Best 250 Fairy Names (With Meanings)

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The world of fairies is a magical and enchanting one, filled with wonder and intrigue. For those who love to delve into the realm of fantasy, there’s nothing quite like exploring the diverse and unique names of these ethereal creatures.

In this article, we’ve compiled a list of the best 250 fairy names, each with its own special meaning and story. These names range from those that reference a fairy’s appearance or personality, to those that connect them to nature or their magical abilities.

With such a wide variety of names to choose from, there’s sure to be a perfect one for your next fairy-inspired creation.

So, whether you’re a writer seeking inspiration or a lover of all things magical, join us as we explore the captivating world of fairy names.

Male Fairy Names

  1. Oberon – Means “noble bear” and is the name of the king of the fairies in Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream.”
  2. Puck – A mischievous sprite in English folklore, the name Puck means “mischievous spirit.”
  3. Alastor – Means “avenger” and is the name of a male fairy in Greek mythology.
  4. Thistlewit – A whimsical name that suggests a fairy with a playful and mischievous personality.
  5. Eryndor – A Welsh name meaning “golden one,” which could refer to a fairy with a radiant or bright appearance.
  6. Bramble – A name that suggests a fairy associated with nature, such as a woodland sprite.
  7. Fintan – Means “white fire” and is the name of a male fairy in Irish mythology.
  8. Robin Goodfellow – Another name for the fairy Puck, this name suggests a playful and mischievous personality.
  9. Glorfindel – A name from J.R.R. Tolkien’s “The Lord of the Rings” that means “golden-haired,” which could refer to a fairy with a bright or radiant appearance.
  10. Tinker – A name that suggests a fairy who works with their hands and tinkers with gadgets and inventions.
  11. Aengus – Means “one strength” and is the name of a male fairy in Irish mythology.
  12. Zephyr – Means “west wind” and could refer to a fairy associated with the air and wind.
  13. Pari – A name that means “fairy” in Persian, and could be used as a male fairy name.
  14. Faeberon – A name that combines “fairy” and “Oberon,” which could refer to a fairy king or noble.
  15. Melwas – A Welsh name meaning “princely” or “noble,” which could refer to a fairy with a regal appearance or personality.
  16. Mabon – Means “great son” and is the name of a male fairy in Welsh mythology.
  17. Lir – Means “the sea” and is the name of a male fairy in Irish mythology who is associated with the ocean.
  18. Zoltar – A name that suggests a fairy with a powerful or magical personality.
  19. Elden – A name that means “from the elves’ valley,” which could refer to a fairy with an elf-like appearance.
  20. Faelan – Means “little wolf” and is the name of a male fairy in Irish mythology.
  21. Sylvanus – A name that means “of the forest,” which could refer to a fairy associated with nature and the woods.
  22. Orias – Means “having the power to divine” and is the name of a male fairy in demonology.
  23. Oberyn – A variation of Oberon that means “noble bear” and could be used as a male fairy name.
  24. Gwynn – Means “white” or “blessed,” which could refer to a fairy with a pure or holy appearance.
  25. Titania – A name from Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” that means “great one,” which could be used as a male fairy name or as a name for a fairy king.

Female Fairy Names

  1. Titania – A name from Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” that means “great one” and is the queen of the fairies in the play.
  2. Tinkerbell – A name that suggests a fairy who works with her hands and tinkers with gadgets and inventions, and is famously associated with Peter Pan.
  3. Luna – Means “moon” and could refer to a fairy associated with the night and the moon.
  4. Aine – Means “brightness” and is the name of a fairy queen in Irish mythology.
  5. Seraphina – Means “fiery one” and could refer to a fairy with a fiery or passionate personality.
  6. Niamh – Means “radiance” or “brightness” and is the name of a fairy queen in Irish mythology.
  7. Rosalind – A name from Shakespeare’s play “As You Like It” that means “pretty rose,” which could refer to a fairy associated with nature and flowers.
  8. Aria – Means “air” and could refer to a fairy associated with the sky and wind.
  9. Gossamer – A name that suggests a fairy with a delicate and ethereal appearance, like a fine spiderweb.
  10. Morgan le Fay – A name from Arthurian legend that means “sea-born” and could refer to a fairy associated with water and the ocean.
  11. Florimel – Means “flower” and is the name of a fairy queen in Edmund Spenser’s “The Faerie Queene.”
  12. Orla – Means “golden princess” and could refer to a fairy with a radiant or bright appearance.
  13. Aurora – Means “dawn” and could refer to a fairy associated with the sunrise and morning.
  14. Glimmer – A name that suggests a fairy with a sparkling or shining appearance.
  15. Mab – A name from English folklore that means “queen” and is often used to refer to a fairy queen.
  16. Sylvie – A name that means “of the forest” and could refer to a fairy associated with nature and the woods.
  17. Oriana – Means “golden” and is the name of a fairy queen in Italian folklore.
  18. Celestia – Means “heavenly” and could refer to a fairy associated with the stars and the sky.
  19. Rhiannon – Means “divine queen” and is the name of a fairy queen in Welsh mythology.
  20. Liriel – A name that combines “Lir” (meaning “the sea”) and “El” (meaning “angel” or “fairy”), which could refer to a fairy associated with the ocean.
  21. Vespera – Means “evening star” and could refer to a fairy associated with the night and the stars.
  22. Maelle – Means “princess” and could refer to a fairy with a regal appearance or personality.
  23. Nimue – Means “lady of the lake” and is the name of a fairy queen in Arthurian legend who is associated with water and magic.
  24. Tahlia – Means “gentle dew from heaven” and could refer to a fairy associated with nature and the elements.
  25. Thalia – Means “to flourish” and could refer to a fairy associated with growth, nature, and abundance.

Fairy Names That Reference Their Small Size

  1. Pixie – A name that suggests a small and mischievous fairy.
  2. Sprite – A name that suggests a small, lively, and playful fairy.
  3. Puck – A name that suggests a small and mischievous fairy, and also references the character from “A Midsummer Night’s Dream.”
  4. Imp – A name that suggests a small and mischievous fairy, often associated with dark magic.
  5. Nixie – A name that suggests a small and elusive water fairy.
  6. Brownie – A name that suggests a small and helpful house fairy in Scottish folklore.
  7. Gnome – A name that suggests a small and earthy fairy associated with gardens and nature.
  8. Hob – A name that suggests a small and helpful house fairy in English folklore.
  9. Tom Thumb – A name that references the small size of a fairy, taken from the English folk tale of the same name.
  10. Wisp – A name that suggests a small and elusive fairy associated with light and fire.
  11. Leprechaun – A name that suggests a small and mischievous fairy in Irish folklore.
  12. Will-o’-the-wisp – A name that suggests a small and elusive fairy associated with swamps and marshes.
  13. Tinkerbell – A name that references the small size of a fairy, famously associated with Peter Pan.
  14. Spriggan – A name that suggests a small and mischievous fairy in Cornish folklore.
  15. Changeling – A name that references the small size of a fairy, and also references the idea of a fairy child being switched with a human child in folklore.
  16. Thumbelina – A name that references the small size of a fairy, taken from the Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale of the same name.
  17. Elf – A name that suggests a small and magical fairy in Norse mythology.
  18. Nisse – A name that suggests a small and helpful house fairy in Scandinavian folklore.
  19. Brown Jenkin – A name that suggests a small and mischievous fairy, taken from the H.P. Lovecraft story “The Dreams in the Witch House.”
  20. Tomte – A name that suggests a small and helpful house fairy in Swedish folklore.
  21. Tomino – A name that references the small size of a fairy, taken from the Japanese folktale “The Tongue-Cut Sparrow.”
  22. Korrigan – A name that suggests a small and mischievous fairy in Breton folklore.
  23. Asrai – A name that suggests a small and elusive water fairy in English folklore.
  24. Piskie – A name that suggests a small and mischievous fairy in Cornish folklore.
  25. Trow – A name that suggests a small and mischievous fairy in Scottish folklore.

Fairy Names That Reference Their Magical Abilities

  1. Enchantra – A name that suggests a fairy with the power to cast enchantments and spells.
  2. Arcadia – A name that references a utopian realm in Greek mythology and could suggest a fairy with magical powers.
  3. Celestia – A name that suggests a fairy with the power to control the stars and sky.
  4. Lyra – A name that references the constellation Lyra and could suggest a fairy with the power of music or enchanting singing.
  5. Faerydae – A name that combines “fairy” and “daydream” and could suggest a fairy with the power to control dreams and imagination.
  6. Marigold – A name that suggests a fairy with the power to control plants and flowers.
  7. Mystique – A name that suggests a fairy with the power to shape-shift or disguise herself.
  8. Nimue – A name that references a sorceress in Arthurian legend and could suggest a fairy with powerful magic.
  9. Phoenix – A name that suggests a fairy with the power of rebirth and resurrection.
  10. Sable – A name that suggests a fairy with the power to control shadows and darkness.
  11. Selene – A name that references the Greek goddess of the moon and could suggest a fairy with the power to control the moon.
  12. Solstice – A name that references the changing of seasons and could suggest a fairy with the power to control the elements.
  13. Starlight – A name that suggests a fairy with the power to control the stars and light.
  14. Sundew – A name that suggests a fairy with the power to control plants and insects.
  15. Thalia – A name that references the Greek goddess of comedy and could suggest a fairy with the power of entertainment and laughter.
  16. Twilight – A name that suggests a fairy with the power to control light and darkness.
  17. Vespera – A name that references the evening star and could suggest a fairy with the power of prophecy and divination.
  18. Zephyra – A name that references the west wind and could suggest a fairy with the power to control the wind and air.
  19. Althaea – A name that references a herb in Greek mythology with healing properties and could suggest a fairy with the power of healing.
  20. Aurora – A name that references the dawn and could suggest a fairy with the power to control the sunrise and morning.
  21. Belladonna – A name that references a poisonous plant and could suggest a fairy with the power of illusions and deception.
  22. Cassiopeia – A name that references a constellation and could suggest a fairy with the power of divination.
  23. Eurydice – A name that references a figure in Greek mythology and could suggest a fairy with the power to control the dead.
  24. Morgana – A name that references a sorceress in Arthurian legend and could suggest a fairy with powerful magic.
  25. Naida – A name that references water nymphs in Greek mythology and could suggest a fairy with the power to control water and the sea.

Fairy Names That Reference Their Connection To Nature

  1. Elowen – A name that means “elm tree” in Cornish and could suggest a fairy associated with trees and forests.
  2. Thalassa – A name that means “sea” in Greek and could suggest a fairy associated with the ocean and water.
  3. Aerin – A name that means “ocean” in Irish and could suggest a fairy associated with the sea and the elements.
  4. Anthea – A name that means “flower” in Greek and could suggest a fairy associated with flowers and nature.
  5. Ember – A name that suggests a fairy associated with fire and the elements.
  6. Fawn – A name that suggests a fairy associated with nature and animals.
  7. Gaia – A name that means “earth” in Greek and could suggest a fairy associated with the earth and natural world.
  8. Isadora – A name that means “gift of the goddess” in Greek and could suggest a fairy associated with nature and divine power.
  9. Lavender – A name that suggests a fairy associated with flowers and plants.
  10. Liriope – A name that means “lily face” in Greek and could suggest a fairy associated with flowers and beauty.
  11. Melia – A name that means “ash tree” in Greek and could suggest a fairy associated with trees and nature.
  12. Mist – A name that suggests a fairy associated with the elements and nature.
  13. Nessa – A name that means “from the headland” in Irish and could suggest a fairy associated with the sea and coast.
  14. Petal – A name that suggests a fairy associated with flowers and nature.
  15. Quill – A name that suggests a fairy associated with birds and nature.
  16. Ravena – A name that means “raven” in Latin and could suggest a fairy associated with birds and nature.
  17. Rosalind – A name that means “pretty rose” and could suggest a fairy associated with flowers and nature.
  18. Sage – A name that suggests a fairy associated with plants and nature.
  19. Sylph – A name that suggests a fairy associated with the air and wind.
  20. Tansy – A name that suggests a fairy associated with plants and nature.
  21. Terra – A name that means “earth” in Latin and could suggest a fairy associated with the earth and natural world.
  22. Thorn – A name that suggests a fairy associated with plants and nature.
  23. Verdant – A name that means “green” and could suggest a fairy associated with plants and nature.
  24. Wilder – A name that suggests a fairy associated with wild places and nature.
  25. Zinnia – A name that suggests a fairy associated with flowers and nature.

Fairy Names That Reference Their Pointed Ears

  1. Adar – A name that means “noble” in Welsh and could suggest a fairy with elegant pointed ears.
  2. Brannoc – A name that means “raven” in Welsh and could suggest a fairy with black pointed ears.
  3. Cael – A name that means “slender” in Irish and could suggest a fairy with delicate pointed ears.
  4. Drishti – A name that means “focused gaze” in Sanskrit and could suggest a fairy with keen pointed ears.
  5. Earwen – A name that means “maiden with pointed ears” in Tolkien’s Elvish language.
  6. Faylinn – A name that suggests a fairy with delicate pointed ears.
  7. Gildas – A name that means “sword” in Welsh and could suggest a fairy with sharp pointed ears.
  8. Haldir – A name that means “hidden hero” in Tolkien’s Elvish language and could suggest a fairy with hidden pointed ears.
  9. Imara – A name that means “strong” in Swahili and could suggest a fairy with pointed ears that stand out.
  10. Jareth – A name that means “to seize” in Hebrew and could suggest a fairy with pointed ears that give him keen senses.
  11. Keir – A name that means “little dark one” in Irish and could suggest a fairy with black pointed ears.
  12. Lirien – A name that means “song of the sea” in Tolkien’s Elvish language and could suggest a fairy with pointed ears attuned to the waves.
  13. Melwas – A name that means “fair and great” in Welsh and could suggest a fairy with pointed ears that make him stand out.
  14. Nevan – A name that means “holy one” in Irish and could suggest a fairy with pure pointed ears.
  15. Oropher – A name that means “high-crowned” in Tolkien’s Elvish language and could suggest a fairy with tall pointed ears.
  16. Paelen – A name that means “little one” in Welsh and could suggest a fairy with small pointed ears.
  17. Qadira – A name that means “powerful” in Arabic and could suggest a fairy with imposing pointed ears.
  18. Rhiannon – A name that means “divine queen” in Welsh and could suggest a fairy with pointed ears that make her regal.
  19. Silas – A name that means “wood or forest” in Latin and could suggest a fairy with pointed ears attuned to nature.
  20. Tamsin – A name that means “twin” in Cornish and could suggest a fairy with pointed ears that make her stand out from her siblings.
  21. Uzziel – A name that means “strength of God” in Hebrew and could suggest a fairy with pointed ears that make him seem otherworldly.
  22. Varda – A name that means “sublime” in Tolkien’s Elvish language and could suggest a fairy with pointed ears that give her an ethereal air.
  23. Willem – A name that means “determined protector” in Dutch and could suggest a fairy with pointed ears that make him stand out as a defender.
  24. Xander – A name that means “defender of the people” in Greek and could suggest a fairy with pointed ears that make him stand out as a protector.
  25. Yorath – A name that means “purple king” in Welsh and could suggest a fairy with pointed ears that make him seem royal.

Fairy Names That Reference Their Wings

  1. Alara – A name that means “winged” in Turkish and could suggest a fairy with elegant wings.
  2. Berylune – A name that suggests a fairy with wings that sparkle like precious gemstones.
  3. Cendrillon – A name that means “little ashes” in French and could suggest a fairy with delicate, ash-grey wings.
  4. Delphinia – A name that means “dolphin” in Greek and could suggest a fairy with sleek, aquatic wings.
  5. Eira – A name that means “snow” in Welsh and could suggest a fairy with wings that glisten like snowflakes.
  6. Fawna – A name that suggests a fairy with wings that resemble those of a deer or fawn.
  7. Galatea – A name that means “milky white” in Greek and could suggest a fairy with delicate, translucent wings.
  8. Helia – A name that means “sun” in Greek and could suggest a fairy with radiant, sun-like wings.
  9. Icaria – A name that means “follower of Icarus” in Greek and could suggest a fairy with wings that allow her to soar high.
  10. Jelena – A name that means “deer” in Serbian and could suggest a fairy with dainty, antler-like wings.
  11. Kaida – A name that means “little dragon” and could suggest a fairy with dragonfly-like wings.
  12. Lysandra – A name that means “liberator” in Greek and could suggest a fairy with wings that make her seem free and powerful.
  13. Meliae – A name that means “ash tree nymphs” in Greek and could suggest a fairy with delicate, leafy wings.
  14. Nyx – A name that means “night” in Greek and could suggest a fairy with dark, mysterious wings.
  15. Orianna – A name that means “sunrise” and could suggest a fairy with wings that glow with the colors of dawn.
  16. Pavana – A name that means “air, wind” in Sanskrit and could suggest a fairy with swift, airy wings.
  17. Quilla – A name that means “feather” in Quechua and could suggest a fairy with wings that resemble feathers.
  18. Razielle – A name that means “secret of God” in Hebrew and could suggest a fairy with divine, angelic wings.
  19. Selene – A name that means “moon” in Greek and could suggest a fairy with wings that shine like moonbeams.
  20. Tahlia – A name that means “dew from heaven” in Hebrew and could suggest a fairy with wings that glisten like dew.
  21. Undine – A name that suggests a fairy with wings that resemble those of a water spirit or mermaid.
  22. Valora – A name that means “brave” in Latin and could suggest a fairy with powerful, warrior-like wings.
  23. Wisteria – A name that suggests a fairy with wings that resemble the delicate blooms of the wisteria plant.
  24. Xerene – A name that means “peaceful” in Greek and could suggest a fairy with calm, serene wings.
  25. Yara – A name that means “water lady” in Brazilian mythology and could suggest a fairy with wings that shimmer like water.

Fairy Names That Reference Their Love of Music And Dance

  1. Allegra – A name that means “joyful” and could suggest a fairy who loves lively music and dance.
  2. Belladonna – A name that means “beautiful lady” and could suggest a fairy who loves dancing under the moonlight.
  3. Calantha – A name that means “beautiful flower” and could suggest a fairy who loves to dance among the flowers.
  4. Dariana – A name that means “gift” and could suggest a fairy who loves to give the gift of music and dance.
  5. Elvina – A name that means “friend of the elves” and could suggest a fairy who loves to dance with other magical creatures.
  6. Fauna – A name that suggests a fairy who loves to dance with the animals in the forest.
  7. Galadriel – A name that means “maiden crowned with a radiant garland” and could suggest a fairy who loves to dance with a crown of flowers.
  8. Hyacinth – A name that suggests a fairy who loves to dance among the fragrant hyacinths.
  9. Iridelle – A name that means “radiant messenger” and could suggest a fairy who loves to dance and spread joy.
  10. Jocasta – A name that means “cheerful” and could suggest a fairy who loves to dance and bring happiness.
  11. Kaela – A name that means “music” and could suggest a fairy who loves to dance to the sound of music.
  12. Lilith – A name that means “night creature” and could suggest a fairy who loves to dance under the stars.
  13. Melusine – A name that means “musical fairy” and could suggest a fairy who loves to sing and dance.
  14. Niamh – A name that means “radiance” and could suggest a fairy who loves to dance in the sunlight.
  15. Ondine – A name that suggests a fairy who loves to dance by the water.
  16. Philomela – A name that means “lover of song” and could suggest a fairy who loves to dance to beautiful melodies.
  17. Rhiannon – A name that means “great queen” and could suggest a fairy who loves to dance with regal grace.
  18. Seraphine – A name that means “angelic” and could suggest a fairy who loves to dance with grace and beauty.
  19. Titania – A name that means “queen of the fairies” and could suggest a fairy who loves to dance with royal elegance.
  20. Undine – A name that suggests a fairy who loves to dance to the rhythm of the water.
  21. Viviana – A name that means “full of life” and could suggest a fairy who loves to dance with vibrant energy.
  22. Winifred – A name that means “blessed peace” and could suggest a fairy who loves to dance with tranquil grace.
  23. Xanthe – A name that means “yellow” and could suggest a fairy who loves to dance with joyful energy.
  24. Ygraine – A name that means “silver” and could suggest a fairy who loves to dance with moonlit grace.
  25. Zephyrine – A name that means “west wind” and could suggest a fairy who loves to dance with light and airy movements.

Fairy Names That Reference Their Long Lives

  1. Arianrhod – A Welsh name meaning “silver wheel” and could suggest a fairy with long life and wisdom.
  2. Beruthiel – A Tolkien name meaning “queen of cats” and could suggest a fairy with long life and feline grace.
  3. Cethin – An Irish name meaning “little old one” and could suggest a fairy with a long life and diminutive stature.
  4. Dianthe – A Greek name meaning “divine flower” and could suggest a fairy with long life and a connection to nature.
  5. Echtrae – An Irish name meaning “adventure” and could suggest a fairy with a long life full of exciting journeys.
  6. Fionnuala – An Irish name meaning “fair shoulder” and could suggest a fairy with long life and beauty.
  7. Gloriana – A name meaning “glory” and could suggest a fairy with a long life full of accomplishments and achievements.
  8. Halcyone – A Greek name meaning “queenfisher” and could suggest a fairy with long life and a love of nature.
  9. Isadora – A Greek name meaning “gift of Isis” and could suggest a fairy with long life and magical powers.
  10. Jorinda – A German name meaning “spring” and could suggest a fairy with long life and a connection to the seasons.
  11. Kaida – A name that means “little dragon” and could suggest a fairy with long life and powerful dragon-like qualities.
  12. Liriel – A name meaning “daughter of the sea” and could suggest a fairy with long life and a connection to water.
  13. Maevan – An Irish name meaning “little joyful one” and could suggest a fairy with long life and a cheerful disposition.
  14. Nimue – A Celtic name meaning “lady of the lake” and could suggest a fairy with long life and a connection to water.
  15. Ondine – A name meaning “little wave” and could suggest a fairy with long life and a connection to the ocean.
  16. Phoenix – A name meaning “reborn from the ashes” and could suggest a fairy with long life and the power of regeneration.
  17. Quenby – An English name meaning “queen’s estate” and could suggest a fairy with long life and regal qualities.
  18. Rhiannon – A Welsh name meaning “great queen” and could suggest a fairy with long life and royal grace.
  19. Seren – A Welsh name meaning “star” and could suggest a fairy with long life and celestial qualities.
  20. Thalia – A Greek name meaning “to flourish” and could suggest a fairy with long life and a thriving spirit.
  21. Undine – A name meaning “little wave” and could suggest a fairy with long life and a connection to water.
  22. Vespera – A name meaning “evening star” and could suggest a fairy with long life and a connection to the night sky.
  23. Wylda – An English name meaning “wild one” and could suggest a fairy with long life and a free spirit.
  24. Xanthe – A Greek name meaning “yellow” and could suggest a fairy with long life and vibrant energy.
  25. Ysadora – A Greek name meaning “gift of Isis” and could suggest a fairy with long life and magical abilities.

Fairy Names That Reference Their Appearance

  1. Arista – A name meaning “excellence” and could suggest a fairy with a striking appearance.
  2. Blossom – A name that suggests a fairy with a delicate, flower-like appearance.
  3. Celandine – A name that means “swallow” and could suggest a fairy with a graceful, bird-like appearance.
  4. Dewdrop – A name that suggests a fairy with a glistening, dewy appearance.
  5. Ember – A name that suggests a fairy with a fiery, glowing appearance.
  6. Fern – A name that suggests a fairy with a delicate, leafy appearance.
  7. Glimmer – A name that suggests a fairy with a sparkling, shimmering appearance.
  8. Honeysuckle – A name that suggests a fairy with a sweet, fragrant appearance.
  9. Icicle – A name that suggests a fairy with a cold, frosty appearance.
  10. Jasmine – A name that suggests a fairy with a fragrant, flower-like appearance.
  11. Kaida – A name that means “little dragon” and could suggest a fairy with a fierce, dragon-like appearance.
  12. Luna – A name that means “moon” and could suggest a fairy with a pale, ethereal appearance.
  13. Misty – A name that suggests a fairy with a mystical, misty appearance.
  14. Nectar – A name that suggests a fairy with a sweet, golden appearance.
  15. Opal – A name that suggests a fairy with a sparkling, iridescent appearance.
  16. Petal – A name that suggests a fairy with a delicate, flower-like appearance.
  17. Quicksilver – A name that suggests a fairy with a liquid, shimmering appearance.
  18. Rainbow – A name that suggests a fairy with a colorful, prismatic appearance.
  19. Starling – A name that suggests a fairy with a striking, starry appearance.
  20. Tawny – A name that suggests a fairy with a warm, golden-brown appearance.
  21. Umber – A name that suggests a fairy with a rich, earthy appearance.
  22. Velvet – A name that suggests a fairy with a soft, luxurious appearance.
  23. Willow – A name that suggests a fairy with a graceful, leafy appearance.
  24. Xanthia – A name that means “yellow” and could suggest a fairy with a bright, sunny appearance.
  25. Yarrow – A name that suggests a fairy with a delicate, herbaceous appearance.

Characteristics Of Fairies And What Makes Them Unique

  • Small size – Fairies are often depicted as being very small, ranging from only a few inches tall to the size of a small child.
  • Magical abilities – Fairies are known for having magical powers, such as the ability to fly, control the elements, or cast spells.
  • Connection to nature – Fairies are often associated with the natural world, such as forests, rivers, or flowers.
  • Playful personalities – Fairies are often portrayed as being playful and mischievous, enjoying pranks and games.
  • Pointed ears – Many depictions of fairies include pointed ears, which give them a distinctive appearance.
  • Wings – Some fairies are depicted with wings, which allow them to fly and add to their magical nature.
  • Love of music and dance – Fairies are often associated with music and dance, and are said to enjoy playing instruments and dancing in circles.
  • Hidden dwellings – Fairies are said to live in hidden places, such as deep in the woods, underground, or in hollow trees.
  • Long lives – Fairies are often said to have very long lives, sometimes even immortality.
  • Variety of appearances – There are many different types of fairies in folklore and mythology, each with their own unique appearance and characteristics.