As the creators of fantasy worlds, authors and game designers have given us a variety of mythical creatures to inspire and delight us. Among them, dwarves have captured our imaginations with their stout and sturdy builds, their exceptional metalworking skills, and their love for treasure and ale.
One of the most enjoyable aspects of creating a dwarf character is choosing the perfect name that embodies their unique qualities and characteristics. With so many options available, it can be overwhelming to select the right name for your dwarf character.
Fear not, for we have done the heavy lifting for you! In this article, we present the 250 best dwarf names, complete with meanings that will inspire and captivate you. So, whether you are a writer, a gamer, or simply a fan of fantasy worlds, read on to discover the perfect name for your dwarf character.
Male Dwarf Names
- Alrik – means “ruler of all” in Old Germanic.
- Balin – means “dancing” or “jubilant” in Old Norse.
- Bifur – means “beaver” in Old Norse.
- Bofur – means “cheerful” or “jolly” in Old Norse.
- Bombur – means “tremble” or “quiver” in Old Norse.
- Brokkr – means “blacksmith” in Old Norse.
- Dori – means “rest” or “slumber” in Old Norse.
- Dwalin – means “restless” or “noisy” in Old Norse.
- Durin – means “sleepy” or “drowsy” in Old Norse.
- Eitri – means “sharp” or “keen” in Old Norse.
- Fili – means “clever” or “wise” in Old Norse.
- Frerin – means “third son” in Old Norse.
- Fundin – means “founder” or “establisher” in Old Norse.
- Gamil – means “old” or “wise” in Old Norse.
- Gimli – means “fire” in Old Norse.
- Glóin – means “glowing” or “gleaming” in Old Norse.
- Gror – means “gruff” or “surly” in Old Norse.
- Kili – means “joy” or “mirth” in Old Norse.
- Nar – means “corpse” or “dead body” in Old Norse.
- Nori – means “noisy” or “roaring” in Old Norse.
- Óin – means “shy” or “bashful” in Old Norse.
- Ori – means “wise” or “knowledgeable” in Old Norse.
- Thrain – means “bold” or “courageous” in Old Norse.
- Thror – means “daring” or “valiant” in Old Norse.
- Thorin – means “bold one” or “eagle” in Old Norse.
Female Dwarf Names
- Berta – means “bright” or “famous” in Old Germanic.
- Dagny – means “new day” or “daybreak” in Old Norse.
- Disa – means “goddess” or “divine woman” in Old Norse.
- Edda – means “poetry” or “song” in Old Norse.
- Eirlys – means “snowdrop” or “white flower” in Welsh.
- Eirwen – means “white snow” in Welsh.
- Fjola – means “bellflower” or “mountain violet” in Old Norse.
- Gudrun – means “god’s secret lore” in Old Norse.
- Hulda – means “hidden” or “secret” in Old Norse.
- Idun – means “renewal” or “eternal youth” in Old Norse.
- Ingrid – means “beautiful” or “beloved” in Old Norse.
- Jorunn – means “horse lover” in Old Norse.
- Kelda – means “fountain” or “spring” in Old Norse.
- Liv – means “life” or “protection” in Old Norse.
- Nanna – means “daring” or “adventurous” in Old Norse.
- Olga – means “blessed” or “sacred” in Old Norse.
- Ragna – means “ruler’s advisor” in Old Norse.
- Sigrid – means “victory” or “beautiful” in Old Norse.
- Sigrun – means “victory rune” or “battle” in Old Norse.
- Solveig – means “path of the sun” or “house of power” in Old Norse.
- Thora – means “thunder” or “goddess of thunder” in Old Norse.
- Thyra – means “thunder” or “goddess of thunder” in Old Norse.
- Unn – means “loved one” or “beloved” in Old Norse.
- Valdis – means “goddess of the slain” in Old Norse.
- Ylva – means “she-wolf” in Old Norse.
Dwarf Names That Reference Their Short Stature
- Axehammer – refers to a short but strong dwarf who wields a powerful axe.
- Blackrock – refers to a dwarf who is small but strong, with a heart as hard as black rock.
- Boulderbeard – refers to a dwarf with a thick and bushy beard who is as solid and sturdy as a boulder.
- Brumble – refers to a small and gruff dwarf who is quick to anger.
- Coppermine – refers to a dwarf who is small but valuable, like a copper mine.
- Dwarfstar – refers to a small and shining dwarf who is as bright and powerful as a star.
- Fireforge – refers to a dwarf who is small but skilled in the art of forging weapons and armor.
- Flintlock – refers to a small and tough dwarf who is always ready for a fight.
- Goldvein – refers to a dwarf who is small but wealthy, like a vein of gold in a mine.
- Granitejaw – refers to a small but unyielding dwarf with a strong and unbreakable jaw.
- Ironhide – refers to a small and tough dwarf who is as resilient as iron.
- Jollyfist – refers to a small but cheerful dwarf who loves a good brawl.
- Nugget – refers to a small and valuable dwarf who is as precious as a gold nugget.
- Pebblefoot – refers to a small and nimble dwarf who is quick on their feet.
- Quartzbeard – refers to a small but wise dwarf with a beard as white and sparkling as quartz.
- Rockbiter – refers to a small and fierce dwarf who can bite through solid rock.
- Rustyaxe – refers to a small but skilled dwarf who is always ready to fight with a rusty axe.
- Shortbeard – refers to a small and proud dwarf with a short but well-groomed beard.
- Silverpick – refers to a small and skilled dwarf who is as valuable as silver.
- Stonefist – refers to a small but strong dwarf with fists as hard as stone.
- Stoutheart – refers to a small but courageous dwarf with a heart as stout as a barrel.
- Tumblestone – refers to a small and nimble dwarf who can tumble and roll through tight spaces.
- Twinkletoes – refers to a small and nimble dwarf with feet that twinkle and dance.
- Whiskerface – refers to a small and scrappy dwarf with a long and wild beard.
- Wyrmbreaker – refers to a small but mighty dwarf who can break through the toughest dragon scales.
Dwarf Names That Reference Their Skills in Metalworking
- Anvilbeard – refers to a dwarf whose beard resembles a blacksmith’s anvil, symbolizing their skill in metalworking.
- Bellows – refers to a dwarf who specializes in using a bellows to control the temperature of their forge during metalworking.
- Blacksmith – refers to a dwarf who is a skilled blacksmith and creates weapons and armor.
- Bronzehammer – refers to a dwarf who is skilled in working with bronze and other non-ferrous metals.
- Coilforge – refers to a dwarf who is skilled in the art of coil forging, which involves shaping metal into spirals or coils.
- Coppermelter – refers to a dwarf who is skilled in melting and shaping copper into various forms.
- Crucible – refers to a dwarf who is skilled in using a crucible to melt and shape metal into various forms.
- Forgefire – refers to a dwarf who is skilled in controlling the intense heat of a forge during metalworking.
- Goldsmith – refers to a dwarf who is skilled in working with gold and creating intricate jewelry and other decorative items.
- Hammerhand – refers to a dwarf who is skilled in wielding a hammer to shape metal into various forms.
- Ironbeard – refers to a dwarf whose beard is as hard and unyielding as iron, symbolizing their skill in metalworking.
- Mithrilsmith – refers to a dwarf who is skilled in working with mithril, a rare and valuable metal in fantasy worlds.
- Oreminer – refers to a dwarf who is skilled in mining and extracting various ores, which are then used in metalworking.
- Quenchblade – refers to a dwarf who is skilled in the art of quenching, which involves rapidly cooling heated metal to harden it.
- Refiner – refers to a dwarf who is skilled in refining and purifying metal to create high-quality alloys.
- Silverweaver – refers to a dwarf who is skilled in working with silver and creating intricate designs and patterns.
- Steelhammer – refers to a dwarf who is skilled in working with steel and creating strong and durable weapons and armor.
- Tinsmith – refers to a dwarf who is skilled in working with tin and creating various household items and decorative objects.
- Toolmaker – refers to a dwarf who is skilled in crafting various tools and implements used in metalworking.
- Ultrawelder – refers to a dwarf who is skilled in using ultra-powerful welding tools to fuse metal together.
- Vulcan – refers to a dwarf who is skilled in the art of smelting, which involves extracting metal from raw ore.
- Welder – refers to a dwarf who is skilled in welding, which involves fusing metal together using intense heat.
- Xanvil – a creative name for a dwarven blacksmith, derived from “anvil” with an added X to make it sound more exotic.
- Yellowforge – refers to a dwarf who is skilled in working with gold and other yellow metals.
- Zinccaster – refers to a dwarf who is skilled in casting and shaping zinc into various forms.
Dwarf Names That Reference Their Strength
- Bofur Ironfist – refers to a dwarf whose fist is as hard as iron.
- Dwalin Strongback – refers to a dwarf with a strong and resilient back.
- Gloin Ironfoot – refers to a dwarf with iron-like feet, symbolizing their strength and resilience.
- Gror Stonearm – refers to a dwarf whose arm is as strong as stone.
- Khimbar Thunderfist – refers to a dwarf whose fist strikes with the power of thunder.
- Kili Oakenshield – refers to a dwarf whose shield is made of oak, symbolizing their strength and resilience.
- Nain Granitegrip – refers to a dwarf whose grip is as strong as granite.
- Nar Stonefist – refers to a dwarf whose fist is as hard as stone.
- Nori Ironhand – refers to a dwarf whose hand is as hard as iron.
- Oin Ironheart – refers to a dwarf whose heart is as strong and unyielding as iron.
- Thorin Oakenshield – refers to a dwarf whose shield is made of oak, symbolizing their strength and resilience.
- Balin Hammerfist – refers to a dwarf whose fist strikes with the power of a hammer.
- Bifur Steelarm – refers to a dwarf whose arm is as strong and unyielding as steel.
- Bombur Ironbelly – refers to a dwarf whose belly is as hard as iron.
- Dori Ironshoulder – refers to a dwarf with strong and resilient shoulders.
- Fili Stoneheart – refers to a dwarf whose heart is as hard as stone.
- Gimli Ironfoot – refers to a dwarf with iron-like feet, symbolizing their strength and resilience.
- Nori Ironfist – refers to a dwarf whose fist is as hard as iron.
- Drog Steelshoulder – refers to a dwarf with strong and resilient shoulders made of steel.
- Fundin Stonebeard – refers to a dwarf whose beard is as strong and resilient as stone.
- Gror Thunderarm – refers to a dwarf whose arm strikes with the power of thunder.
- Kheled Stonefist – refers to a dwarf whose fist is as hard as stone.
- Nali Ironbeard – refers to a dwarf whose beard is as hard and unyielding as iron.
- Ori Graniteheart – refers to a dwarf whose heart is as strong and resilient as granite.
- Thorgrim Ironhelm – refers to a dwarf whose helmet is made of iron, symbolizing their strength and resilience.
Dwarf Names That Reference Their Attitude
- Balin Gruffbeard – refers to a dwarf with a gruff and no-nonsense attitude.
- Dwalin Headstrong – refers to a dwarf with a stubborn and headstrong attitude.
- Fili Ironwill – refers to a dwarf with a strong and unyielding attitude.
- Gimli Stoutheart – refers to a dwarf with a brave and courageous attitude.
- Gror Proudbeard – refers to a dwarf with a strong sense of pride in their kin and culture.
- Khazad Boldaxe – refers to a dwarf with a bold and daring attitude, often charging into battle.
- Nori Slyeye – refers to a dwarf with a cunning and strategic attitude, always thinking ahead.
- Oin Stubbornbeard – refers to a dwarf with a stubborn and unrelenting attitude.
- Thorin Fireforge – refers to a dwarf with a passionate and fiery attitude towards their craft.
- Bofur Jovial – refers to a dwarf with a cheerful and upbeat attitude, always cracking jokes.
- Bombur Jollybelly – refers to a dwarf with a jolly and lighthearted attitude, always enjoying a good meal.
- Dori Steadfast – refers to a dwarf with a reliable and dependable attitude, always keeping their word.
- Gloin Sternbrow – refers to a dwarf with a serious and stern attitude, often giving commands.
- Kili Adventurous – refers to a dwarf with an adventurous and curious attitude, always exploring new territories.
- Nori Wily – refers to a dwarf with a sneaky and cunning attitude, often taking advantage of their enemies.
- Bifur Stoic – refers to a dwarf with a calm and collected attitude, never losing their composure.
- Drog Gritstone – refers to a dwarf with a tough and resilient attitude, always enduring hardships.
- Fundin Grimbeard – refers to a dwarf with a grim and serious attitude, often brooding over their losses.
- Gror Haughty – refers to a dwarf with a haughty and arrogant attitude, often looking down on others.
- Kheled Fearless – refers to a dwarf with a fearless and daring attitude, never backing down from a challenge.
- Nali Wisebeard – refers to a dwarf with a wise and thoughtful attitude, often giving advice to others.
- Nar Stubbornstone – refers to a dwarf with a stubborn and unyielding attitude, never giving up.
- Ori Curiousmind – refers to a dwarf with a curious and inquisitive attitude, always seeking knowledge.
- Thorgrim Forgeheart – refers to a dwarf with a passionate and dedicated attitude towards their craft.
- Thorin Oakheart – refers to a dwarf with a strong and resilient attitude, like the oak tree.
Dwarf Names That Reference Their Honor and Loyalty
- Balin Trueheart – refers to a dwarf with a strong sense of honor and loyalty to their kin.
- Dwalin Steadfast – refers to a dwarf with a reliable and dependable attitude, always keeping their word.
- Fili Loyalshield – refers to a dwarf who is fiercely loyal to their shield-brothers and kin.
- Gimli Oathkeeper – refers to a dwarf who takes their oaths seriously and never breaks their word.
- Gror Honorbeard – refers to a dwarf who holds their honor and reputation in high regard.
- Khazad Faithful – refers to a dwarf who is known for their unwavering loyalty to their kin and traditions.
- Nori Fidelity – refers to a dwarf who is loyal to their kin and always keeps their promises.
- Oin Trustworthy – refers to a dwarf who is known for their honesty and trustworthiness.
- Thorin Valorheart – refers to a dwarf who is brave and valiant, always willing to defend their kin.
- Bofur Steadfastheart – refers to a dwarf who is resolute and unwavering in their loyalty to their kin.
- Bombur Loyalbelly – refers to a dwarf who is loyal to their kin and always willing to lend a helping hand.
- Dori Honorable – refers to a dwarf who holds their honor and reputation in high regard, always behaving in a noble manner.
- Gloin Trustedfriend – refers to a dwarf who is a loyal and trusted friend to their kin.
- Kili Devoted – refers to a dwarf who is devoted to their kin and always puts their needs first.
- Nori Stalwart – refers to a dwarf who is strong and dependable, always standing by their kin.
- Bifur Nobleheart – refers to a dwarf who is honorable and noble, always acting with integrity.
- Drog Steadfastmind – refers to a dwarf who is resolute and unwavering in their loyalty to their kin.
- Fundin Trustworthybeard – refers to a dwarf who is known for their honesty and trustworthiness, symbolized by their beard.
- Gror Loyalson – refers to a dwarf who is a loyal and dedicated son of their kin.
- Kheled Truefriend – refers to a dwarf who is a true and loyal friend to their kin.
- Nali Trustworthyheart – refers to a dwarf who is known for their honesty and trustworthiness, symbolized by their heart.
- Nar Oathkeeper – refers to a dwarf who takes their oaths seriously and never breaks their word.
- Ori Honorbound – refers to a dwarf who is bound by honor and always acts in a noble manner.
- Thorgrim Loyalheart – refers to a dwarf who is known for their unwavering loyalty to their kin, symbolized by their heart.
- Thorin Faithfulbeard – refers to a dwarf who is faithful and loyal to their kin, symbolized by their beard.
Dwarf Names That Reference Their Skills
- Balin Stonewright – refers to a dwarf who is skilled in crafting and shaping stone.
- Drog Oreseeker – refers to a dwarf who is skilled in finding and extracting valuable minerals from the earth.
- Fili Ironbeard – refers to a dwarf who is skilled in working with iron and other metals.
- Gimli Axemaster – refers to a dwarf who is skilled in wielding and crafting axes.
- Thrain Goldhand – refers to a dwarf who is skilled in working with gold and other precious metals.
- Khazad Runecaster – refers to a dwarf who is skilled in the ancient art of runecrafting.
- Nori Locksmith – refers to a dwarf who is skilled in picking locks and opening doors.
- Oin Firemage – refers to a dwarf who is skilled in controlling and manipulating fire.
- Thorin Shieldbreaker – refers to a dwarf who is skilled in breaking enemy shields in battle.
- Bifur Carver – refers to a dwarf who is skilled in carving intricate designs and patterns into wood.
- Bombur Baker – refers to a dwarf who is skilled in cooking and preparing delicious meals.
- Dori Bladesmith – refers to a dwarf who is skilled in crafting and repairing swords.
- Gloin Merchant – refers to a dwarf who is skilled in trading and commerce.
- Kili Sharpshooter – refers to a dwarf who is skilled in using a bow and arrow in battle.
- Nori Burglar – refers to a dwarf who is skilled in sneaking and stealing, often employed as a burglar.
- Bofur Cartographer – refers to a dwarf who is skilled in mapping and charting territories.
- Dwalin Armorer – refers to a dwarf who is skilled in crafting armor and weapons.
- Fundin Engraver – refers to a dwarf who is skilled in engraving intricate designs and patterns into metal.
- Gror Gemcutter – refers to a dwarf who is skilled in cutting and polishing precious gems and stones.
- Kheled Explorer – refers to a dwarf who is skilled in exploring new territories and finding hidden treasures.
- Nali Blacksmith – refers to a dwarf who is skilled in working with various metals and forging weapons and armor.
- Nar Mason – refers to a dwarf who is skilled in crafting and shaping stone.
- Ori Scribe – refers to a dwarf who is skilled in writing and recording information.
- Thorgrim Architect – refers to a dwarf who is skilled in constructing and building great structures and buildings.
- Thorin Warlord – refers to a dwarf who is skilled in leading armies and commanding troops in battle.
Dwarf Names That Reference Their Love for Food
- Bombur The Cook – refers to a dwarf from The Hobbit trilogy who is known for his cooking skills.
- Bifur The Mushroom Hunter – refers to a dwarf from The Hobbit trilogy who is known for his love of mushrooms.
- Dwalin The Meat Lover – refers to a dwarf from The Hobbit trilogy who is known for his love of meat.
- Fili The Fruit Picker – refers to a dwarf from The Hobbit trilogy who is known for his love of fruit.
- Gimli The Ale Drinker – refers to a dwarf from The Lord of the Rings trilogy who is known for his love of ale.
- Kili The Fisherman – refers to a dwarf from The Hobbit trilogy who is known for his love of fishing.
- Nori The Sweet Tooth – refers to a dwarf from The Hobbit trilogy who is known for his love of sweets.
- Oin The Spice Master – refers to a dwarf from The Hobbit trilogy who is known for his use of spices in cooking.
- Thorin The Feast Maker – refers to the leader of the dwarves from The Hobbit trilogy, who is known for his love of feasting.
- Balin The Baker – refers to a dwarf from The Hobbit trilogy who is known for his baking skills.
- Dori The Cheese Maker – refers to a dwarf from The Hobbit trilogy who is known for his cheese making skills.
- Gloin The Meat Roaster – refers to a dwarf from The Hobbit trilogy who is known for his skill in roasting meat.
- Otho The Ale Brewer – refers to a dwarf from The Hobbit trilogy who is known for his skill in brewing ale.
- Thrain The Apple Picker – refers to a dwarf from The Hobbit trilogy who is known for his love of apples.
- Bofur The Baker – refers to a dwarf from The Hobbit trilogy who is known for his baking skills.
- Dwalin The Fruit Preserver – refers to a dwarf from The Hobbit trilogy who is known for his skill in preserving fruits.
- Fili The Game Hunter – refers to a dwarf from The Hobbit trilogy who is known for his love of hunting game.
- Gloin The Cheese Taster – refers to a dwarf from The Hobbit trilogy who is known for his love of cheese.
- Grumpy The Pumpkin Carver – refers to a dwarf from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs who is known for his pumpkin carving skills.
- Sleepy The Berry Picker – refers to a dwarf from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs who is known for his love of picking berries.
- Bashful The Grape Stomper – refers to a dwarf from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs who is known for his love of stomping grapes for wine making.
- Doc The Herb Collector – refers to a dwarf from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs who is known for his skill in collecting and identifying herbs.
- Happy The Jam Maker – refers to a dwarf from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs who is known for his skill in making jams and preserves.
- Sneezy The Onion Chopper – refers to a dwarf from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs who is known for his love of chopping onions for cooking.
- Grumpy The Pie Maker – refers to a dwarf from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs who is known for his skill in making pies.
Funny Dwarf Names
- Grommik the Grumpy – a dwarf who is always in a bad mood.
- Zorgoth the Zany – a dwarf who is known for his silly and unpredictable behavior.
- Balthazar the Belcher – a dwarf who is notorious for his loud and frequent burps.
- Thorgim the Ticklish – a dwarf who is easily tickled and bursts into fits of laughter.
- Ragnar the Rambler – a dwarf who loves to talk and tell long-winded stories.
- Yorgoth the Yawner – a dwarf who is always tired and frequently yawns.
- Drakkar the Drooler – a dwarf who drools profusely and often.
- Kronos the Klutz – a dwarf who is always tripping and falling over things.
- Rollo the Rascal – a dwarf who is always up to some mischief or prank.
- Grendel the Grouchy – a dwarf who is always irritable and easily annoyed.
- Zoltar the Zapper – a dwarf who is known for his quick and sharp comebacks.
- Wimpy the Weak – a dwarf who is physically weak and easily overpowered.
- Gringo the Giggler – a dwarf who can’t stop laughing at everything.
- Jagger the Jester – a dwarf who loves to perform jokes and tricks for his friends.
- Mordo the Mumbler – a dwarf who speaks in a low and indistinct mumble.
- Krago the Kooky – a dwarf who is eccentric and offbeat in his behavior.
- Fizzle the Faint – a dwarf who is prone to fainting spells and easily overwhelmed.
- Sprog the Sneezer – a dwarf who sneezes frequently and loudly.
- Spud the Spiller – a dwarf who is always spilling things and making a mess.
- Grog the Groaner – a dwarf who is always groaning and complaining about everything.
- Chet the Chatterbox – a dwarf who never stops talking and loves to gossip.
- Snork the Sniffer – a dwarf with a keen sense of smell, often used for tracking or detecting things.
- Dingle the Dancer – a dwarf who loves to dance and perform for others.
- Smirk the Smug – a dwarf who is always confident and self-assured.
- Blip the Blinker – a dwarf who blinks frequently and rapidly, often causing others to be confused.
Characteristics of Dwarf And What Makes Them Unique
- Short stature: Dwarves are usually depicted as shorter than humans, often with a stocky build.
- Strong and tough: Dwarves are often portrayed as physically strong and tough, able to withstand great physical challenges.
- Skilled craftsmen: Dwarves are renowned for their skills in metalworking, stonemasonry, and other crafts.
- Love for gold and treasure: Dwarves are often portrayed as having a love for gold, gems, and other precious materials.
- Clan-based society: Dwarves often live in clan-based societies, with strong family ties and a deep respect for tradition.
- Gruff and blunt: Dwarves are often depicted as gruff and blunt, speaking their minds without sugarcoating anything.
- Honor-bound: Dwarves are known for their strong sense of honor and loyalty, often going to great lengths to keep their word.
- Mistrustful of outsiders: Dwarves can be mistrustful of outsiders, often preferring to keep to themselves and their own kind.
- Highly resistant to magic: In some fantasy worlds, dwarves are highly resistant to magic, making them valuable allies in battles against magical foes.
- Fondness for ale and food: Dwarves are often portrayed as fond of ale and hearty food, with a love for feasting and celebration.