As you step into the mystical world of Dungeons and Dragons, the possibilities for character creation are endless.
For those who want to add a unique twist to their gameplay, the Kalashtar race offers a rich history and unique abilities that can make for an exciting gaming experience. But with so many options, choosing the perfect Kalashtar name can be a daunting task.
Fear not, adventurer, for we have scoured the annals of D&D history to bring you the best 250 D&D Kalashtar names, complete with meanings that will give your character an unforgettable personality and backstory.
Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newbie to the game, these names are sure to inspire and enhance your Kalashtar character’s mystique and prowess.
So grab your dice and get ready to explore the realm of D&D with a name that truly represents your Kalashtar’s unique identity!
Male DnD Kalashtar Names
- Arin – means “peaceful” or “enlightened”
- Darian – means “gift” or “blessing”
- Ethan – means “strong” or “firm”
- Galen – means “healer” or “calm”
- Hagan – means “youthful” or “vigorous”
- Javan – means “protector” or “defender”
- Kael – means “swift” or “nimble”
- Lirien – means “song” or “melody”
- Merek – means “brave” or “courageous”
- Nathan – means “gift from God” or “given”
- Orin – means “fair-haired” or “golden”
- Pavel – means “small” or “humble”
- Quin – means “wise” or “intelligent”
- Riordan – means “royal bard” or “poet-king”
- Soren – means “stern” or “severe”
- Talan – means “claw” or “sharp”
- Ulric – means “power of the wolf” or “ruler”
- Varian – means “versatile” or “adaptable”
- Wren – means “small bird” or “songbird”
- Xander – means “defender of the people” or “protector”
- Yorin – means “honest” or “trustworthy”
- Zane – means “gift from God” or “gracious”
- Ari – means “lion” or “eagle”
- Caelum – means “sky” or “heaven”
- Eli – means “ascended” or “uplifted”
Female DnD Kalashtar Names
- Aelwyn – means “fair brow” or “blessed”
- Brielle – means “God is my strength” or “strong”
- Cassia – means “cinnamon” or “spice”
- Darya – means “sea” or “ocean”
- Elara – means “sparkling” or “shining”
- Fae – means “fairy” or “sprite”
- Gwyneth – means “fortunate” or “blessed”
- Hazel – means “hazel tree” or “wisdom”
- Iris – means “rainbow” or “messenger”
- Jasmine – means “gift from God” or “fragrant flower”
- Kaida – means “little dragon” or “resembles a dragon”
- Lilith – means “night monster” or “ghost”
- Maia – means “great” or “mother”
- Niamh – means “radiance” or “brightness”
- Ophelia – means “help” or “serpent”
- Phoebe – means “bright” or “shining”
- Quinn – means “wise” or “intelligent”
- Raven – means “dark bird” or “mystery”
- Sariel – means “angel of guidance” or “princess of God”
- Tahlia – means “dew from heaven” or “lamb”
- Uma – means “nation” or “mother”
- Vera – means “truth” or “faith”
- Waverly – means “meadow of quivering aspens” or “field of butterflies”
- Xylia – means “from the forest” or “woodland”
- Yara – means “small butterfly” or “friend”
DnD Kalashtar Names That Reference Their Close Connection To Their Ancestral Spirits
- Arya of the Whispering Winds – a name that alludes to the Kalashtar’s ability to communicate with their ancestors through the wind.
- Bran of the Howling Pack – a name that invokes the image of a wolf pack, which is believed to be a symbol of the Kalashtar’s ancestral spirits.
- Cara of the Starry Skies – a name that references the Kalashtar’s belief that their ancestors reside among the stars.
- Darian of the Mystic Grove – a name that implies a connection to nature and the spirits that reside within it.
- Eliana of the Sacred Flame – a name that evokes the idea of a spiritual fire, which is believed to be a symbol of the Kalashtar’s connection to their ancestors.
- Fae of the Whispers – a name that references the Kalashtar’s ability to hear the whispers of their ancestors in the wind.
- Galen of the Serene Waters – a name that alludes to the calming influence of the Kalashtar’s ancestral spirits.
- Harlan of the Silent Paths – a name that suggests a connection to the unseen world of the spirits.
- Iris of the Rainbow Bridge – a name that references the belief that the Kalashtar’s ancestors reside on a bridge between the mortal world and the afterlife.
- Jaida of the Dreaming Mind – a name that invokes the idea of the Kalashtar’s ability to enter a dream-like state and commune with their ancestors.
- Kael of the Whispering Woods – a name that suggests a close connection to nature and the spirits that reside within it.
- Lirien of the Melodic Voices – a name that references the Kalashtar’s belief that their ancestors speak to them in a musical language.
- Maren of the Silent Wind – a name that suggests a connection to the wind, which is believed to be a symbol of the Kalashtar’s ancestral spirits.
- Niamh of the Radiant Skies – a name that references the belief that the Kalashtar’s ancestors reside among the stars and radiate a bright light.
- Orin of the Golden Sun – a name that alludes to the Kalashtar’s belief that their ancestors reside within the sun.
- Phoebe of the Guiding Light – a name that suggests a connection to a spiritual light that guides the Kalashtar on their journey.
- Quin of the Ethereal Voices – a name that references the belief that the Kalashtar’s ancestors speak to them in an otherworldly language.
- Raven of the Mystic Night – a name that suggests a connection to the unseen world of the spirits that is only visible at night.
- Sariel of the Angelic Choir – a name that alludes to the Kalashtar’s belief that their ancestors are like angels who sing a heavenly chorus.
- Talan of the Shimmering Stars – a name that references the belief that the Kalashtar’s ancestors reside among the stars and shimmer like diamonds.
- Urien of the Soaring Eagles – a name that suggests a connection to the eagle, which is believed to be a symbol of the Kalashtar’s ancestral spirits.
- Wren of the Mystical Woodlands – a name that suggests a connection to the spirits that reside within the forest.
- Xander of the Celestial Realms – a name that references the belief that the Kalashtar’s ancestors reside in the celestial realm.
- Yara of the Harmonious Chorus – a name that alludes to the idea of a choir or chorus of spirits that sing in harmony with each other.
- Zora of the Whispering Spirits – a name that references the Kalashtar’s ability to communicate with their ancestors through whispers and other subtle signs.
DnD Kalashtar Names That Reference Their Natural Ability To Sense Danger And Deception
- Arya the Alert – a name that suggests the Kalashtar’s heightened awareness of their surroundings.
- Brynn the Beware – a name that references the Kalashtar’s natural tendency to be cautious and wary of potential threats.
- Cassius the Canny – a name that alludes to the Kalashtar’s innate ability to sense when someone is being deceptive or dishonest.
- Darian the Discerning – a name that suggests the Kalashtar’s ability to discern the true motives and intentions of others.
- Eliana the Intuitive – a name that references the Kalashtar’s natural intuition and gut instincts.
- Finnegan the Alert – a name that alludes to the Kalashtar’s heightened awareness of danger and potential threats.
- Gwen the Watchful – a name that suggests the Kalashtar’s natural inclination to keep a close eye on their surroundings and those around them.
- Harper the Perceptive – a name that references the Kalashtar’s ability to perceive subtle changes in their environment and the people around them.
- Iris the Insightful – a name that alludes to the Kalashtar’s ability to see beyond the surface and understand the true nature of things.
- Javen the Vigilant – a name that suggests the Kalashtar’s constant watchfulness and vigilance against potential threats.
- Kael the Cautious – a name that references the Kalashtar’s natural tendency to be careful and take calculated risks.
- Lirien the Attentive – a name that suggests the Kalashtar’s ability to pay close attention to their surroundings and the people around them.
- Merrick the Discerning – a name that alludes to the Kalashtar’s ability to discern the true intentions and motivations of others.
- Niamh the Sensible – a name that references the Kalashtar’s natural common sense and practicality in assessing potential threats.
- Orin the Astute – a name that suggests the Kalashtar’s keen intelligence and ability to perceive subtle changes in their environment.
- Phoebe the Perceptive – a name that references the Kalashtar’s ability to perceive hidden truths and underlying motivations in people and situations.
- Quin the Wary – a name that alludes to the Kalashtar’s natural tendency to be cautious and alert in potentially dangerous situations.
- Raven the Observant – a name that suggests the Kalashtar’s keen powers of observation and perception.
- Seren the Suspicious – a name that references the Kalashtar’s natural suspicion and wariness of potential threats.
- Talan the Watchful – a name that alludes to the Kalashtar’s constant watchfulness and vigilance against potential danger.
- Urien the Perceptive – a name that suggests the Kalashtar’s ability to perceive hidden truths and subtle changes in their environment.
- Vesper the Vigilant – a name that references the Kalashtar’s constant watchfulness and alertness to potential threats.
- Wren the Cautious – a name that alludes to the Kalashtar’s natural tendency to be careful and avoid unnecessary risks.
- Xander the Astute – a name that suggests the Kalashtar’s keen intelligence and ability to perceive subtle changes in their environment.
- Ari the Sharp-eyed – a name that references the Kalashtar’s keen eyesight and sharp perception skills, particularly in spotting potential danger or deception.
DnD Kalashtar Names That Reference Their Markings on Their Skin
- Aria of the White Lotus – a name that alludes to the lotus flower, which is often associated with purity and enlightenment.
- Briar of the Thorny Vines – a name that references the thorny vines that are often depicted in Kalashtar markings.
- Cade of the Golden Sun – a name that references the sun, which is often depicted in Kalashtar markings.
- Dawn of the Scarlet Moon – a name that references the moon, which is often depicted in Kalashtar markings.
- Elara of the Shimmering Stars – a name that references the stars, which are often depicted in Kalashtar markings.
- Fiona of the Silver Ferns – a name that references the fern, which is often depicted in Kalashtar markings.
- Galen of the Dark Flames – a name that references the flame, which is often depicted in Kalashtar markings.
- Haven of the Azure Sea – a name that references the sea, which is often depicted in Kalashtar markings.
- Isaac of the Crimson Lightning – a name that references lightning, which is often depicted in Kalashtar markings.
- Jazzy of the Ebony Feathers – a name that references the feather, which is often depicted in Kalashtar markings.
- Kaida of the Emerald Serpent – a name that references the serpent, which is often depicted in Kalashtar markings.
- Luna of the Sapphire Sky – a name that references the sky, which is often depicted in Kalashtar markings.
- Mara of the Ruby Sunburst – a name that references the sunburst, which is often depicted in Kalashtar markings.
- Nyla of the Jade Forest – a name that references the forest, which is often depicted in Kalashtar markings.
- Ophelia of the Obsidian Flame – a name that references the flame, which is often depicted in Kalashtar markings.
- Piper of the Bronze Arrow – a name that references the arrow, which is often depicted in Kalashtar markings.
- Quin of the Cobalt Wave – a name that references the wave, which is often depicted in Kalashtar markings.
- Raven of the Onyx Feather – a name that references the feather, which is often depicted in Kalashtar markings.
- Sasha of the Topaz Eye – a name that references the eye, which is often depicted in Kalashtar markings.
- Talia of the Amethyst Dragonfly – a name that references the dragonfly, which is often depicted in Kalashtar markings.
- Uriel of the Jade Leaf – a name that references the leaf, which is often depicted in Kalashtar markings.
- Violet of the Lavender Flower – a name that references the flower, which is often depicted in Kalashtar markings.
- Willow of the Cherry Blossom – a name that references the cherry blossom, which is often depicted in Kalashtar markings.
- Xanthe of the Topaz Crown – a name that references the crown, which is often depicted in Kalashtar markings.
- Yara of the Scarlet Star – a name that references the star, which is often depicted in Kalashtar markings.
DnD Kalashtar Names That Reference Their Skills in Reading Emotions And Intentions
- Aria the Empath – a name that references the Kalashtar’s ability to sense and feel the emotions of others.
- Brenna the Mind Reader – a name that alludes to the Kalashtar’s ability to read the thoughts and intentions of others.
- Cael the Insightful – a name that suggests the Kalashtar’s natural intuition and ability to read people’s emotions.
- Dante the Perceptive – a name that references the Kalashtar’s keen perception skills, particularly in reading people’s emotions and intentions.
- Eris the Astute – a name that alludes to the Kalashtar’s sharp intelligence and ability to read people’s emotions and intentions.
- Finn the Sensitive – a name that references the Kalashtar’s heightened sensitivity to people’s emotions and moods.
- Gia the Intuitive – a name that suggests the Kalashtar’s natural intuition and ability to read people’s emotions.
- Hazel the Insightful – a name that references the Kalashtar’s ability to see beyond the surface and understand people’s true emotions and intentions.
- Isaac the Mind Reader – a name that alludes to the Kalashtar’s ability to read people’s thoughts and intentions.
- Jax the Perceptive – a name that suggests the Kalashtar’s keen perception skills, particularly in reading people’s emotions and intentions.
- Keira the Empathic – a name that references the Kalashtar’s ability to sense and feel the emotions of others.
- Lena the Intuitive – a name that suggests the Kalashtar’s natural intuition and ability to read people’s emotions.
- Mia the Sensitive – a name that references the Kalashtar’s heightened sensitivity to people’s emotions and moods.
- Niko the Insightful – a name that references the Kalashtar’s ability to see beyond the surface and understand people’s true emotions and intentions.
- Owen the Astute – a name that alludes to the Kalashtar’s sharp intelligence and ability to read people’s emotions and intentions.
- Phoenix the Perceptive – a name that suggests the Kalashtar’s keen perception skills, particularly in reading people’s emotions and intentions.
- Quinn the Empathic – a name that references the Kalashtar’s ability to sense and feel the emotions of others.
- Rowan the Mind Reader – a name that alludes to the Kalashtar’s ability to read people’s thoughts and intentions.
- Sage the Intuitive – a name that suggests the Kalashtar’s natural intuition and ability to read people’s emotions.
- Tara the Insightful – a name that references the Kalashtar’s ability to see beyond the surface and understand people’s true emotions and intentions.
- Uri the Astute – a name that alludes to the Kalashtar’s sharp intelligence and ability to read people’s emotions and intentions.
- Vivian the Perceptive – a name that suggests the Kalashtar’s keen perception skills, particularly in reading people’s emotions and intentions.
- Wren the Empathic – a name that references the Kalashtar’s ability to sense and feel the emotions of others.
- Xander the Mind Reader – a name that alludes to the Kalashtar’s ability to read people’s thoughts and intentions.
- Yara the Emotion Reader – a name that references the Kalashtar’s ability to read people’s emotions and moods.
DnD Kalashtar Names That Reference Their Chosen Spirit
- Aria of the Serene Sea – a name that alludes to the sea spirit that the Kalashtar has chosen to guide them.
- Briar of the Wild Hunt – a name that references the hunt spirit that the Kalashtar has chosen to guide them.
- Cade of the Guiding Star – a name that references the star spirit that the Kalashtar has chosen to guide them.
- Dawn of the Morning Dove – a name that references the dove spirit that the Kalashtar has chosen to guide them.
- Elara of the Enchanted Forest – a name that alludes to the forest spirit that the Kalashtar has chosen to guide them.
- Finn of the Thundering Storm – a name that references the storm spirit that the Kalashtar has chosen to guide them.
- Galen of the Soaring Eagle – a name that references the eagle spirit that the Kalashtar has chosen to guide them.
- Haven of the Silver Moon – a name that alludes to the moon spirit that the Kalashtar has chosen to guide them.
- Isaac of the Radiant Sun – a name that references the sun spirit that the Kalashtar has chosen to guide them.
- Jazzy of the Prancing Unicorn – a name that references the unicorn spirit that the Kalashtar has chosen to guide them.
- Kaida of the Dancing Flames – a name that alludes to the flame spirit that the Kalashtar has chosen to guide them.
- Luna of the Mystic Night – a name that references the night spirit that the Kalashtar has chosen to guide them.
- Mara of the Guiding Light – a name that references the light spirit that the Kalashtar has chosen to guide them.
- Nyla of the Roaming Plains – a name that alludes to the plains spirit that the Kalashtar has chosen to guide them.
- Ophelia of the Harmonious Song – a name that references the song spirit that the Kalashtar has chosen to guide them.
- Piper of the Sweet Melody – a name that references the melody spirit that the Kalashtar has chosen to guide them.
- Quin of the Flowing River – a name that alludes to the river spirit that the Kalashtar has chosen to guide them.
- Raven of the Wandering Spirit – a name that references the wandering spirit that the Kalashtar has chosen to guide them.
- Sasha of the Ancient Earth – a name that alludes to the earth spirit that the Kalashtar has chosen to guide them.
- Talia of the Soaring Hawk – a name that references the hawk spirit that the Kalashtar has chosen to guide them.
- Uriel of the Illuminating Flame – a name that references the flame spirit that the Kalashtar has chosen to guide them.
- Violet of the Twinkling Starlight – a name that references the starlight spirit that the Kalashtar has chosen to guide them.
- Willow of the Tranquil Stream – a name that alludes to the stream spirit that the Kalashtar has chosen to guide them.
- Xanthe of the Whimsical Butterfly – a name that references the butterfly spirit that the Kalashtar has chosen to guide them.
- Brianna of the Steadfast Ox – a name that references the ox spirit that the Kalashtar has chosen to guide them.
DnD Kalashtar Names That Reference Their Hunting Skills
- Aziel the Arrowhead – a name that references the Kalashtar’s accuracy with a bow and arrow when hunting.
- Beau the Beastmaster – a name that alludes to the Kalashtar’s ability to hunt and control dangerous beasts.
- Cassius the Tracker – a name that suggests the Kalashtar’s ability to track prey through any terrain.
- Darian the Falconer – a name that references the Kalashtar’s skill in hunting with birds of prey.
- Eli the Huntsman – a name that references the Kalashtar’s experience and skill in hunting.
- Finnick the Trapper – a name that references the Kalashtar’s ability to set traps for prey.
- Griff the Silent – a name that references the Kalashtar’s ability to hunt quietly and without being detected.
- Hawke the Houndsman – a name that references the Kalashtar’s ability to hunt with trained dogs.
- Jaxon the Prowler – a name that alludes to the Kalashtar’s stealth and ability to hunt without being detected.
- Kaida the Archeress – a name that references the Kalashtar’s accuracy with a bow and arrow when hunting.
- Lennox the Predator – a name that references the Kalashtar’s ability to track and hunt prey.
- Mara the Pathfinder – a name that suggests the Kalashtar’s skill in finding and tracking prey.
- Nash the Stalker – a name that references the Kalashtar’s ability to move silently and hunt prey without being detected.
- Orin the Falconry Master – a name that references the Kalashtar’s mastery of hunting with birds of prey.
- Pike the Trapper – a name that references the Kalashtar’s ability to set traps for prey.
- Quade the Tracker – a name that suggests the Kalashtar’s ability to track prey through any terrain.
- Reed the Huntsman – a name that references the Kalashtar’s experience and skill in hunting.
- Sawyer the Houndsman – a name that references the Kalashtar’s ability to hunt with trained dogs.
- Tate the Prowler – a name that alludes to the Kalashtar’s stealth and ability to hunt without being detected.
- Uriah the Archer – a name that references the Kalashtar’s accuracy with a bow and arrow when hunting.
- Voss the Tracker – a name that suggests the Kalashtar’s ability to track prey through any terrain.
- Wilder the Predator – a name that references the Kalashtar’s ability to track and hunt prey.
- Xander the Falconer – a name that references the Kalashtar’s skill in hunting with birds of prey.
- Yara the Silent Hunter – a name that references the Kalashtar’s ability to hunt quietly and without being detected.
- Zayn the Beast Hunter – a name that references the Kalashtar’s skill in hunting and controlling dangerous beasts.
DnD Kalashtar Names That Reference Their Skill in Divination And Prophecy
- Aurora the Seeress – a name that references the Kalashtar’s ability to see into the future.
- Balthazar the Oracle – a name that alludes to the Kalashtar’s prophetic abilities.
- Celeste the Diviner – a name that suggests the Kalashtar’s skill in divination.
- Dante the Prophet – a name that references the Kalashtar’s ability to predict the future.
- Eliana the Clairvoyant – a name that alludes to the Kalashtar’s ability to see things that are hidden or unknown.
- Finn the Forecaster – a name that suggests the Kalashtar’s ability to predict future events.
- Gabriel the Visionary – a name that references the Kalashtar’s ability to see visions of the future.
- Harmony the Mystic – a name that suggests the Kalashtar’s mystical and prophetic abilities.
- Isadora the Prognosticator – a name that references the Kalashtar’s ability to predict future events.
- Jasper the Diviner – a name that suggests the Kalashtar’s skill in divination.
- Kairos the Timekeeper – a name that references the Kalashtar’s ability to see and manipulate time.
- Luna the Prophetess – a name that references the Kalashtar’s ability to predict the future.
- Marcella the Seer – a name that alludes to the Kalashtar’s ability to see into the future.
- Nico the Soothsayer – a name that references the Kalashtar’s ability to predict future events.
- Ophelia the Oracle – a name that alludes to the Kalashtar’s prophetic abilities.
- Phoenix the Visionary – a name that references the Kalashtar’s ability to see visions of the future.
- Quinn the Prophesier – a name that references the Kalashtar’s ability to predict the future.
- Raven the Seer – a name that references the Kalashtar’s ability to see into the future.
- Sage the Diviner – a name that suggests the Kalashtar’s skill in divination.
- Talia the Prophecy Keeper – a name that references the Kalashtar’s ability to keep and interpret prophecies.
- Ulysses the Time Weaver – a name that references the Kalashtar’s ability to manipulate time.
- Violet the Prophetess – a name that references the Kalashtar’s ability to predict the future.
- Willow the Divination Master – a name that suggests the Kalashtar’s mastery of divination.
- Xavier the Seer – a name that references the Kalashtar’s ability to see into the future.
- Zara the Prophecy Reader – a name that references the Kalashtar’s skill in interpreting prophecies.
Funny DnD Kalashtar Names
- Barb E. Cue – a name that alludes to the Kalashtar’s love of barbecuing.
- Cheddar the Cheesy – a name that references the Kalashtar’s love of cheese.
- Dee Liteful – a name that suggests the Kalashtar is a delight to be around.
- Ella Fant – a name that references the Kalashtar’s wild and fantastical nature.
- Frank N. Stein – a name that alludes to the Kalashtar’s monstrous appearance.
- Gabe R. Tooth – a name that references the Kalashtar’s large, prominent teeth.
- Hank E. Panky – a name that suggests the Kalashtar is a bit of a ladies’ man.
- Ivana Tinkle – a name that references the Kalashtar’s ability to control bodily functions (urination).
- Jack E. Lantern – a name that alludes to the Kalashtar’s ability to emit light from their body.
- Kitty Purrfect – a name that references the Kalashtar’s love of cats.
- Lance A. Boyle – a name that references the Kalashtar’s love of potions and alchemy.
- Manny Quin – a name that alludes to the Kalashtar’s ability to stay perfectly still and silent.
- Nina Tendo – a name that references the Kalashtar’s ability to control and manipulate tendons.
- Oliver Clothesoff – a name that suggests the Kalashtar has a tendency to strip down naked.
- Pepper Minstix – a name that references the Kalashtar’s love of spicy foods.
- Quinn Tessential – a name that suggests the Kalashtar is quintessentially perfect in every way.
- Regina Philange – a name that alludes to the Kalashtar’s love of science and research.
- Seymour Butts – a name that references the Kalashtar’s large buttocks.
- Tara Zona – a name that references the Kalashtar’s ability to induce a hypnotic state.
- Upton O’Goode – a name that alludes to the Kalashtar’s heroic nature.
- Vera Cruz – a name that references the Kalashtar’s love of tropical vacations.
- Wilma Fingerdoo – a name that suggests the Kalashtar has an elaborate hairstyle.
- Xander Thumberbatch – a name that references the Kalashtar’s ability to crack their knuckles loudly.
- Yolanda Be Cool – a name that suggests the Kalashtar is always calm and collected.
- Zelda Fitzgerald – a name that references the Kalashtar’s love of literature and writing.
Characteristics Of DnD Kalashtars And What Makes Them Unique
- Kalashtars are a race of humanoids with a close connection to their ancestral spirits.
- They have a natural ability to sense danger and deception.
- Kalashtars have distinctive markings on their skin, which are believed to represent their ancestors.
- They have a keen sense of intuition and are skilled at reading emotions and intentions.
- Kalashtars have a unique bond with their chosen spirit, which grants them access to special abilities and powers.
- They are often shunned by other races because of their unusual appearance and spiritual beliefs.
- Kalashtars are known for their fierce loyalty and determination.
- They are skilled hunters and trackers, thanks to their heightened senses.
- Kalashtars have a strong connection to the natural world and are often found in the company of animals and plants.
- They possess a unique ability to merge their physical and spiritual selves, allowing them to move between worlds and planes of existence.
- Kalashtars have a complex system of beliefs and rituals surrounding death and the afterlife.
- They are known for their skill in divination and prophecy, often using their abilities to help others.
- Kalashtars have a strong sense of community and are deeply connected to their tribe and family.
- They have a natural resistance to psychic attacks and mind control.
- Kalashtars are adaptable and resilient, able to survive in a wide range of environments and situations.