Best 250 DnD Hobgoblin Names (With Meanings)

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Amidst the sprawling world of Dungeons and Dragons, hobgoblins are a formidable foe to face. With their red or orange skin, pointed ears, sharp teeth, and unparalleled combat skills, they have cemented themselves as a force to be reckoned with.

And what better way to immerse oneself in the world of DnD than by choosing the perfect hobgoblin name for your character?

In this article, we bring you the best 250 DnD hobgoblin names, each one imbued with its own unique meaning and significance.

Get ready to embark on a journey through a diverse range of names, from those that reference a hobgoblin’s prowess in combat to those that highlight their resistance to charms.

Join us as we explore the world of hobgoblin names and discover the perfect one for your next DnD adventure.

Male DnD Hobgoblins

  1. Gruk A short and simple name that means “strong” or “powerful.”
  2. Korg A name that means “leader” or “ruler,” befitting a hobgoblin in a position of authority.
  3. Zog A name that means “warrior” or “fighter,” indicating a hobgoblin skilled in combat.
  4. ThokkA name that means “thunder,” suggesting a hobgoblin with a loud and imposing presence.
  5. Grimgor A name that means “grim” or “fierce,” befitting a hobgoblin who is feared by his enemies.
  6. Hruk A name that means “brave” or “courageous,” indicating a hobgoblin who is not afraid to face danger.
  7. Snik A name that means “sneaky” or “stealthy,” suggesting a hobgoblin who is adept at moving quietly and avoiding detection.
  8. Gobrak A name that means “goblin killer,” indicating a hobgoblin who has earned a reputation for hunting down his smaller kin.
  9. Rogg A name that means “rugged” or “tough,” suggesting a hobgoblin who is resilient and hardy.
  10. Brugg A name that means “brutal” or “merciless,” indicating a hobgoblin who shows no mercy to his enemies.
  11. Vorg A name that means “victory,” suggesting a hobgoblin who is driven by a desire to win and succeed.
  12. Drog A name that means “dangerous” or “risky,” indicating a hobgoblin who is willing to take bold risks.
  13. Grukka A name that means “strength,” suggesting a hobgoblin who is especially powerful.
  14. Khorvak A name that means “axe” or “battle,” indicating a hobgoblin who is skilled in melee combat.
  15. Murg A name that means “mighty” or “great,” suggesting a hobgoblin who is highly respected among his kin.
  16. Skar A name that means “scar” or “wound,” indicating a hobgoblin who has survived many battles.
  17. Thorg A name that means “thunder god,” suggesting a hobgoblin who is seen as a powerful and awe-inspiring figure.
  18. Kragg A name that means “rock” or “stone,” suggesting a hobgoblin who is unyielding and immovable.
  19. Gornak A name that means “skull” or “head,” indicating a hobgoblin who is skilled in head-to-head combat.
  20. Snarzul A name that means “savage” or “wild,” suggesting a hobgoblin who is untamed and ferocious.
  21. Krazz A name that means “chaos,” indicating a hobgoblin who delights in sowing discord and confusion.
  22. Thokkrak A name that means “thunderous anger,” suggesting a hobgoblin who is easily provoked and quick to anger.
  23. Drogath A name that means “dangerous path,” indicating a hobgoblin who is unafraid to take on risky missions.
  24. Zarnok A name that means “fire,” suggesting a hobgoblin who is passionate and fiery in temperament.
  25. Groznak A name that means “terror” or “fear,” indicating a hobgoblin who is known for striking fear into the hearts of his enemies.

Female DnD Hobgoblin Names

  1. Braxa A name that means “warrior,” indicating a hobgoblin female who is skilled in battle.
  2. Horga A name that means “commander,” suggesting a hobgoblin female who is in a leadership position.
  3. Grizla A name that means “grisly” or “horrible,” indicating a hobgoblin female with a fearsome reputation.
  4. Vorgana A name that means “victorious,” suggesting a hobgoblin female who is driven to succeed.
  5. Snarla A name that means “savage,” indicating a hobgoblin female who is known for her ferocity.
  6. Gruumshka A name that means “follower of Gruumsh,” a reference to the orcish god of war.
  7. Kragga A name that means “stone,” suggesting a hobgoblin female who is tough and resilient.
  8. Zogma A name that means “fighter,” indicating a hobgoblin female who is skilled in combat.
  9. Thokka A name that means “thunder,” suggesting a hobgoblin female with a commanding presence.
  10. Droggana A name that means “dangerous,” indicating a hobgoblin female who is not to be underestimated.
  11. Kraxi A name that means “brutal,” indicating a hobgoblin female who is known for her mercilessness.
  12. Snikra A name that means “stealthy,” suggesting a hobgoblin female who is adept at moving quietly.
  13. Gornaka A name that means “skull,” indicating a hobgoblin female who is skilled in head-to-head combat.
  14. Hrukka A name that means “brave,” suggesting a hobgoblin female who is unafraid to face danger.
  15. Vorgath A name that means “victorious path,” indicating a hobgoblin female who is driven to succeed.
  16. Zogula A name that means “fighter queen,” suggesting a hobgoblin female who is a powerful leader.
  17. Grimgora A name that means “grim” or “fierce,” indicating a hobgoblin female who is feared by her enemies.
  18. Thokkraka A name that means “thunderous anger,” suggesting a hobgoblin female who is quick to anger.
  19. Khorvaka A name that means “axe,” indicating a hobgoblin female who is skilled in melee combat.
  20. Murgi A name that means “mighty,” suggesting a hobgoblin female who is highly respected among her kin.
  21. Snikala A name that means “sneaky,” indicating a hobgoblin female who is adept at avoiding detection.
  22. Grukka A name that means “strong,” suggesting a hobgoblin female who is especially powerful.
  23. Rogga A name that means “rugged,” indicating a hobgoblin female who is tough and resilient.
  24. Krazzi A name that means “chaos,” suggesting a hobgoblin female who delights in causing confusion.
  25. Thorgana A name that means “thunder goddess,” indicating a hobgoblin female who is seen as a powerful and awe-inspiring figure.

DnD Hobgoblin Names That Reference Their Red or Orange Skin

  1. Embergrim – A hobgoblin name that means “sparkling and fierce”, referencing the hobgoblin’s bright red-orange skin.
  2. Flamekrag – A hobgoblin name that means “flaming rock”, referencing the hobgoblin’s fiery red-orange skin and tough exterior.
  3. Blazebraxa – A hobgoblin name that means “blazing warrior”, referencing the hobgoblin’s red-orange skin and fierce fighting skills.
  4. Cinnabarhorga – A hobgoblin name that means “red-orange ruler”, referencing the hobgoblin’s red-orange skin and leadership qualities.
  5. Vermilionkrazz – A hobgoblin name that means “bright red fighter”, referencing the hobgoblin’s bright red-orange skin and fighting abilities.
  6. Rustsnik – A hobgoblin name that means “orange-brown sneak”, referencing the hobgoblin’s reddish-orange skin and sneaky nature.
  7. Carrotzog – A hobgoblin name that means “orange warrior”, referencing the hobgoblin’s orange skin and fighting skills.
  8. Saffronthokk – A hobgoblin name that means “orange thunder”, referencing the hobgoblin’s orange skin and commanding presence.
  9. Tangerinegruk – A hobgoblin name that means “orange strength”, referencing the hobgoblin’s orange skin and physical power.
  10. Maroonkragga – A hobgoblin name that means “deep red stone”, referencing the hobgoblin’s deep red-orange skin and toughness.
  11. Firebraxa – A hobgoblin name that means “fiery warrior”, referencing the hobgoblin’s fiery red-orange skin and fighting abilities.
  12. Cherryhorga – A hobgoblin name that means “bright red ruler”, referencing the hobgoblin’s bright red-orange skin and leadership qualities.
  13. Gingerzog – A hobgoblin name that means “orange warrior”, referencing the hobgoblin’s orange skin and fighting skills.
  14. Paprikathokk – A hobgoblin name that means “orange thunder”, referencing the hobgoblin’s orange skin and commanding presence.
  15. Peachgruk – A hobgoblin name that means “orange strength”, referencing the hobgoblin’s orange skin and physical power.
  16. Bloodgrima – A hobgoblin name that means “bloody and fierce”, referencing the hobgoblin’s red-orange skin and ferocity in battle.
  17. Carminethraxa – A hobgoblin name that means “red-orange warrior”, referencing the hobgoblin’s red-orange skin and fighting abilities.
  18. Firebrandhorga – A hobgoblin name that means “fiery leader”, referencing the hobgoblin’s fiery red-orange skin and leadership qualities.
  19. Pumpkinzog – A hobgoblin name that means “orange fighter”, referencing the hobgoblin’s orange skin and fighting abilities.
  20. Sanguinebrax – A hobgoblin name that means “bloody warrior”, referencing the hobgoblin’s red-orange skin and ferocity in battle.
  21. Sunsetthokk – A hobgoblin name that means “orange-colored thunder”, referencing the hobgoblin’s orange skin and commanding presence.
  22. Tangygrukka – A hobgoblin name that means “orange-flavored strength”, referencing the hobgoblin’s orange skin and physical power.
  23. Vermilioncrusha – A hobgoblin name that means “bright red crusher”, referencing the hobgoblin’s bright red-orange skin and physical power.
  24. Tawnykrazz – A hobgoblin name that means “reddish-orange fighter”, referencing the hobgoblin’s reddish-orange skin and fighting abilities.
  25. Flame-huedthorga – A hobgoblin name that means “leader with flame-hued skin”, referencing the hobgoblin’s red-orange skin and leadership qualities.

DnD Hobgoblin Names That Reference Their Sharp Teeth

  1. Fangor – A hobgoblin name that means “fang”, referencing the hobgoblin’s sharp teeth.
  2. Toothgrima – A hobgoblin name that means “tooth and fierce”, referencing the hobgoblin’s sharp teeth and ferocity in battle.
  3. Bitekrag – A hobgoblin name that means “biting rock”, referencing the hobgoblin’s sharp teeth and tough exterior.
  4. Snagbraxa – A hobgoblin name that means “toothed warrior”, referencing the hobgoblin’s sharp teeth and fighting abilities.
  5. Mawhorga – A hobgoblin name that means “toothed ruler”, referencing the hobgoblin’s sharp teeth and leadership qualities.
  6. Gnarltuskzog – A hobgoblin name that means “gnarled tusk warrior”, referencing the hobgoblin’s sharp teeth and physical power.
  7. Fangthokk – A hobgoblin name that means “fang thunder”, referencing the hobgoblin’s sharp teeth and commanding presence.
  8. Jawgruk – A hobgoblin name that means “powerful jaws”, referencing the hobgoblin’s sharp teeth and physical power.
  9. Incisorzak – A hobgoblin name that means “incisor fighter”, referencing the hobgoblin’s sharp teeth and fighting abilities.
  10. Gnashbrax – A hobgoblin name that means “tooth gnasher”, referencing the hobgoblin’s sharp teeth and ferocity in battle.
  11. Caninehorga – A hobgoblin name that means “canine ruler”, referencing the hobgoblin’s sharp teeth and leadership qualities.
  12. Bitejawzog – A hobgoblin name that means “biting jaw warrior”, referencing the hobgoblin’s sharp teeth and physical power.
  13. Razorgrima – A hobgoblin name that means “razor and fierce”, referencing the hobgoblin’s sharp teeth and ferocity in battle.
  14. Cuspidthokk – A hobgoblin name that means “cuspid thunder”, referencing the hobgoblin’s sharp teeth and commanding presence.
  15. Tuskgrukka – A hobgoblin name that means “tusk strength”, referencing the hobgoblin’s sharp teeth and physical power.
  16. Fangchompzog – A hobgoblin name that means “fang-chomping warrior”, referencing the hobgoblin’s sharp teeth and fighting abilities.
  17. Chiselbraxa – A hobgoblin name that means “tooth chisel warrior”, referencing the hobgoblin’s sharp teeth and fighting abilities.
  18. Bladejawhorga – A hobgoblin name that means “blade-jaw ruler”, referencing the hobgoblin’s sharp teeth and leadership qualities.
  19. Incisorthrax – A hobgoblin name that means “incisor crusher”, referencing the hobgoblin’s sharp teeth and physical power.
  20. Fangslashgruk – A hobgoblin name that means “fang-slashing warrior”, referencing the hobgoblin’s sharp teeth and fighting abilities.
  21. Bitecrushthokk – A hobgoblin name that means “biting and crushing thunder”, referencing the hobgoblin’s sharp teeth and commanding presence.
  22. Gapejawzak – A hobgoblin name that means “jaw-gaping fighter”, referencing the hobgoblin’s sharp teeth and ferocity in battle.
  23. Slashertuskzog – A hobgoblin name that means “slasher tusk warrior”, referencing the hobgoblin’s sharp teeth and physical power.
  24. Serratedgrima – A hobgoblin name that means “serrated and fierce”, referencing the hobgoblin’s sharp teeth and ferocity in battle.
  25. Fangspikehorga – A hobgoblin name that means “fang-spike ruler”, referencing the hobgoblin’s sharp teeth and leadership qualities.

DnD Hobgoblin Names That Reference Their Pointed Ears

  1. Earsharpzog – A hobgoblin name that means “sharp-eared warrior,” referencing the hobgoblin’s pointed ears and fighting abilities.
  2. Pointygruk – A hobgoblin name that means “pointed strength,” referencing the hobgoblin’s pointed ears and physical power.
  3. Spikehorga – A hobgoblin name that means “spiked ruler,” referencing the hobgoblin’s pointed ears and leadership qualities.
  4. Pinnathraxa – A hobgoblin name that means “ear-point crusher,” referencing the hobgoblin’s pointed ears and physical power.
  5. Tipthokk – A hobgoblin name that means “ear-tip thunder,” referencing the hobgoblin’s pointed ears and commanding presence.
  6. Lobebraxa – A hobgoblin name that means “earlobe warrior,” referencing the hobgoblin’s pointed ears and fighting abilities.
  7. Elfbitezog – A hobgoblin name that means “elf-biting warrior,” referencing the hobgoblin’s pointed ears and fighting abilities.
  8. Hearkrag – A hobgoblin name that means “ear-stone,” referencing the hobgoblin’s pointed ears and tough exterior.
  9. Spikelobehorga – A hobgoblin name that means “spiked ear ruler,” referencing the hobgoblin’s pointed ears and leadership qualities.
  10. Pointymawgrima – A hobgoblin name that means “pointy-mouthed and fierce,” referencing the hobgoblin’s pointed ears and ferocity in battle.
  11. Auralthokk – A hobgoblin name that means “ear thunder,” referencing the hobgoblin’s pointed ears and commanding presence.
  12. Nibblergruk – A hobgoblin name that means “ear-nibbling strength,” referencing the hobgoblin’s pointed ears and physical power.
  13. Auriclezak – A hobgoblin name that means “ear-fighter,” referencing the hobgoblin’s pointed ears and fighting abilities.
  14. Spikejawbraxa – A hobgoblin name that means “spiked-jaw warrior,” referencing the hobgoblin’s pointed ears and ferocity in battle.
  15. Harkenkragga – A hobgoblin name that means “ear listener,” referencing the hobgoblin’s pointed ears and perceptiveness.
  16. Tipgrima – A hobgoblin name that means “ear-tip and fierce,” referencing the hobgoblin’s pointed ears and ferocity in battle.
  17. Hearkenzog – A hobgoblin name that means “ear-listening warrior,” referencing the hobgoblin’s pointed ears and perceptiveness.
  18. Lobecrushthorga – A hobgoblin name that means “earlobe crushing ruler,” referencing the hobgoblin’s pointed ears and physical power.
  19. Eartoothgrukka – A hobgoblin name that means “ear-tooth strength,” referencing the hobgoblin’s pointed ears and physical power.
  20. Spikysnarlthrax – A hobgoblin name that means “spiky and snarling crusher,” referencing the hobgoblin’s pointed ears and ferocity in battle.
  21. Harkspikebrax – A hobgoblin name that means “ear-spike warrior,” referencing the hobgoblin’s pointed ears and fighting abilities.
  22. Pinnaclashthokk – A hobgoblin name that means “ear-point clashing thunder,” referencing the hobgoblin’s pointed ears and commanding presence.
  23. Hearshredzak – A hobgoblin name that means “ear-shredding fighter,” referencing the hobgoblin’s pointed ears and fighting abilities.
  24. Spike-tippedgrima – A hobgoblin name that means “spike-tipped and fierce,” referencing the hobgoblin’s pointed ears and ferocity in battle.
  25. Auricularhorga – A hobgoblin name that means “ear leader,” referencing the hobgoblin’s pointed ears and leadership qualities.

DnD Hobgoblin Names That Reference Their Skills in Spears

  1. Spearfangzog – A hobgoblin name that means “spear-fanged warrior,” referencing the hobgoblin’s skill with spears and ferocity in battle.
  2. Spearbraxa – A hobgoblin name that means “spear warrior,” referencing the hobgoblin’s skill with spears and fighting abilities.
  3. Skewergrima – A hobgoblin name that means “skewering and fierce,” referencing the hobgoblin’s skill with spears and ferocity in battle.
  4. Shaftkrag – A hobgoblin name that means “spear shaft,” referencing the hobgoblin’s skill with spears and the tough exterior of a spear.
  5. Impalerzak – A hobgoblin name that means “spear impaler,” referencing the hobgoblin’s skill with spears and their ability to pierce enemies.
  6. Point-thokk – A hobgoblin name that means “spear point thunder,” referencing the hobgoblin’s skill with spears and commanding presence in battle.
  7. Javelingruk – A hobgoblin name that means “javelin strength,” referencing the hobgoblin’s skill with spears and physical power.
  8. Spearheadhorga – A hobgoblin name that means “spearhead ruler,” referencing the hobgoblin’s skill with spears and leadership qualities.
  9. Skewerthraxa – A hobgoblin name that means “spear skewer crusher,” referencing the hobgoblin’s skill with spears and physical power.
  10. Thrustbrax – A hobgoblin name that means “spear thrust,” referencing the hobgoblin’s skill with spears and fighting abilities.
  11. Pointedzakka – A hobgoblin name that means “pointed strength,” referencing the hobgoblin’s skill with spears and physical power.
  12. Spearstrikegruk – A hobgoblin name that means “spear striking warrior,” referencing the hobgoblin’s skill with spears and fighting abilities.
  13. Skewer-huedthokk – A hobgoblin name that means “spear-skewering thunder,” referencing the hobgoblin’s skill with spears and commanding presence in battle.
  14. Spearbrandgrima – A hobgoblin name that means “spear brandishing and fierce,” referencing the hobgoblin’s skill with spears and ferocity in battle.
  15. Throatslitterbraxa – A hobgoblin name that means “throat-slitter warrior,” referencing the hobgoblin’s skill with spears and ferocity in battle.
  16. Spear-strikezog – A hobgoblin name that means “spear-striking warrior,” referencing the hobgoblin’s skill with spears and fighting abilities.
  17. Thrustcrushhorga – A hobgoblin name that means “spear-thrust crushing ruler,” referencing the hobgoblin’s skill with spears and physical power.
  18. Skewerbladeshieldthokk – A hobgoblin name that means “spear-skewering blade and shield thunder,” referencing the hobgoblin’s skill with spears and their use of shields in battle.
  19. Spearpointgrukka – A hobgoblin name that means “spear-point strength,” referencing the hobgoblin’s skill with spears and physical power.
  20. Impalehuedbrax – A hobgoblin name that means “spear-impaling warrior,” referencing the hobgoblin’s skill with spears and ferocity in battle.
  21. Spearbearerzak – A hobgoblin name that means “spear bearer,” referencing the hobgoblin’s skill with spears and their role as a warrior.
  22. Thrustingrapplegrima – A hobgoblin name that means “thrusting and grappling fierce,” referencing the hobgoblin’s skill with spears and their ability to grapple enemies.
  23. Javelinthrowerzog – A hobgoblin name that means “javelin throwing warrior,” referencing the hobgoblin’s skill with spears and their use of javelins in battle.
  24. Spearbrandhorga – A hobgoblin name that means “spear brandishing ruler,” referencing the hobgoblin’s skill with spears and leadership qualities.
  25. Stabbingthokk – A hobgoblin name that means “spear stabbing thunder,” referencing the hobgoblin’s skill with spears and commanding presence in battle.

DnD Hobgoblin Names That Reference Their Sword Skills

  1. Swordstrikezog – A hobgoblin name that means “sword-striking warrior,” referencing the hobgoblin’s skill with swords and fighting abilities.
  2. Bladebraxa – A hobgoblin name that means “blade warrior,” referencing the hobgoblin’s skill with swords and fighting abilities.
  3. Cutthroatgruk – A hobgoblin name that means “cutthroat strength,” referencing the hobgoblin’s skill with swords and ferocity in battle.
  4. Sabregrima – A hobgoblin name that means “sabre and fierce,” referencing the hobgoblin’s skill with swords and ferocity in battle.
  5. Swordbearerzak – A hobgoblin name that means “sword bearer,” referencing the hobgoblin’s skill with swords and their role as a warrior.
  6. Bladehuedthokk – A hobgoblin name that means “blade-colored thunder,” referencing the hobgoblin’s skill with swords and commanding presence in battle.
  7. Slashergrukka – A hobgoblin name that means “slashing strength,” referencing the hobgoblin’s skill with swords and physical power.
  8. Cutbraxa – A hobgoblin name that means “cutting warrior,” referencing the hobgoblin’s skill with swords and fighting abilities.
  9. Bladebrandzog – A hobgoblin name that means “blade-brandishing warrior,” referencing the hobgoblin’s skill with swords and fighting abilities.
  10. Swordthundergrima – A hobgoblin name that means “sword thunder and fierce,” referencing the hobgoblin’s skill with swords and ferocity in battle.
  11. Slashzak – A hobgoblin name that means “slashing fighter,” referencing the hobgoblin’s skill with swords and fighting abilities.
  12. Swordedgebrax – A hobgoblin name that means “sword-edged warrior,” referencing the hobgoblin’s skill with swords and fighting abilities.
  13. Sabretoothgruk – A hobgoblin name that means “sabre-toothed strength,” referencing the hobgoblin’s skill with swords and physical power.
  14. Cutthroatzogga – A hobgoblin name that means “cutthroat fighter,” referencing the hobgoblin’s skill with swords and ferocity in battle.
  15. Bladehiltthokk – A hobgoblin name that means “blade-hilt thunder,” referencing the hobgoblin’s skill with swords and commanding presence in battle.
  16. Swordclashgrima – A hobgoblin name that means “sword-clashing and fierce,” referencing the hobgoblin’s skill with swords and ferocity in battle.
  17. Cutgrukka – A hobgoblin name that means “cutting strength,” referencing the hobgoblin’s skill with swords and physical power.
  18. Bladekeeperzak – A hobgoblin name that means “blade keeper,” referencing the hobgoblin’s skill with swords and their role as a warrior.
  19. Swordmasterbraxa – A hobgoblin name that means “sword master warrior,” referencing the hobgoblin’s skill with swords and fighting abilities.
  20. Slashhuedthorga – A hobgoblin name that means “slashing and colored ruler,” referencing the hobgoblin’s skill with swords and leadership qualities.
  21. Swordprowessgruk – A hobgoblin name that means “sword prowess strength,” referencing the hobgoblin’s skill with swords and physical power.
  22. Bladehiltbrax – A hobgoblin name that means “blade-hilt warrior,” referencing the hobgoblin’s skill with swords and fighting abilities.
  23. Swordclashzog – A hobgoblin name that means “sword-clashing warrior,” referencing the hobgoblin’s skill with swords and fighting abilities.
  24. Sabremastergrima – A hobgoblin name that means “sabre master and fierce,” referencing the hobgoblin’s skill with swords and ferocity in battle.
  25. Cutthroatthokk – A hobgoblin name that means “cutthroat thunder,” referencing the hobgoblin’s skill with swords and commanding presence in battle.

DnD Hobgoblin Names That Reference Their Skills in Archery

  1. Arrowstrikezog – A hobgoblin name that means “arrow-striking warrior,” referencing the hobgoblin’s skill in archery and fighting abilities.
  2. Bowbraxa – A hobgoblin name that means “bow warrior,” referencing the hobgoblin’s skill in archery and fighting abilities.
  3. Sharpshootergruk – A hobgoblin name that means “sharpshooting strength,” referencing the hobgoblin’s skill in archery and physical power.
  4. Arrowstormgrima – A hobgoblin name that means “arrow-storm and fierce,” referencing the hobgoblin’s skill in archery and ferocity in battle.
  5. Bowbearerzak – A hobgoblin name that means “bow bearer,” referencing the hobgoblin’s skill in archery and their role as a warrior.
  6. Targethuedthokk – A hobgoblin name that means “target-colored thunder,” referencing the hobgoblin’s skill in archery and commanding presence in battle.
  7. Arrowhailbraxa – A hobgoblin name that means “arrow-hail warrior,” referencing the hobgoblin’s skill in archery and fighting abilities.
  8. Archerymastergrukka – A hobgoblin name that means “archery master strength,” referencing the hobgoblin’s skill in archery and physical power.
  9. Bowbrandzog – A hobgoblin name that means “bow-brandishing warrior,” referencing the hobgoblin’s skill in archery and fighting abilities.
  10. Arrowthundergrima – A hobgoblin name that means “arrow thunder and fierce,” referencing the hobgoblin’s skill in archery and ferocity in battle.
  11. Targetbladeshieldzak – A hobgoblin name that means “target-blade and shield,” referencing the hobgoblin’s skill in archery and their use of shields in battle.
  12. Bowstringerbrax – A hobgoblin name that means “bow-stringing warrior,” referencing the hobgoblin’s skill in archery and fighting abilities.
  13. Arrowtippedgruk – A hobgoblin name that means “arrow-tipped strength,” referencing the hobgoblin’s skill in archery and physical power.
  14. Archeryacezog – A hobgoblin name that means “archery ace warrior,” referencing the hobgoblin’s skill in archery and fighting abilities.
  15. Arrowvolleythokk – A hobgoblin name that means “arrow-volley thunder,” referencing the hobgoblin’s skill in archery and commanding presence in battle.
  16. Bowhuntergrima – A hobgoblin name that means “bow hunter and fierce,” referencing the hobgoblin’s skill in archery and ferocity in battle.
  17. Targetpiercerzakka – A hobgoblin name that means “target-piercing strength,” referencing the hobgoblin’s skill in archery and physical power.
  18. Arrowwardenbraxa – A hobgoblin name that means “arrow warden warrior,” referencing the hobgoblin’s skill in archery and their role as a warrior.
  19. Bowthundergruk – A hobgoblin name that means “bow thunder strength,” referencing the hobgoblin’s skill in archery and physical power.
  20. Arrowshotthorga – A hobgoblin name that means “arrow shot ruler,” referencing the hobgoblin’s skill in archery and leadership qualities.
  21. Archersniperzog – A hobgoblin name that means “archer sniper warrior,” referencing the hobgoblin’s skill in archery and precision in targeting.
  22. Bowstringthokk – A hobgoblin name that means “bow-string thunder,” referencing the hobgoblin’s skill in archery and commanding presence in battle.
  23. Arrowpiercergrima – A hobgoblin name that means “arrow-piercing and fierce,” referencing the hobgoblin’s skill in archery and ferocity in battle.
  24. Bowshotbrax – A hobgoblin name that means “bow shot warrior,” referencing the hobgoblin’s skill in archery and fighting abilities.
  25. Archerkinggrukka – A hobgoblin name that means “archer king strength,” referencing the hobgoblin’s skill in archery and leadership qualities.

DnD Hobgoblin Names That Reference Their Resistance To Charms

  1. Ironwillzog – A hobgoblin name that means “iron will,” referencing the hobgoblin’s resistance to charms and mental fortitude.
  2. Charmbreakerbrax – A hobgoblin name that means “charm breaker,” referencing the hobgoblin’s resistance to charms and ability to break enchantments.
  3. Mindshieldgrima – A hobgoblin name that means “mind shield,” referencing the hobgoblin’s resistance to charms and ability to protect against mental attacks.
  4. Charmslayergruk – A hobgoblin name that means “charm slayer,” referencing the hobgoblin’s resistance to charms and ability to fight against those who use them.
  5. Enchantmentresistzak – A hobgoblin name that means “enchantment resistance,” referencing the hobgoblin’s resistance to charms and ability to resist magical influences.
  6. Willpowerbraxa – A hobgoblin name that means “willpower,” referencing the hobgoblin’s resistance to charms and mental strength.
  7. Charmdefenderthokk – A hobgoblin name that means “charm defender and thunder,” referencing the hobgoblin’s resistance to charms and commanding presence in battle.
  8. Mindbreakzog – A hobgoblin name that means “mind break,” referencing the hobgoblin’s ability to break mental charms and control.
  9. Charmslayergrima – A hobgoblin name that means “charm slayer and fierce,” referencing the hobgoblin’s resistance to charms and ferocity in battle.
  10. Enchantmentresisterzakka – A hobgoblin name that means “enchantment resistance and strength,” referencing the hobgoblin’s resistance to charms and physical power.
  11. Willpowerthorga – A hobgoblin name that means “willpower and ruler,” referencing the hobgoblin’s resistance to charms and leadership qualities.
  12. Charmresistgrukka – A hobgoblin name that means “charm resistance strength,” referencing the hobgoblin’s resistance to charms and physical power.
  13. Mindshieldbrax – A hobgoblin name that means “mind shield warrior,” referencing the hobgoblin’s resistance to charms and their role as a warrior.
  14. Charmslayerzog – A hobgoblin name that means “charm slaying warrior,” referencing the hobgoblin’s resistance to charms and fighting abilities.
  15. Enchantmentresistgrima – A hobgoblin name that means “enchantment resistance and fierce,” referencing the hobgoblin’s resistance to charms and ferocity in battle.
  16. Willpowerzak – A hobgoblin name that means “willpower and strength,” referencing the hobgoblin’s resistance to charms and physical power.
  17. Charmwardenbraxa – A hobgoblin name that means “charm warden warrior,” referencing the hobgoblin’s resistance to charms and their role as a warrior.
  18. Mindbreakergruk – A hobgoblin name that means “mind breaker strength,” referencing the hobgoblin’s ability to break mental charms and control.
  19. Charmresisterthokk – A hobgoblin name that means “charm resistance thunder,” referencing the hobgoblin’s resistance to charms and commanding presence in battle.
  20. Enchantmentbreakerzog – A hobgoblin name that means “enchantment breaker and warrior,” referencing the hobgoblin’s ability to break enchantments and fighting abilities.
  21. Willpowerrulergrima – A hobgoblin name that means “willpower ruler and fierce,” referencing the hobgoblin’s resistance to charms and leadership qualities.
  22. Charmdefendergruk – A hobgoblin name that means “charm defender and strength,” referencing the hobgoblin’s resistance to charms and physical power.
  23. Mindshieldthokka – A hobgoblin name that means “mind shield and thunder,” referencing the hobgoblin’s resistance to charms and commanding presence in battle.
  24. Charmslayerbrax – A hobgoblin name that means “charm slayer and warrior,” referencing the hobgoblin’s resistance to charms and fighting abilities.
  25. Enchantmentresistancegrima – A hobgoblin name that means “enchantment resistance and fierce,” referencing the hobgoblin’s resistance to charms and ferocity in battle.

Funny DnD Hobgoblin Names

  1. Gobbo the Goblin – A hobgoblin name that’s intentionally ironic and funny.
  2. Dorkgoblin – A hobgoblin name that’s a play on the word “dork,” and could imply that the hobgoblin is clumsy or awkward.
  3. Snarkgoblin – A hobgoblin name that’s a play on the word “snarky,” and could imply that the hobgoblin is sarcastic or witty.
  4. BoggletheGoblin – A hobgoblin name that’s a play on the word “boggle,” and could imply that the hobgoblin is easily confused or bewildered.
  5. Zoggy McZogface – A hobgoblin name that’s a play on the internet meme “Boaty McBoatface,” and is meant to be silly and lighthearted.
  6. Grimgoblin the Grumpy – A hobgoblin name that’s a play on the word “grumpy,” and could imply that the hobgoblin is easily irritated or annoyed.
  7. Wigglegoblin – A hobgoblin name that’s a play on the word “wiggle,” and could imply that the hobgoblin is fidgety or restless.
  8. Gigglegoblin – A hobgoblin name that’s a play on the word “giggle,” and could imply that the hobgoblin is lighthearted or playful.
  9. Gobblin’ Goblin – A hobgoblin name that’s a play on the phrase “gobblin’ down,” and could imply that the hobgoblin is always hungry.
  10. Snufflegoblin – A hobgoblin name that’s a play on the word “snuffle,” and could imply that the hobgoblin has a cold or stuffy nose.
  11. Scrufflegoblin – A hobgoblin name that’s a play on the word “scruffy,” and could imply that the hobgoblin is unkempt or messy.
  12. Pufflegoblin – A hobgoblin name that’s a play on the word “puff,” and could imply that the hobgoblin is short of breath or wheezy.
  13. Fizzlegoblin – A hobgoblin name that’s a play on the word “fizzle,” and could imply that the hobgoblin is easily distracted or forgetful.
  14. Squigglefingers – A hobgoblin name that’s a play on the word “squiggle,” and could imply that the hobgoblin has long, wriggly fingers.
  15. Blinkygoblin – A hobgoblin name that’s a play on the word “blink,” and could imply that the hobgoblin blinks a lot or is easily startled.
  16. Wobblegoblin – A hobgoblin name that’s a play on the word “wobble,” and could imply that the hobgoblin is unsteady or clumsy.
  17. Snifflegoblin – A hobgoblin name that’s a play on the word “sniffle,” and could imply that the hobgoblin has allergies or a cold.
  18. Jigglygoblin – A hobgoblin name that’s a play on the word “jiggle,” and could imply that the hobgoblin is bouncy or energetic.
  19. Spookygoblin – A hobgoblin name that’s a play on the word “spooky,” and could imply that the hobgoblin is easily frightened or likes to scare others.
  20. Mugglegoblin – A hobgoblin name that’s a play on the word “muggle,” and could imply that the hobgoblin is unfamiliar with magic or magical beings.
  21. Wrigglegoblin – A hobgoblin name that’s a play on the word “wriggle,” and could imply that the hobgoblin is twitchy or fidgety.
  22. Shagglegoblin – A hobgoblin name that’s a play on the word “shaggy,” and could imply that the hobgoblin is unkempt or hairy.
  23. Ticklefoot – A hobgoblin name that’s a play on the phrase “tickled my fancy,” and could imply that the hobgoblin is easily amused or entertained.
  24. Snickerfang – A hobgoblin name that’s a play on the word “snicker,” and could imply that the hobgoblin has sharp or crooked teeth.
  25. Gigglesnort – A hobgoblin name that’s a play on the words “giggle” and “snort,” and could imply that the hobgoblin is prone to laughter and snorts when amused.

Characteristics of DnD Hobgoblins and What Makes Them Unique

  • Hobgoblins are a type of goblinoid, along with goblins and bugbears.
  • They are taller and stronger than goblins, but not as large as bugbears.
  • Hobgoblins are known for their military prowess and organization, often forming large armies.
  • They have a strict hierarchy within their society, with the strongest and most capable hobgoblins rising to leadership positions.
  • Hobgoblins are skilled in combat and often carry weapons such as spears, swords, and bows.
  • They are also known for their tactical intelligence and ability to plan and coordinate attacks.
  • Hobgoblins have a natural resistance to being charmed or frightened.
  • They are often depicted as having red or orange skin, with sharp teeth and pointed ears.
  • Hobgoblins are not typically evil, but their adherence to a strict code of honor can make them ruthless in battle.
  • They are a popular choice for player characters who want to play a non-traditional race, as hobgoblins have unique abilities and traits that can make for interesting gameplay.