As you delve into the world of World of Warcraft, you’ll quickly find that choosing the right name for your character can make all the difference.
And for those who have chosen to play as a Void Elf, finding the perfect name can be an even greater challenge. With their unique connection to the Void and otherworldly powers, Void Elves require names that reflect their otherworldly nature and unparalleled strength.
To help you on your quest for the perfect name, we’ve compiled a list of the best 250 WoW Void Elf names, each with a unique meaning and connection to the Void.
From names that reference their pale skin to those that highlight their glowing blue eyes, you’re sure to find a name that perfectly captures the essence of your Void Elf character.
So without further ado, let’s dive into the world of Void Elf names and find the perfect one for your character!
Male Void Elf WoW Names
- Zalithar – “Void Weaver” in Thalassian
- Thalorian – “Guardian of the Void” in Thalassian
- Xyrintheus – “Bearer of the Void’s Knowledge” in Thalassian
- Aurellion – “Golden Void” in Thalassian
- Vythirius – “Void Champion” in Thalassian
- Zythanar – “Keeper of the Void” in Thalassian
- Caelthorian – “Heir of the Void” in Thalassian
- Eryndar – “Watcher of the Void” in Thalassian
- Ithirius – “Eternal Void” in Thalassian
- Nirithar – “Dark Void” in Thalassian
- Sylthorian – “Savior of the Void” in Thalassian
- Daryndor – “Chosen of the Void” in Thalassian
- Zethalion – “Emissary of the Void” in Thalassian
- Kyrithor – “Master of the Void” in Thalassian
- Aethirion – “Fiery Void” in Thalassian
- Lythirius – “Shadow of the Void” in Thalassian
- Tyrinthar – “God of the Void” in Thalassian
- Ryndalion – “Seeker of the Void” in Thalassian
- Zyndorin – “Prince of the Void” in Thalassian
- Mythirion – “Legend of the Void” in Thalassian
- Xyrithor – “Warrior of the Void” in Thalassian
- Dythirion – “Lord of the Void” in Thalassian
- Zyrisar – “Conqueror of the Void” in Thalassian
- Kaelthorian – “Bearer of the Void’s Power” in Thalassian
- Gythirius – “Hero of the Void” in Thalassian
Female Void Elf WoW Names
- Aerithra – “Mistress of the Void” in Thalassian
- Eryndra – “Guardian of the Void” in Thalassian
- Zythalyn – “Weaver of the Void” in Thalassian
- Sylthariel – “Champion of the Void” in Thalassian
- Nirithra – “Keeper of the Dark Void” in Thalassian
- Xyrinthia – “Bearer of the Void’s Secrets” in Thalassian
- Daryndria – “Heir to the Void” in Thalassian
- Zethalyne – “Messenger of the Void” in Thalassian
- Vyrinthia – “Warrior of the Void” in Thalassian
- Mythiria – “Legend of the Void” in Thalassian
- Caelthara – “Mistress of the Eternal Void” in Thalassian
- Thaloriel – “Guardian of the Void’s Light” in Thalassian
- Zyrisa – “Conqueror of the Void” in Thalassian
- Aurellia – “Golden Void” in Thalassian
- Kyrithria – “Master of the Void” in Thalassian
- Ryndaria – “Seeker of the Void” in Thalassian
- Xyrindra – “Emissary of the Void” in Thalassian
- Lythiria – “Shadow of the Void” in Thalassian
- Zyndoril – “Princess of the Void” in Thalassian
- Eryndriel – “Watcher of the Void” in Thalassian
- Tyrinthia – “Goddess of the Void” in Thalassian
- Zalithra – “Weaver of the Void’s Threads” in Thalassian
- Gythiria – “Heroine of the Void” in Thalassian
- Aethiria – “Fiery Void” in Thalassian
- Zythanara – “Keeper of the Void’s Wisdom” in Thalassian
Void Elf WoW Names That Reference Their Void Magic
- Voidbinder Zerith – a powerful Void Elf who can bind creatures of the Void to her will.
- Xalathria Shadowmeld – a Void Elf assassin who can meld into the shadows of the Void.
- Netherbinder Auriel – a Void Elf who can bind the power of the Nether to her will.
- Vexalith the Twisted – a Void Elf whose body has been twisted and transformed by Void magic.
- Darkweaver Daryon – a Void Elf who can weave powerful spells of darkness and shadow.
- Thalassriel Voidtouched – a Void Elf whose very touch is infused with the power of the Void.
- Zyris Shadowspinner – a Void Elf who can spin webs of shadow and darkness.
- Kyrithiria Voidheart – a Void Elf whose heart is infused with the power of the Void.
- Eryndor Shadowstep – a Void Elf who can step through the shadows of the Void to move with incredible speed.
- Nirithara Voidcaller – a Void Elf who can call forth powerful creatures of the Void to fight for her.
- Aethirion Voidflame – a Void Elf who can summon flames of the Void to incinerate her enemies.
- Zalithar Voidblade – a Void Elf who wields a blade infused with the power of the Void.
- Zythanar Voidcaster – a Void Elf who can cast powerful spells of the Void.
- Caelthorian Voidborn – a Void Elf who was born with a natural affinity for the power of the Void.
- Syltharian Voidwatcher – a Void Elf who can see into the void to detect hidden enemies.
- Ryndalion Voidseeker – a Void Elf who seeks out knowledge and power in the Void.
- Zethalion Voidweaver – a Void Elf who can weave powerful spells of the Void to entangle her enemies.
- Vythirius Voidchaser – a Void Elf who can chase her enemies through the Void, appearing and disappearing at will.
- Thaloril Voidlancer – a Void Elf who can hurl lances of pure void energy at her enemies.
- Zyrisar Voidarcher – a Void Elf who can fire arrows infused with the power of the Void.
- Aurellion Voidstar – a Void Elf who can summon stars of pure Void energy to rain down upon her enemies.
- Mythirion Voidbringer – a Void Elf who can bring forth the power of the Void to smite her enemies.
- Xyrithor Voidbolt – a Void Elf who can hurl bolts of pure Void energy at her enemies.
- Dythirion Voidkeeper – a Void Elf who can keep powerful creatures of the Void under her control.
- Zyndorin Voidwalker – a Void Elf who can become one with the Void, becoming a walker between worlds.
Void Elf WoW Names That Reference Their Pale Skin
- Aethirion Moonpale – a Void Elf with skin as pale as the moon.
- Zyrisa Frostwhite – a Void Elf with skin as white as frost.
- Xyrindra Snowdrift – a Void Elf with skin as white as a snowdrift.
- Daryndria Iceheart – a Void Elf with skin as cold and pale as ice.
- Eryndor Mistpale – a Void Elf with skin as pale and misty as a fog.
- Kyrithoria Ivoryblade – a Void Elf with skin as pale and smooth as ivory.
- Nirithra Silverbloom – a Void Elf with skin as pale and silvery as a blooming flower.
- Sylthariel Moonfrost – a Void Elf with skin as pale and frosty as the moon.
- Vythirius Ghostlight – a Void Elf with skin as pale and ethereal as a ghostly light.
- Zalithra Whiteflame – a Void Elf with skin as pale and fiery as white flames.
- Caelthara Starfrost – a Void Elf with skin as pale and twinkling as a star.
- Mythiria Silverglow – a Void Elf with skin as pale and glowing as silver.
- Ryndaria Moonlight – a Void Elf with skin as pale and luminescent as moonlight.
- Thaloril Frostbloom – a Void Elf with skin as pale and icy as a blooming flower.
- Xalathria Snowspark – a Void Elf with skin as pale and sparking as snow.
- Zethalyne Mistblade – a Void Elf with skin as pale and misty as a blade.
- Gythiria Silverheart – a Void Elf with skin as pale and silver as a heart.
- Zythanara Icebloom – a Void Elf with skin as pale and cold as an icy bloom.
- Netherbinder Aurora – a Void Elf with skin as pale and bright as the northern lights.
- Darkweaver Moonshadow – a Void Elf with skin as pale and shadowy as moon shadows.
- Zalithar Starfrost – a Void Elf with skin as pale and twinkling as starfrost.
- Thalassriel Frostbloom – a Void Elf with skin as pale and icy as a blooming frost.
- Zyris Shadowlight – a Void Elf with skin as pale and dark as a shadowy light.
- Aurellia Frostglow – a Void Elf with skin as pale and glowing as frost.
- Xyrithor Moonspark – a Void Elf with skin as pale and sparking as the moon.
Void Elf WoW Names That Reference Their Glowing Blue eyes
- Zalithra Bluegaze – a Void Elf with piercing blue eyes that glow with the power of the void.
- Eryndria Starblink – a Void Elf with eyes as blue and bright as stars.
- Zyrisa Nightflare – a Void Elf with eyes that glow with a fierce blue flame.
- Xyrindra Voidgaze – a Void Elf with eyes that seem to see straight into the void.
- Caelthara Iceglint – a Void Elf with eyes as blue and icy as a frozen lake.
- Sylthariel Shadowlight – a Void Elf with eyes that glow with a mysterious blue light.
- Daryndria Frostflare – a Void Elf with eyes as blue and cold as a winter’s night.
- Zethalyne Starfire – a Void Elf with eyes that blaze with blue fire.
- Vythirius Voidblink – a Void Elf with eyes that seem to blink in and out of the void.
- Kyrithoria Blueflare – a Void Elf with eyes that flare with a bright blue light.
- Nirithra Nightglint – a Void Elf with eyes that glint like stars in the darkness.
- Mythiria Voidfire – a Void Elf with eyes that burn with the power of the void.
- Xalathria Iceflare – a Void Elf with eyes as blue and cold as a winter’s frost.
- Ryndaria Starlight – a Void Elf with eyes that shine like stars in the night sky.
- Thaloril Voidglint – a Void Elf with eyes that glint with the power of the void.
- Zythanara Frostfire – a Void Elf with eyes that burn with a cold blue flame.
- Aethirion Nightflare – a Void Elf with eyes that flare like a blue flame in the darkness.
- Zyndorin Starblink – a Void Elf with eyes that seem to blink in and out of starlight.
- Netherbinder Blueflare – a Void Elf with eyes that blaze with blue fire from the Nether.
- Darkweaver Shadowlight – a Void Elf with eyes that shine with a mysterious blue glow.
- Aurellia Frostglint – a Void Elf with eyes that glint with the cold blue light of frost.
- Gythiria Voidshine – a Void Elf with eyes that shine with the power of the void.
- Zalithar Nightfire – a Void Elf with eyes that burn with a fierce blue flame in the darkness.
- Xyrithor Starflare – a Void Elf with eyes that flare like a bright blue star.
- Eryndor Voidglow – a Void Elf with eyes that glow with the power of the void.
Void Elf WoW Names That Reference Their Faint Purple Void Aura
- Zalithra Voidmistress – a Void Elf with a purple mist that exudes void energy.
- Eryndria Shadowmist – a Void Elf with a purple mist that surrounds her in shadow and void energy.
- Zyrisa Voidweaver – a Void Elf with a purple aura that weaves void energy into powerful spells.
- Xyrindra Voidshimmer – a Void Elf with a faint purple shimmer of pure void energy.
- Caelthara Shadowweaver – a Void Elf with a purple aura that weaves shadows and void energy into powerful spells.
- Sylthariel Voidmistress – a Void Elf with a purple mist that exudes pure void energy.
- Daryndria Voidshimmer – a Void Elf with a faint purple shimmer of pure void energy.
- Zethalyne Shadowmist – a Void Elf with a purple mist that seems to be made of shadows and void energy.
- Vythirius Voidweaver – a Void Elf with a purple aura that weaves void energy into powerful spells.
- Kyrithoria Voidmistress – a Void Elf with a purple mist that exudes pure void energy.
- Nirithra Shadowweaver – a Void Elf with a purple aura that weaves shadows and void energy into powerful spells.
- Mythiria Voidmist – a Void Elf with a faint purple mist that exudes void energy.
- Xalathria Shadowmistress – a Void Elf with a purple mist that exudes shadows and void energy.
- Ryndaria Voidshroud – a Void Elf with a purple shroud of pure void energy.
- Thaloril Shadowweaver – a Void Elf with a purple aura that weaves shadows and void energy into powerful spells.
- Daryndria Voidmist – a Void Elf with a faint purple mist that surrounds her, exuding void energy.
- Zethalyne Shadowweaver – a Void Elf with a purple aura that weaves shadows and void energy into powerful spells.
- Sylthariel Voidshimmer – a Void Elf with a faint purple shimmer of pure void energy.
- Caelthara Shadowmistress – a Void Elf with a purple mist that exudes shadows and void energy.
- Zalithra Voidshimmer – a Void Elf with a faint purple shimmer of pure void energy.
- Eryndria Shadowweaver – a Void Elf with a purple aura that weaves shadows and void energy into powerful spells.
- Zyrisa Voidmistress – a Void Elf with a purple mist that exudes pure void energy.
- Xyrindra Shadowweaver – a Void Elf with a purple aura that weaves shadows and void energy into powerful spells.
- Kyrithoria Shadowmist – a Void Elf with a purple mist that exudes shadows and void energy.
- Nirithra Voidweaver – a Void Elf with a purple aura that weaves void energy into powerful spells.
Void Elf WoW Names That Reference Their Resistant to The Influence Of The Old Gods
- Thalassara the Unyielding – a Void Elf who is immune to the corrupting whispers of the Old Gods.
- Vaelthira the Unbroken – a Void Elf who resists the madness brought on by the Old Gods.
- Elrondir the Unfettered – a Void Elf who is free from the grasp of the Old Gods.
- Xanathria the Unswayed – a Void Elf who remains unaffected by the manipulations of the Old Gods.
- Zyriel the Unwavering – a Void Elf whose mind is strong enough to resist the corruption of the Old Gods.
- Nerithiel the Unbent – a Void Elf whose will is too strong to be broken by the Old Gods.
- Kyralith the Unhinged – a Void Elf who remains sane even in the presence of the Old Gods.
- Zanathor the Unbroken – a Void Elf who remains free from the grasp of the Old Gods.
- Aryndra the Unflinching – a Void Elf who remains steadfast in the face of the Old Gods’ corruption.
- Zethalas the Unyielding – a Void Elf who cannot be swayed by the madness of the Old Gods.
- Eryndria the Unscathed – a Void Elf who remains unharmed by the corrupting influence of the Old Gods.
- Xyrindra the Unaffected – a Void Elf who remains unaffected by the manipulations of the Old Gods.
- Caelthara the Unmoved – a Void Elf who remains unaffected by the whispers of the Old Gods.
- Sylthariel the Unperturbed – a Void Elf who remains unperturbed by the corrupting influence of the Old Gods.
- Daryndria the Uninfluenced – a Void Elf who remains free from the influence of the Old Gods.
- Zyrisa the Unassailable – a Void Elf whose mind cannot be penetrated by the corrupting influence of the Old Gods.
- Xalathria the Unfazed – a Void Elf who remains unfazed by the whispers of the Old Gods.
- Ryndaria the Unbowed – a Void Elf whose will cannot be broken by the corrupting influence of the Old Gods.
- Nirithra the Unaffected – a Void Elf who remains unaffected by the manipulations of the Old Gods.
- Mythiria the Unbreakable – a Void Elf whose mind and will cannot be broken by the corrupting influence of the Old Gods.
- Zalithra the Untouched – a Void Elf who remains untouched by the corruption of the Old Gods.
- Eryndor the Unchanged – a Void Elf who remains unchanged by the corrupting influence of the Old Gods.
- Zyrisia the Unmoved – a Void Elf who remains unmoved by the whispers of the Old Gods.
- Xyrithor the Unshaken – a Void Elf who remains unshaken by the corrupting influence of the Old Gods.
- Thaloril the Unscarred – a Void Elf who remains unscarred by the influence of the Old Gods.
Void Elf WoW Names That Reference Their Connection To Void Wraiths
- Zyraxis, Wraithbinder – a Void Elf who has a strong connection to Void Wraiths and can bind them to their will.
- Xalathria, Wraithcaller – a Void Elf who can summon and control Void Wraiths with ease.
- Daryndria, Wraithweaver – a Void Elf who can manipulate the energies of Void Wraiths to weave powerful spells.
- Vythirius, Wraithtouched – a Void Elf who has been touched by the essence of Void Wraiths and can call upon their powers.
- Kyrithoria, Wraithspeaker – a Void Elf who can communicate with Void Wraiths and learn their secrets.
- Sylthariel, Wraithborn – a Void Elf who was born with a strong connection to Void Wraiths and can channel their powers.
- Zalithra, Wraithmistress – a Void Elf who can control and command Void Wraiths with her powerful will.
- Eryndria, Wraithshaper – a Void Elf who can shape the energy of Void Wraiths to her will, creating powerful constructs.
- Zyrisa, Wraithweaver – a Void Elf who can weave the energies of Void Wraiths into spells that can warp reality.
- Xyrindra, Wraithkeeper – a Void Elf who can contain and control Void Wraiths with ease.
- Thaloril, Wraithmancer – a Void Elf who is a master at controlling and manipulating Void Wraiths.
- Nirithra, Wraithseer – a Void Elf who can see into the Void and communicate with Void Wraiths.
- Mythiria, Wraithbinder – a Void Elf who has mastered the art of binding Void Wraiths to her will.
- Zethalyne, Wraithmistress – a Void Elf who can control and manipulate the energies of Void Wraiths to her advantage.
- Aethirion, Wraithcaller – a Void Elf who can summon and control Void Wraiths with ease.
- Zyndorin, Wraithweaver – a Void Elf who can manipulate the energies of Void Wraiths to create powerful illusions.
- Gythiria, Wraithspeaker – a Void Elf who can speak to Void Wraiths and command their powers.
- Zalithar, Wraithkeeper – a Void Elf who can keep and control Void Wraiths with ease.
- Xyrithor, Wraithmancer – a Void Elf who is a master at controlling and manipulating Void Wraiths.
- Eryndor, Wraithtouched – a Void Elf who has been touched by the essence of Void Wraiths and can call upon their powers.
- Zyrisia, Wraithshaper – a Void Elf who can shape the energy of Void Wraiths to her will, creating powerful constructs.
- Xalathria, Wraithweaver – a Void Elf who can weave the energies of Void Wraiths into spells that can warp reality.
- Daryndria, Wraithmistress – a Void Elf who can control and manipulate the energies of Void Wraiths to her advantage.
- Xanathria, Wraithkeeper – a Void Elf who can keep and control Void Wraiths with ease.
- Thalassara, Wraithbinder – a Void Elf who has mastered the art of binding Void Wraiths to her will.
Void Elf WoW Names That Reference Their Intelligence
- Zyrisalor, the Learned – a Void Elf who is known for their extensive knowledge and wisdom.
- Xanathorin, the Erudite – a Void Elf who is highly educated and well-read.
- Eryndrion, the Scholar – a Void Elf who is dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge.
- Zalithralyn, the Wise – a Void Elf who has a great deal of practical knowledge and experience.
- Thalassarion, the Savant – a Void Elf who has a remarkable depth of knowledge in a particular field.
- Mythiriel, the Genius – a Void Elf who has exceptional intelligence and creative ability.
- Vaelthiryn, the Visionary – a Void Elf who has an innovative and imaginative mind.
- Daryndrielle, the Intellectual – a Void Elf who values knowledge and intellectual pursuits above all else.
- Xyrindralyn, the Cerebral – a Void Elf who is known for their analytical and logical thinking.
- Nerithrielle, the Bright – a Void Elf whose intelligence and curiosity shine through in all that they do.
- Aryndrion, the Brainiac – a Void Elf who has exceptional intelligence and knowledge across a wide range of fields.
- Zethalyne, the Sage – a Void Elf who is known for their wisdom and knowledge.
- Kyralithia, the Polymath – a Void Elf who has extensive knowledge and expertise in many different fields.
- Zalithris, the Rational – a Void Elf who approaches problems and challenges with a logical and analytical mindset.
- Syltharielle, the Visionary – a Void Elf who has a unique and imaginative perspective on the world.
- Xalathrielle, the Intellect – a Void Elf who values intelligence and knowledge above all else.
- Zyrielthas, the Luminary – a Void Elf who is highly regarded for their intelligence and expertise.
- Eryndrithas, the Educated – a Void Elf who has a strong foundation of knowledge and education.
- Thalorilith, the Insightful – a Void Elf who has a keen understanding and perception of the world around them.
- Vythirial, the Quick-Witted – a Void Elf who is known for their sharp and clever mind.
- Zyndoriel, the Rationalist – a Void Elf who believes that everything can be explained through reason and logic.
- Mythirion, the Mastermind – a Void Elf who is highly intelligent and capable of complex and intricate planning.
- Daryndrith, the Intuitive – a Void Elf who has a natural understanding and insight into complex problems.
- Xyrithoril, the Analytical – a Void Elf who has a talent for breaking down complex problems into smaller, more manageable parts.
- Nerithrial, the Inquisitive – a Void Elf who is constantly seeking knowledge and understanding of the world around them.
Funny Void Elf WoW Names
- Voidberry, the Purple Menace – a Void Elf with a sweet disposition but a love for causing chaos.
- Voidburger, the Fast Foodie – a Void Elf who loves nothing more than a good burger and fries.
- Voidchaser, the Never-Catcher – a Void Elf who loves to chase after things but never quite catches them.
- Voidina, the Drama Queen – a Void Elf who is always creating drama and stirring up trouble.
- Voidleopard, the Spotted Trouble – a Void Elf with a mischievous streak and a love for leopard spots.
- Voidzilla, the Rampaging Behemoth – a Void Elf who loves to pretend to be a giant monster and terrorize their friends.
- Voidnado, the Whirling Dervish – a Void Elf who loves to spin around and create a whirlwind of chaos.
- Voidpuff, the Fluffy Menace – a Void Elf who looks cute and harmless but can cause a lot of trouble.
- Voidshark, the Finned Terror – a Void Elf who loves to pretend to be a shark and scare their friends.
- Voidster, the Hipster Elf – a Void Elf who loves to be on the cutting edge of fashion and trends.
- Voidstrider, the Slow and Steady – a Void Elf who takes their time and never rushes into anything.
- Voidtastic, the Fantastic Void Elf – a Void Elf who thinks they are the coolest and most amazing person around.
- Voidzilla, the Tiny Tornado – a Void Elf who may be small but can still cause a lot of chaos.
- Voidmeister, the Master of Chaos – a Void Elf who loves to cause trouble and mayhem wherever they go.
- Voidtini, the Small but Mighty – a Void Elf who may be small but is still a force to be reckoned with.
- Voidinator, the Terminator of Boredom – a Void Elf who is always looking for ways to spice things up and banish boredom.
- Voidplosion, the Explosive Elf – a Void Elf who loves to cause explosions and fireworks wherever they go.
- Voidquarius, the Aquatic Elf – a Void Elf who loves to pretend to be a fish or other sea creature.
- Voidroar, the Silent but Deadly – a Void Elf who may not be the loudest, but their actions speak louder than words.
- Voidscaper, the Landscape Artist – a Void Elf who loves to create art and designs using the Void as their medium.
- Voidstache, the Mustachioed Elf – a Void Elf with an impressive mustache that they are very proud of.
- Voidstrider, the Galloping Elf – a Void Elf who loves to run and move quickly, often leaving their friends behind.
- Voidtopia, the Utopian Dreamer – a Void Elf who dreams of a perfect world, free from chaos and conflict.
- Voidtron, the Robot Elf – a Void Elf who loves technology and has a robotic or cyborg-like appearance.
- Voidtastic, the Master of Void – a Void Elf who thinks they are the most powerful and amazing Void user around.
Characteristics Of Void Elves in WoW And What Makes Them Unique
- They are former blood elves who joined the Alliance after being exiled from Silvermoon City due to their research into void magic.
- Void elves have pale skin and glowing blue eyes, as well as a faint aura of purple void energy surrounding them.
- They have a natural affinity for void magic and are able to harness its power for offensive and defensive spells.
- Void elves can create portals that allow them to teleport short distances through the void.
- They are immune to the negative effects of void magic, such as insanity or corruption, making them highly resistant to the influence of the Old Gods.
- Void elves have a strong connection to the void creatures known as the Void Wraiths, which they can summon and command in battle.
- They have the ability to transform into a void form, greatly enhancing their powers at the cost of losing control and becoming more vulnerable to physical attacks.
- Void elves are highly intelligent and have a natural curiosity for the mysteries of the void, making them excellent researchers and scientists.
- They have a somewhat aloof and detached personality, which can make it difficult for them to form close relationships with others.
- Void elves have a deep-seated sense of purpose and duty, driven by their desire to understand and master the power of the void for the betterment of their people.