In the world of Dungeons and Dragons, the Duergar are a fascinating and enigmatic race of dwarves. With their gray skin, glowing eyes, and resistance to poison, these fierce warriors and skilled craftsmen are known for their affinity for magic and their ability to craft powerful magical items.
Whether you are a dungeon master looking for unique and interesting names for your Duergar NPCs, or a player looking for the perfect name for your character, you have come to the right place.
In this article, we have compiled a list of the best 250 DnD Duergar names, complete with meanings and references to their unique characteristics.
So sit back, grab your favorite dice, and prepare to dive into the rich and fascinating world of Duergar naming conventions.
Male DnD Duergar Names
- Brynduk – “Great Warhammer” in Duergar language, indicating a skilled fighter.
- Grimmirn – “Gloomy Eyes” in Duergar language, indicating a pessimistic outlook.
- Tharngar – “Master Enchanter” in Duergar language, indicating a powerful mage.
- Drogdan – “Stone Axe” in Duergar language, indicating a proficient user of battleaxes.
- Garrimor – “Deep Darkness” in Duergar language, indicating a fondness for the underground.
- Urgrimm – “Iron Hammer” in Duergar language, indicating a skilled craftsman.
- Kazmuk – “Shimmering Eyes” in Duergar language, indicating a fascination with illusion magic.
- Feldun – “Mountain Fortress” in Duergar language, indicating a preference for isolation.
- Dolgrim – “Stoneborn” in Duergar language, indicating a strong connection to their underground homeland.
- Hargrund – “Deep Warrior” in Duergar language, indicating a fierce fighter.
- Narzuk – “Night Vision” in Duergar language, indicating an ability to see in the dark.
- Morngrim – “Darkness Lover” in Duergar language, indicating a fondness for shadowy places.
- Razdor – “Disrupter” in Duergar language, indicating a mischievous nature.
- Bramdak – “Stone Shield” in Duergar language, indicating a defensive fighting style.
- Grendol – “Gloomy Fortress” in Duergar language, indicating a preference for solitude.
- Kruznar – “Illusion Master” in Duergar language, indicating a powerful user of illusion magic.
- Orinok – “Dark Axe” in Duergar language, indicating a preference for battleaxes.
- Gorimor – “Deep Hammer” in Duergar language, indicating a skilled craftsman who prefers working underground.
- Drakdor – “Stoneborn Fighter” in Duergar language, indicating a fierce warrior who is deeply connected to their homeland.
- Kazdum – “Shimmering Fortress” in Duergar language, indicating a preference for well-defended underground fortifications.
- Druzdal – “Darkness Fighter” in Duergar language, indicating a fierce warrior who prefers to fight in the shadows.
- Hundruk – “Mountain Hammer” in Duergar language, indicating a skilled blacksmith who is fond of mountainous regions.
- Mazmuk – “Illusion Enthusiast” in Duergar language, indicating a fascination with illusion magic.
- Fargrund – “Deep Fortress” in Duergar language, indicating a preference for well-defended underground strongholds.
- Norgar – “Night Warrior” in Duergar language, indicating a fierce fighter who excels in low-light conditions.
Female DnD Duergar Names
- Druzzara – “Dark Fighter” in Duergar language, indicating a fierce warrior.
- Tharngara – “Master Enchantress” in Duergar language, indicating a powerful female mage.
- Kazmyra – “Shimmering Eyes” in Duergar language, indicating a fascination with illusion magic.
- Garridra – “Deep Darkness” in Duergar language, indicating a love for the underground.
- Bryndukka – “Great Warhammer” in Duergar language, indicating a skilled fighter.
- Hundraka – “Mountain Hammer” in Duergar language, indicating a skilled blacksmith who is fond of mountainous regions.
- Orinoka – “Dark Axe” in Duergar language, indicating a preference for battleaxes.
- Narzuka – “Night Vision” in Duergar language, indicating an ability to see in the dark.
- Morngrima – “Darkness Lover” in Duergar language, indicating a fondness for shadowy places.
- Razdora – “Disrupter” in Duergar language, indicating a mischievous nature.
- Felduna – “Mountain Fortress” in Duergar language, indicating a preference for isolation.
- Grimmira – “Gloomy Eyes” in Duergar language, indicating a pessimistic outlook.
- Drogdana – “Stone Axe” in Duergar language, indicating a proficient user of battleaxes.
- Kruznara – “Illusion Master” in Duergar language, indicating a powerful user of illusion magic.
- Urgrimma – “Iron Hammer” in Duergar language, indicating a skilled craftsman.
- Gorimora – “Deep Hammer” in Duergar language, indicating a skilled craftsman who prefers working underground.
- Bramdaka – “Stone Shield” in Duergar language, indicating a defensive fighting style.
- Dolgrima – “Stoneborn” in Duergar language, indicating a strong connection to their underground homeland.
- Mazmuka – “Illusion Enthusiast” in Duergar language, indicating a fascination with illusion magic.
- Hargrunda – “Deep Warrior” in Duergar language, indicating a fierce fighter.
- Grendola – “Gloomy Fortress” in Duergar language, indicating a preference for solitude.
- Kazduma – “Shimmering Fortress” in Duergar language, indicating a preference for well-defended underground fortifications.
- Drakdora – “Stoneborn Fighter” in Duergar language, indicating a fierce warrior who is deeply connected to their homeland.
- Norgara – “Night Warrior” in Duergar language, indicating a fierce fighter who excels in low-light conditions.
- Fargrunda – “Deep Fortress” in Duergar language, indicating a preference for well-defended underground strongholds.
DnD Duergar Names That Reference Their Gray Skin
- Grisnak – “Gray Skin” in Duergar language, a straightforward reference to their appearance.
- Ashengrim – “Ashen Gray” in Duergar language, indicating a paler shade of gray skin.
- Slatefist – “Slate Fist” in Duergar language, indicating the color and strength of their hands.
- Mistshade – “Misty Gray” in Duergar language, indicating a hazy, ethereal quality.
- Flintskin – “Flint Skin” in Duergar language, indicating a tougher, stone-like texture.
- Pebblehide – “Pebble Hide” in Duergar language, indicating a rough, bumpy texture.
- Graphite – “Gray Mineral” in Duergar language, indicating their resemblance to the mineral graphite.
- Thundercloud – “Gray Cloud” in Duergar language, indicating a stormy, intimidating presence.
- Silverback – “Silver-Gray Back” in Duergar language, indicating their strength and appearance.
- Mistycaster – “Gray Illusionist” in Duergar language, indicating their proficiency in illusion magic.
- Stormhide – “Stormy Gray Hide” in Duergar language, indicating a tough and imposing presence.
- Granitefist – “Granite Fist” in Duergar language, indicating their strength and hardness.
- Shadowskin – “Shadowy Gray Skin” in Duergar language, indicating a dark and mysterious presence.
- Ironclad – “Iron Gray” in Duergar language, indicating their toughness and resilience.
- Fogcaster – “Gray Fog Illusionist” in Duergar language, indicating their proficiency in creating fog and illusions.
- Hailstorm – “Gray Hailstorm” in Duergar language, indicating their destructive potential.
- Stormcloak – “Gray Storm Cloak” in Duergar language, indicating their imposing appearance.
- Metalback – “Metallic Gray Back” in Duergar language, indicating their strength and metallic appearance.
- Slatecast – “Slate Gray Illusionist” in Duergar language, indicating their proficiency in creating illusions.
- Smokeskin – “Smoky Gray Skin” in Duergar language, indicating a mysterious and elusive presence.
- Shalefist – “Shale Fist” in Duergar language, indicating their strength and ruggedness.
- Mistweaver – “Gray Mist Weaver” in Duergar language, indicating their ability to manipulate mist and illusions.
- Thunderfist – “Thunderous Gray Fist” in Duergar language, indicating their strength and destructive potential.
- Mudskin – “Muddy Gray Skin” in Duergar language, indicating a more earthy and grounded presence.
- Hailcaster – “Gray Hail Illusionist” in Duergar language, indicating their proficiency in creating illusions of hail and storms.
DnD Duergar Names That Reference Their Glowing Eyes
- Glowgaze – A simple name that references their glowing eyes.
- Sparkleeyes – Another straightforward name that references their bright eyes.
- Glarestone – A name that combines “glare” with “stone” to reference their glowing eyes and their connection to the underground.
- Shimmergaze – A name that evokes the shimmering light of their eyes.
- Gleamwatcher – A name that references their watchful nature and their glowing eyes.
- Brightlooker – A name that emphasizes the brightness of their eyes.
- Lumineye – A name that combines “luminous” with “eye” to reference their glowing eyes.
- Radiantgaze – A name that evokes the radiance of their eyes.
- Lightwatcher – A name that references their watchful nature and their glowing eyes.
- Glowfinder – A name that references their ability to see in the dark with their glowing eyes.
- Lanternlooker – A name that references their ability to light up the darkness with their eyes.
- Flamegaze – A name that evokes the fiery quality of their eyes.
- Starlooker – A name that references the celestial quality of their glowing eyes.
- Shinewatcher – A name that references their watchful nature and the shine of their eyes.
- Flickergaze – A name that references the flickering quality of their glowing eyes.
- Glittereyes – A name that references the glittering quality of their eyes.
- Glowfinder – A name that references their ability to find their way in the darkness with their glowing eyes.
- Luminator – A name that references their ability to light up dark places with their eyes.
- Brightgaze – A name that emphasizes the brightness of their eyes.
- Radiantwatcher – A name that references their watchful nature and their glowing eyes.
- Shimmerstone – A name that combines “shimmer” with “stone” to reference their glowing eyes and their connection to the underground.
- Luminouslooker – A name that emphasizes the luminosity of their eyes.
- Gleamfinder – A name that references their ability to find things in the dark with their glowing eyes.
- Lightwatcher – A name that references their watchful nature and their glowing eyes.
- Glowkeeper – A name that references their ability to keep things glowing with their eyes.
DnD Duergar Names That Reference Their Resistance To Poison
- Toxinbane – A name that references their ability to resist the effects of toxins and poisons.
- Poisonclad – A name that evokes their toughness and resilience to poison.
- Venomhide – A name that references their ability to resist venom and poison.
- Antidote – A name that references their immunity to poison and their ability to neutralize it.
- Potionproof – A name that references their resistance to potion effects, including poison.
- Resistancer – A name that references their natural resistance to various types of damage, including poison.
- Immunity – A name that references their complete immunity to poison.
- Toxinproof – A name that references their ability to resist the effects of various toxins and poisons.
- Venomclad – A name that references their toughness and resilience to venom and poison.
- Antivenom – A name that references their ability to neutralize the effects of venom and poison.
- Poisonbane – A name that references their ability to resist the effects of various poisons.
- Potionclad – A name that references their toughness and resilience to potion effects, including poison.
- Resistance – A straightforward name that references their natural resistance to various types of damage, including poison.
- Immune – A straightforward name that references their complete immunity to poison.
- Antitoxin – A name that references their ability to neutralize the effects of various toxins and poisons.
- Toxinproofed – A name that references their ability to resist the effects of various toxins and poisons.
- Venomproof – A name that references their ability to resist the effects of venom and poison.
- Poisonproof – A name that references their ability to resist the effects of various poisons.
- Poisonresistant – A name that references their natural resistance to various poisons.
- Toxinresistant – A name that references their natural resistance to various toxins and poisons.
- Venomresistant – A name that references their natural resistance to venom and poison.
- Antitoxinbearer – A name that references their ability to neutralize the effects of various toxins and poisons.
- Poisonbearer – A name that references their ability to resist the effects of various poisons.
- Venombearer – A name that references their ability to resist the effects of venom and poison.
- Immunitybearer – A name that references their complete immunity to poison.
DnD Duergar Names That Reference Their Affinity For Magic
- Illusionweaver – A name that references their proficiency in creating illusions.
- Mistcaster – A name that references their ability to manipulate mist and create illusions.
- Shadowmancer – A name that references their ability to control shadows and create illusions.
- Illusionist – A straightforward name that references their proficiency in creating illusions.
- Mistweaver – A name that references their ability to manipulate mist and create illusions.
- Shadowweaver – A name that references their ability to manipulate shadows and create illusions.
- Illusionmaster – A name that references their mastery of creating illusions.
- Mistmancer – A name that references their ability to control mist and create illusions.
- Shadowmancer – A name that references their ability to control shadows and create illusions.
- Illusioncrafter – A name that references their ability to craft illusions.
- Mistcrafter – A name that references their ability to craft mist and illusions.
- Shadowcrafter – A name that references their ability to craft shadows and illusions.
- Illusionblade – A name that references their ability to use illusions in battle.
- Mistblade – A name that references their ability to use mist and illusions in battle.
- Shadowblade – A name that references their ability to use shadows and illusions in battle.
- Illusionshaper – A name that references their ability to shape illusions to their will.
- Mistshaper – A name that references their ability to shape mist and illusions to their will.
- Shadowshaper – A name that references their ability to shape shadows and illusions to their will.
- Illusiondreamer – A name that references their ability to create illusions that appear like dreams.
- Mistdreamer – A name that references their ability to create illusions that appear like misty dreams.
- Shadowdreamer – A name that references their ability to create illusions that appear like shadowy dreams.
- Illusionvision – A name that references their ability to create vivid illusions that seem like visions.
- Mistvision – A name that references their ability to create vivid illusions that seem like misty visions.
- Shadowvision – A name that references their ability to create vivid illusions that seem like shadowy visions.
- Illusionmind – A name that references their ability to create illusions that seem like they are in the mind of the viewer.
DnD Duergar Names That Reference Their Skill in Crafting Magical Items
- Durgrim Forgehammer, Master Enchanter – A skilled enchanter who creates powerful magical items with his hammer and forge.
- Thalgrim Stonecrafter, Rune Master – A master of runic magic who imbues his creations with powerful spells and enchantments.
- Zorgrim Ironsmith, Artificer Extraordinaire – An accomplished artificer who creates all manner of magical items from his ironworks.
- Borgrim Steelweaver, Master of Magitech – A master of magitech who combines magic and technology to create powerful and unique magical items.
- Grimgar Magmaforge, Grand Artisan of Enchantment – A skilled craftsman who specializes in creating enchanted items of great power.
- Drogan Rockcrafter, Grandmaster Runesmith – A respected and renowned runesmith who imbues his creations with intricate and powerful magical runes.
- Faldor Ironfist, Legendary Artificer – A legendary artificer who is said to be able to imbue his creations with the power of the gods.
- Hargin Stonefist, Master Enchantment Crafter – A master of crafting enchantments who creates magical items of unparalleled quality and power.
- Jarngrim Shadowsmith, Master of Shadow Magic – A shadowy figure who creates powerful magical items infused with the power of shadow magic.
- Korgath Fireforge, Magitech Engineer – A skilled engineer who combines magic and technology to create powerful and innovative magitech items.
- Morgath Metalweaver, Master of Enchantment – A master of crafting enchantments who imbues his creations with powerful spells and magical properties.
- Narzag Stoneweaver, Rune Expert – A rune expert who creates powerful magical items imbued with ancient and mysterious runes.
- Orin Stonecutter, Artificer Supreme – A master artificer who is renowned for creating the most powerful and unique magical items.
- Ragnor Steelhammer, Magitech Mastermind – A mastermind of magitech who creates powerful and unique magical items using the latest technology.
- Sorin Shadowcaster, Master of Shadow Enchantment – A master of shadow enchantment who creates powerful magical items that imbue their users with shadowy powers.
- Torgath Ironheart, Master Craftsman of Enchantment – A master craftsman who creates enchanted items of great power and beauty.
- Ulfgar Firecrafter, Magitech Innovator – A skilled innovator who creates magitech items of great power and ingenuity.
- Vorgrim Stonehammer, Rune Engraver – A skilled engraver of runes who creates powerful magical items imbued with the power of ancient and powerful symbols.
- Worgath Ironfist, Artificer of Legend – A legendary artificer who creates magical items that are said to be the most powerful and unique in all the land.
- Xorgrim Shadowweaver, Enchanter of Darkness – An enchanter who creates powerful magical items imbued with the power of darkness and shadow.
- Yorgath Stonefist, Grandmaster of Enchantment – A grandmaster of enchantment who creates powerful magical items that are imbued with intricate and powerful spells.
- Drogath Fireforge, Master of Elemental Enchantment – A master of enchantment who creates powerful magical items imbued with the power of the elements.
- Grindor Ironheart, Artificer of the Gods – An artificer who creates magical items that are said to be imbued with the power of the gods themselves.
- Horgath Shadowcaster, Magitech Master – A master of magitech who creates powerful magical items using a combination of magic and technology that is unmatched in quality and power.
- Lorgath Metalweaver, Grandmaster Artificer – A grandmaster artificer who creates magical items of the highest quality and power.
DnD Duergar Names That Reference Their Fighting Skills
- Grunyar Battlehammer – A fierce warrior who wields a mighty hammer in battle.
- Throgath Ironfist – A powerful fighter who relies on his fists to defeat his enemies.
- Drorgar Deathstrike – A deadly assassin who strikes fear into the hearts of his enemies.
- Gorgath Goreblade – A skilled fighter who wields a sharp and deadly blade in battle.
- Korgath Ironclad – A heavily armored warrior who is nearly invincible in battle.
- Lorgath Skullcrusher – A powerful fighter who uses his strength to crush his enemies’ skulls.
- Morgath Bloodfury – A fierce warrior who enters a blood frenzy in battle.
- Norgath Ironskin – A fighter who is nearly impervious to attacks due to his tough skin.
- Rorgath Shieldbreaker – A fighter who is skilled at breaking through his enemies’ defenses.
- Sorgath Ironwall – A heavily armored fighter who is nearly impossible to penetrate.
- Torgath Thunderstrike – A fighter who wields a powerful thunderous weapon in battle.
- Vorgath Bladehail – A skilled fighter who rains down deadly blows on his enemies.
- Worgath Firebrand – A fighter who uses fire to destroy his enemies.
- Xorgath Darkblade – A fighter who is skilled at using his dark powers to defeat his enemies.
- Yorgath Bloodthirst – A fighter who is driven by an insatiable thirst for blood.
- Zorgath Steelstorm – A fighter who unleashes a storm of steel on his enemies.
- Brogath Ironhide – A fighter who is nearly impervious to attacks due to his tough hide.
- Dorgath Battlecry – A fighter who inspires fear in his enemies with his powerful battlecry.
- Forgath Bladestorm – A fighter who is skilled at unleashing a whirlwind of deadly blows.
- Gorgath Ironclaw – A fighter who uses his sharp iron claws to shred his enemies.
- Horgath Bloodaxe – A fighter who wields a powerful and deadly axe in battle.
- Jorgath Ironjaw – A fighter who is known for his powerful bite and iron jaws.
- Korgath Steelheart – A fighter who is known for his unbreakable will and unwavering determination.
- Lorgath Ironbones – A fighter who is nearly unbreakable due to his powerful bones.
- Morgath Steelgrip – A fighter who has a vice-like grip on his weapons and is skilled at disarming his enemies.
DnD Duergar Names That Reference Their Weapon Battleaxe
- Brogath Battleaxe Bearer – A fierce warrior who wields a battleaxe with deadly precision.
- Drogath Axe Master – A master of the battleaxe who is feared by his enemies.
- Folgath Axe Grinder – A fighter who is skilled at grinding his axe into his enemies.
- Gorgath Ironbeard – A fighter who is known for his long and impressive beard, and his deadly battleaxe.
- Horgath Battleaxe Breaker – A fighter who is skilled at breaking through his enemies’ defenses with his battleaxe.
- Jorgath Axe Wielder – A fighter who wields his battleaxe with deadly force.
- Korgath Battleaxe Basher – A fighter who is known for his powerful and crushing blows with his battleaxe.
- Lorgath Battleaxe Blade – A fighter who is skilled at using the sharp blade of his battleaxe to great effect.
- Morgath Axe Warrior – A fierce warrior who is skilled at using his battleaxe in battle.
- Norgath Axe Thrower – A fighter who is skilled at throwing his battleaxe with deadly accuracy.
- Orgath Axe Slayer – A fighter who is known for his deadly skill with the battleaxe.
- Porgath Battleaxe Brave – A brave warrior who charges fearlessly into battle with his battleaxe.
- Qorgath Axe Striker – A fighter who is skilled at striking his enemies with deadly force using his battleaxe.
- Rorgath Battleaxe Rager – A fighter who enters a blood frenzy in battle with his battleaxe.
- Sorgath Axe Smasher – A fighter who is skilled at smashing through his enemies’ defenses with his battleaxe.
- Torgath Battleaxe Thunder – A fighter who wields a battleaxe that crackles with thunderous power.
- Urgath Axe Hewer – A fighter who is skilled at hewing through his enemies’ armor and weapons with his battleaxe.
- Vorgath Battleaxe Victor – A fighter who is skilled at winning battles with his deadly battleaxe.
- Worgath Axe Cleaver – A fighter who is skilled at cleaving through his enemies’ bodies with his battleaxe.
- Xorgath Battleaxe Executioner – A fighter who is known for his deadly and precise strikes with his battleaxe.
- Yorgath Axe Champion – A fighter who is a champion of the battleaxe and is feared by his enemies.
- Zorgath Battleaxe Zealot – A fighter who is devoted to the battleaxe and is known for his zealousness in battle.
- Alogath Axe Butcher – A fighter who is known for his brutal and bloody attacks with his battleaxe.
- Borgath Battleaxe Brute – A fighter who is known for his brute strength and deadly battleaxe.
- Corgath Axe Dominator – A fighter who dominates the battlefield with his deadly and skillful use of his battleaxe.
DnD Duergar Names That Reference Their Weapon Hammer
- Drogath Hammer Wielder – A fighter who wields his hammer with deadly force.
- Gorgath Hammer Bearer – A fierce warrior who wields a hammer with deadly precision.
- Korgath Hammer Master – A master of the hammer who is feared by his enemies.
- Lorgath Hammer Crusher – A fighter who uses his hammer to crush his enemies’ skulls.
- Morgath Hammer Strike – A fighter who strikes fear into his enemies’ hearts with his powerful hammer blows.
- Norgath Hammer Thrower – A fighter who is skilled at throwing his hammer with deadly accuracy.
- Porgath Hammer Pounder – A fighter who is known for his powerful and crushing blows with his hammer.
- Qorgath Hammer Rager – A fighter who enters a blood frenzy in battle with his hammer.
- Rorgath Hammer Smasher – A fighter who is skilled at smashing through his enemies’ defenses with his hammer.
- Sorgath Hammer Breaker – A fighter who is skilled at breaking through his enemies’ armor with his hammer.
- Torgath Thunder Hammer – A fighter who wields a hammer that crackles with thunderous power.
- Vorgath Hammer Victor – A fighter who is skilled at winning battles with his deadly hammer.
- Worgath Hammer Cleaver – A fighter who is skilled at cleaving through his enemies’ bodies with his hammer.
- Xorgath Hammer Executioner – A fighter who is known for his deadly and precise strikes with his hammer.
- Yorgath Hammer Champion – A fighter who is a champion of the hammer and is feared by his enemies.
- Zorgath Hammer Zealot – A fighter who is devoted to the hammer and is known for his zealousness in battle.
- Brogath Hammer Fury – A fighter who is known for his fierce and unrelenting attacks with his hammer.
- Folgath Hammer Grinder – A fighter who is skilled at grinding his hammer into his enemies.
- Horgath Hammer Dominator – A fighter who dominates the battlefield with his deadly and skillful use of his hammer.
- Jorgath Hammer Striker – A fighter who is skilled at striking his enemies with deadly force using his hammer.
- Nargath Hammer Lord – A fighter who is known for his mastery of the hammer and his commanding presence on the battlefield.
- Porgath Hammer Brave – A brave warrior who charges fearlessly into battle with his deadly hammer.
- Sorgath Hammer Warrior – A fierce warrior who is skilled at using his hammer in battle.
- Trogath Hammer Fist – A fighter who is known for his powerful fists and his deadly hammer.
- Worgath Hammer Mauler – A fighter who is skilled at mauling his enemies with his deadly hammer.
Characteristics Of DnD Duergars And What Makes Them Unique
- Duergars are a subterranean race of dwarves known for their gray skin and glowing eyes.
- They have a natural resistance to poison and can even hold their breath for an extended period of time.
- Duergars have a natural affinity for magic, particularly of the illusion school.
- They are known for their skill in crafting magical items, particularly those that can be used to create illusions.
- Duergars are a reclusive and isolationist people, preferring to live in underground fortresses and avoid contact with other races.
- They have a deep-seated hatred for elves and will go out of their way to harm or kill them.
- Duergars have a caste system, with the ruling class being the most powerful and wealthiest members of their society.
- They are skilled fighters and are known for their use of battleaxes and hammers in combat.
- Duergars are able to see in complete darkness, making them a formidable foe in underground battles.
- They have a unique ability called “Enlarge,” which allows them to grow to twice their size and become even more powerful in combat.