbolt – A blue dragon who fancies himself a swashbuckling adventurer.
  21. Sir Snuggles – A blue dragon with a surprising love for cuddling and naps.
  22. The Blue Cheese – A blue dragon with a funky smell and a love for aged cheeses.
  23. Barnacle Blue – A blue dragon who loves to stick to the sides of ships and cause chaos.
  24. Mr. Bluejeans – A blue dragon who loves to dress up in denim and dance.
  25. Bluey McBlueface – A blue dragon with a silly name and a love for making friends.

Characteristics Of DnD Blue Dragons And What Makes Them Unique

  • Blue dragons are known for their electrifying powers, which they use to attack their enemies.
  • They prefer to live in deserts, where their blue scales can blend in with the sandy terrain.
  • Blue dragons are territorial and will fiercely defend their territory from intruders.
  • They have an intense hatred for bronze dragons, which they view as their natural enemies.
  • Blue dragons are often depicted as cunning and intelligent, using their wits to outsmart their opponents.
  • They are immune to electricity-based attacks, and can even absorb electrical energy to heal themselves.
  • Blue dragons are capable of flight, and can travel at great speeds in the air.
  • They have a breath weapon that unleashes a powerful blast of lightning, which can cause massive damage to their enemies.
  • Blue dragons are solitary creatures, and do not often form alliances or work with other dragons.
  • They have a strong sense of pride, and will not tolerate disrespect or disobedience from those around them.
  • Blue dragons are often depicted as arrogant and haughty, considering themselves to be superior to other creatures.
  • They are not above using deception and trickery to get what they want.
  • Blue dragons have a strong connection to the element of air, and can manipulate wind currents and air pressure.
  • They have razor-sharp claws and teeth, which they use to tear apart their prey.
  • Blue dragons are powerful creatures, feared and respected by many in the world of Dungeons and Dragons.